1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 幼少期の憧れてた職業
2021-05-16 12:11



welcome to Kevin's in this room podcast
how you guys doing?
all right I've got a message from Nauska-san
or actually it was you
oh yeah
it was yeah it was in my DM
yeah right
but I'm gonna read it
so there's several topics right
the first one
it's from Nauska-san
thank you Nauska-san
I'm sending you a request for the first time
thank you
yeah it actually was the first time
I'm feeling like we've been talking
for a long time
she sent us DMs and comments and stuff like that
and gifts
yeah exactly
but the podcast request, first time
but she's been listening to our podcast ever since
like all of our episodes
thank you Nauska-san
thank you
the topic is "I want you to talk about the past"
and the next sentence is just my comment
I don't need it
I'm gonna read this shit
yeah yeah
so the first one
"What was your dream when you were little? What did you want to be when you grew up?"
and she's saying
this is the comment right? okay
"I wanted to be the lady who had the last rope in the Disneyland parade"
someone's holding a rope at the end?
for what?
for Disneyland
I mean you know
when parades go on
people can't cross the road
yeah yeah right
so after the rope you can
she wanted to be the rope person?
at the end of the parade
there's always one people
that's pretty funny
that was like a
I think elementary
I wanted to be a bus driver
bus driver?
yeah and bus driver
because like it's like
when the bus driver announces
like "you are"
"don't say it"
that was cool for me
everyone in the bus
would push a button
or not
depending on my announcement
that element seemed really cool
like my
my announcement
would make everybody take action
right? and like
like me
driving everybody
everybody wants to get to a destination
and I'm the one taking
taking it to them
taking them to it
that kind of feeling was
that was like cool
kind of boss
yeah exactly
some kind of leader
that's why I wanted that
bus driver
maybe because you were in the United States
I was thinking about a Japanese
bus driver in Japan
like the usual
like the usual
but I did have several
experiences in Japan
so I kind of knew what
the feeling was like
so I thought it was like
school bus driver
it was a
right? yeah
and then like
when everybody has like a
when they get off
I would be like
I don't know
I don't know
no you can say it clearly
I don't know that mumbling was a little bit cool
for me like
I don't know
I don't know
I don't have enough energy
not yet
put it on top
put it on top
not yet
not yet
shut your mouth
it always happens
it always happens
that is so confusing
right? I think
charging on the bus is the most
most confusing action there is
inside a bus
am I supposed to touch the icy part
now? or do you want me to
pull that away? or when do you want me to do that?
we need more communication here
and then if I do it wrong the bus
driver gets really pissed
not yet
so that is what you wanted to do
yeah it was really cool for me
in a low
low deep right
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
you can say it clearly if you want
you don't have to be like
I don't know
I don't know
no I don't know
sometimes like
I will like
next time
next time
what was that?
no one really
no one can understand it right?
most of the bus drivers
so do you still want to drive
a huge car like bus
or huge coach
you know
but you like driving right?
I do like driving yeah I love driving
with like friends
or together in a car
yeah or alone could be enjoyable as well
I do like driving
I don't want to drive a big car
maybe because I'm just not used to it yet
it's a little bit scary
the biggest
car I've driven was the
Nitton Shoto when I moved out
of my house
and I failed
that once you know
I ran into a
like what do you call those?
not like literally but like
that sounds horrible
but like you know
what do you call those?
what do you call those?
like tunnel
the tunnel under the railroad
the height wasn't high enough
it was like
2.2 meters high and my truck was like
2.4 meters high yeah and that little
difference I bang like I
the top of my truck really like
it was a crossroad
it was like a fairly big
crossroad so like everybody like stopped
and stared at me I was so
calm I was really
calm why? I don't know
I thought like in those situations I would
panic but like I was really
really calm
I first of all I
so I crashed right
and then
I was like I took a deep breath
I took a really
deep breath I breathed that out
and then I got on my smartphone
like right
"Kotsujiko" "Nanisuru"
I googled
that and then I found the
Kiji and I was really good at reading Japanese
at that moment like all of
my brain cells
worked together to read
every single Kaji
that I didn't miss read so like
I read them all I understood
it the first time I read it
amazing right I was so
laser beam focused
first I was like check for any
I checked myself I was like okay
my bodies are fine
and then check for any incidents around
I got out of the bus and
I got out of the truck and there was a car behind
me that was crashed into my car
yeah exactly
I was like oh shit right
but like I was still very
laser focused
and you were reading your smartphone right and then I was like
yes I have somebody crashed
into my car so like yes
there is danger
someone might have been in pain
and then I checked
the safety and then
called the police ambulance if needed
right so I
went into the
I went into the car that was crashed behind me
I was like knock knock
are you okay sir?
shut up
are you in pain? are you okay sir?
what's up
because of you
I was really focused
like I was really like
like yeah zero emotions
inside but the guy was like
what are you doing?
yeah but he himself
was a little bit in panic mode
yeah he was kind of like
like really didn't know what to do
kind of kind of yeah but I was like really
calm like are you in pain?
like no
so I was like and then I left
the scene after he said that
okay so he's not in pain
okay next one on the list
call the police
and then the police take
care of the rest of the scene
yeah I was like I was like a
emotionless robot I just
executed what was on
the page right
I think I took care of that. You did a good job actually
yeah I did I did I did
not be like panicking and
shouting around
zero panic
I think I handled that pretty well
that's funny
I've never
I've had all eyes on me
from every direction
of course right because I was in the middle of the
cross section so like no one could cross
the road wow so you blocked
everybody I blocked everybody
I think I bowed to every
I think I made like a sincere bow
to the people that's been waiting
I don't have the memories
like I don't have a clear memory but I think
I bowed to everybody like
in four directions? Yeah like in four directions
like a really slow
kinda like a sorry
they blocked your way
I'm sorry kinda bowed in all directions
I think I did that
wow it's really funny
yeah so that was
that was a
huge memory of mine
so you're scared to drive
yeah I'm a little bit I'm really careful
now like I'm a little it
brings back a little bit
especially under tunnels like that
yeah I'm more careful about that
but I do like driving so
my dream was to
only I let's talk about
yours next oh next? yeah
yeah football player
that's all alright
we're done
football player it is
alright thanks for listening guys
bye bye

