1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん、フランス留学での..
2021-11-08 12:15



welcome to Kevin's in this room podcast very welcome you are very welcomed as
always thank you for visiting the place and we are so grateful for coming here
yes thank you so much thank you thank you
this program is brought to you by kimi no koi wo todokeyo anchor yes anchor is
an app that we actually use to create and distribute the podcast yep anyone
can use it it's got all the features you need to start up your own podcast show
you can download it free on App Store or Google Play so please check that out if
you're interested yes yeah and also through the anchor you can send us some
voice messages yes it can it's the most important part of this application right
I don't know I don't know about the most important though but you can actually
you can that's the most important feature of this application mm-hmm yeah I
don't know about the most important again but you can I some people actually
sent us yeah audio message yeah right audio topics yeah I think three or four
times we've done it so it's pretty good yeah and no one's done it after like
yeah it just disappeared it's no one's doing it anymore yeah we need to say
that yeah yeah yeah your voice is gonna be in the show yeah so if you're okay
with that yeah you have to make your voice up yeah
mmm-hmm yeah yeah this is from oh dango-chan oh dango-chan thank you
she's a show got go go name say no okay oh dango-chan this cool thank you thank
you so um a so cute
konnichiwa konnichiwa konnichiwa
That's cute!
So cute!
Thank you!
Hello, Mr. Ango!
So the questions were...
Do you remember the first time?
Not the first time, but the moment you were like...
"I'm going to school in France!"
Oh, when I...
I guess the question is...
When you decide to go, right?
The moment you decided to go.
Do you remember?
Not really.
Not really?
It didn't have like a single moment of like...
"I'm going to Japan!"
It just built up inside me.
Well, actually me too.
I've been doing this activity called
Hippo-Lex Hippo.
And there are so many...
Who goes to the...
other countries like I did.
So I saw them.
And kind of like...
"Oh, they are so cool!"
Those things happen like every year.
So I kind of decided...
to try it like...
year after year.
So it wasn't that sudden.
Like one moment I decided...
But I remember when I wrote...
This is an actual paper.
You need to write and put it...
to the organization.
I remember when I wrote the paper.
With my friend actually.
We were like...
We were like pushing each other.
And... "Yeah, you wrote it! You write it!"
"Oh, you write first!"
"Oh, you write first!"
And yeah.
Because we were like...
you know, courage enough.
Is that like a goal that you have to set?
Is that like a goal you have to set?
To turn into your...
Oh, you mean the application form to go abroad?
Yeah, yeah.
When I decided to go and you need to...
write, make paper and put it in that...
Yeah, as an application form.
Yeah, yeah.
That moment you were nervous?
Yeah, a little bit.
Very much, I mean.
Because you...
You chose France because it's just a...
I always say furthest.
But it's actually wrong. It's furthest.
It's the furthest...
furthest from Japan.
Like the language, culture and everything.
It must have been nervous.
But, you know,
exciting at the same time.
But scary most of the time.
My heart was like scary.
Scary as in what?
Like you might die kind of scary?
Or will people accept me kind of scary?
Yeah, yeah.
Because I know the country.
And you know, this is not like dangerous country.
You know?
It's simply like far and...
not knowing anything.
So scary.
The moment I...
It built up inside me.
Me wanting to go to Japan.
So I only had excitement.
Applying for the schools.
That was only excitement.
It was only like hope,
dream, that stuff. I could go to Japan.
Yay, right?
Right, because you knew the place actually.
Yes, I know the culture.
I've been there several times.
Lived there too before.
So yeah, I wanted to go back there.
The moment that I was most nervous
was like 2 or 3 days before
the first day of school.
It was just, oh my god.
You know, I gotta fit in.
We might gotta make friends.
Like, I don't know
the tactics of making friends.
I don't know the Kyoryukans.
Right? Everything.
I knew it, but like...
I wasn't sharp enough.
Yeah, of course.
And that's different between Japan and the United States.
So I was
very nervous there.
But, yeah, I was okay.
It was fun.
It was fun?
The excitement was more.
And, yeah.
The similar people with similar backgrounds.
Like the Kikoku Shijo people
that entered school. I made friends with them.
And then, yeah.
And then the circle group from there.
And, yeah.
And all happened.
Yeah, it's nice.
I remember when I went to the school
at the first day.
I was so nervous.
And I had to take
like, school bus
from my town to the high school.
And I didn't know which was
the right bus.
Because there are so many
buses that go to the different schools.
So I had to pick the right bus.
My host mother told me
that the green one.
The green one!
That's not helpful at all!
The green one!
Oh my god!
I was like, "There's some blue-green bus
or red-green bus in line."
Wait, is this the right one?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Is there going to be a more greener one
coming after this?
I was like,
"This one? This one?"
I asked the
driver, chauffeur,
to ask if this is
the right bus or not.
Yeah, I finally
found the one.
So you found the right one.
I found the right one and went to the school.
But that was so
so scary.
Is there anything
that's probably going to be in the next episode?
Any first day
things that happen?
Of course.
When I first arrived
in France, it was
Cannes. And I had to go to the school.
When I went to the school, my mother
took me on her bike.
That was fine.
But after that, I had to go back
to my house by myself.
I took a bus.
But I took the wrong bus.
A very wrong bus.
And I went to the
opposite side of the city.
And it took me like
3 hours to get back to my house.
And I was completely alone.
There was no one.
I mean, I couldn't speak French at all.
I was sitting
in the bus waiting for the
bus station name.
But of course,
it's a completely different one.
I was sitting
for a long long time.
We arrived at the terminal.
And the bus driver says
"This is the terminal."
I don't know the place at all.
And I go to the bus driver.
I want to go
to bad friends.
And say this is the place I want to go.
And he was like
"It's really far from here."
And he
brings me to the right bus.
And tells the bus driver
to tell me
to get off
this station and change
buses at this station.
And everything.
He was so kind.
The next driver was so kind.
He told me to get off here and change
that one.
That's kind.
That's really nice.
That was a big adventure.
Yeah, it must have been.
I was lost.
You must have been like frightened.
And my host mother was so
like panicked.
She's not coming home.
When I returned to my house
they were like "Oh!"
"You're back!"
"You're alive!"
Thanks for listening guys. Bye bye.

