1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 留学生先に着いたら最初にやる事
2021-12-16 10:25


Nice advice

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Good day. Good day.
Good sunny day. Yeah. Warm. Yeah. Sunny. Yeah.
Windy. Little bit windy. Little bit.
I feel really like comfortable today. Yeah, it's good. It's really good.
Okay, I'm gonna do it. Yeah.
Watch me. No, that's chill.
It's some soup for this. Right, right, right.
The chill vibe will help me. Yeah. Alright, let's go.
So I kind of feel really comfortable with this. Right. Got it.
Let's do this. Yeah.
Sitting in the couch. Yep.
Okay. Having a really good time with you. Yep. That's really nice.
Let's get the ad in here. Yeah, of course. Here you go.
Seeing all this. Okay. Come on, man. Alright.
I don't know if Spotify will be happy with this. You know?
You know how they want us to put it at the very beginning?
Of course. We're supposed to put it at the very beginning?
It's already been like a minute now.
So, you know. Alright.
I have to stop this. Yeah, yeah. You actually do.
Okay, go ahead.
But I'm gonna do it really smoothly. Yeah. So listen. Yeah.
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Yeah, I stuttered a little bit. Close. Just once.
But that was smooth. Yep, that was a smoother one. Yeah.
That was a more smoother one, I guess.
Getting better.
That was the most important.
This is from...
This is from Nanase-san.
Nanase-san! Thank you. Thank you, Nanase-san.
Hello, Kimi-san, Yama-chan. Hello.
I have a message for you two.
I'm a fourth grader.
I'm planning to study abroad for a year in Canada from the end of January.
I'm currently taking a leave of absence.
I want to improve my sense of self-esteem.
I want to get to know people from all over the world.
That's why I decided to study abroad.
I'm happy that I was able to go after the 3-day quarantine.
But I'm also very worried.
Have you two prepared anything for the new semester?
I'd like to know more about what I want my students to know.
For example, what I want to say in a word.
What I can bring to them.
I'd like to know more about those things.
I'm looking forward to posting on Instagram and YouTube.
Thank you. Thank you, Nanase-san.
Thank you.
Any advice, Yama-chan?
Studying abroad for a year.
That's a good question.
Be open-minded.
Talk to anybody.
Even if they laugh at you.
Try to talk.
And try to make mistakes.
I think that's the most important thing.
If you're in...
Do you go to different countries?
Especially if you can't speak that language that much.
Try to make mistakes.
I've never really had to push myself.
Because I actually loved Japan.
And wanted to go here as soon as possible.
So I didn't really have to...
I wasn't really that nervous for it.
I was more excited for it.
But I think in this situation, your situation would resonate more with her.
Yeah, because it's Ryugaku.
Right, mine wasn't a Ryugaku.
It was just changing the place where I live.
A lot of my friends have done Ryugakus.
They say that...
I don't know where she's going.
But if it's a school where there's a lot of Asian...
Japanese communities there.
If you stick with the Japanese community, you'll be with them forever.
And you'll never really get to communicate with the local.
With the...
Where she's from, Canada.
The local kids.
If you want to really get into culture, try to stay away from your safety zone.
And put yourself in that uncomfortable zone.
Which then really opens the doors for more experience, I guess.
And I can easily imagine to prepare yourself as tough skin for a lot of tough times.
You might not be able to communicate in the way you wanted to.
You might not have that much fun maybe.
It may not turn out the way that you wanted it to.
But that's all part of the package.
That's all...
Everything is a...
The whole thing is an experience.
And like...
I feel like everyone benefited from...
The experience you get from it, I think everyone benefits from it.
Even if it is tough during that time.
But, you know, I've never...
I've never done a Ryugaku, so I can't speak completely speak for that.
That's really my imagination.
Yeah, but I do agree with you.
It's just getting out from your comfort zone.
And get into uncomfortable zone.
When I was in France, I tried to not communicate with my family in Japan.
Like friends in Japan.
I cut everything off and tried to live as a French guy.
Born in that family.
How did that work out?
Because I think that there is no way to escape.
Makes me like...
I need to step forward and get into it.
Take action.
Yeah, take action.
That was important.
Because if I can text to anybody, we can text to anybody.
So, you know...
If you're in Canada or France or wherever, you can stay in your room and chatting to Japanese friends.
You can spend whole year.
But that's not something you should do.
That's true.
If there's like an event, would you recommend her to go?
Of course.
If there's a party or something.
Even if she doesn't have any friends.
Just go there and dance or whatever.
Speak or sing.
Do anything you can do.
So, do you think that...
Okay, so first day.
Any advice?
First day of school.
I guess there's a teacher introduce you to the class buddy.
And so...
You get a class buddy.
Oh, okay.
I had...
You had a class buddy.
And they were kind of homeroom thing in France.
So, just prepare for that.
Got it.
Have a good, you know, self-introducing time.
That's one important thing.
Do you have to make them laugh?
Or do you just have to look nice?
Look nice.
Just be kind.
Be kind and look...
Be positive.
Yeah, be positive.
Look cute.
You know, you don't have to be like good.
Got it.
You don't have to be like cool.
You don't need to act cool.
Don't one-up everybody.
Just be nice and be cute.
It's more important.
Got it.
Got it.
Make everyone think that you are not an enemy, you know?
Not cute as in like makeup cute, right?
No, no, no.
Cute as in like...
Like, you know...
Right, right, right, right.
You know, how should I say this?
You know...
Make everyone want to treat you...
Be likeable.
Be as likeable as possible.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Got it.
And after that, go to every single people you meet and start speaking to them.
Hi, I'm...
Nantara Kanjara from Japan and I don't speak French but I just want to be like friend to
you with you and you know those things.
I feel like that's really difficult.
That is difficult.
Where you need a lot of courage.
This is difficult.
Like because they might reject you, right?
Yeah, of course.
And sometimes they reject you.
Like I don't want to get close to you.
Like I don't want to like have to do anything with you.
I don't want to be your friend.
You might get that, right?
That's scary.
That's scary but that's necessary.
That's necessary.
That's something you have to, you know, pass through.
That's one of the challenges you have to pass.
And then you will meet some, you know, really kind guys and girls someday.
But it's an adventure.
All right.
7 minutes.
All right.
Wish you the...
Really great one year in Canada.
Wish you luck.
Next month.
All right.
Wish you well.
Good luck.

