1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカ版学校の七不思議👻
2020-11-06 12:34


Holidays are a mindset🎃
Welcome to Kevin's English from podcast cast cast
Yeah, okay. Can you uh, oh
Can you do this like Halloween version? Yeah, of course
Halloween version. Yeah. Yeah
Welcome to Halloween. Oh no
Welcome to Kevin's English room
Halloween version in yeah sounds like ghost. I feel like this is this this podcast will be published after Halloween
So I'm sorry about that guy. Sorry about the season. I didn't think about that
Yeah, no problem. No problem. It's okay. Yeah, but you know
Today's your Halloween guys
It's your Halloween today. It's right. It's your Halloween today, right? It's it's our Halloween today. It's our right
It's mindset. Okay, basically mindset
alright, so we've got a
Question. Okay phone. Okay through your phone talked with
Mini sound mini sound just a few minutes ago actually met that person. No, no, you're on you actually phone called
Yeah that person conversation. Okay
My phone. Okay. Thank you, mini-san. Thank you very much lovely. That was lovely. You lovely. Yeah
Okay. Yeah, we've talked about all you know each other ourselves and
Just making sure total stranger right? You're you're talking about a total stranger time. Okay
Alright, so
Got go no, no, no, no, no, no. See you. Oh
Okay, Nihon dewa toire no Hanako san. Yeah. Do you know toile no Hanako? I've heard of that before not really
I don't know the details. But yeah, okay on the cushion. Oh shows Oh God. Oh, you know, but no, I don't know about that
Interesting. Yeah. Okay. All right anyways the dead then cook. Tegina major since you more. Oh, yes, you're ne
then could you just
Right, that's a little bit
way of
Explaining things. Yeah, I don't know what that means. That means it's
Like popular in all countries all the country like in Japan is popular
Mm-hmm. Then go to Kina major fish
means that
like Rodriguez
What each row? I don't yeah. I don't understand what you're talking. I mean, uh, then
Measure means not the major league in the United States that this is a major meet major major versus minor
Right, like I mean, we're
Popular player right like like each row like I don't know
Yeah, I understand. Oh Tony's on maybe all tiny. Sorry. All right
So that means then cook taking a major sense means, you know, these guys are famous in Japan, right?
We are Japanese people all know. Yeah about them, right? Yes
So in this sentence you hold on to it and Hanako san. Yeah on Marcus no show. So gonna do
Cokuteki name a jar sense you more or this you're ne means that toilet on Hanako san
とか on a cushion show though. That is the famous players. Right? Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it
Just a watashi ga America ni sunda ita toki ni coyote ita show up. Oh, you know, Nita Yona Nana Shiki teki na sonza guy day
Josh toy ready to cuss a zuriになっている vampire
8 貯水タンクに現れる
Kind of werewolf werewolfが生徒たちの間で噂になっていました
Okay, any sign?
Well, let me explain about toy and Hanako san, yeah, yeah, okay tell me you know in I
Don't know if you know about that, but in Japanese school, especially elementary or junior high there's a
right, and there's a
Basically three koshitsu. Yes
basically, there's that okay and
Hanako san is always at that that third koshitsu
Okay, the the farthest from the the deepest one, right?
Basically, that's all
But okay, you know, it's also a scary story. Yeah, it is. Okay
So people don't want to enter that third one because there is Hanako san. Oh
Okay, and I actually
Really don't like this kind of topic. Yes, because I am very
Cool about it people. So I'm not sure about the detail. Uh-huh, but
If you need Hanako san, yeah, then something evil will be happening
Okay, so if you
You yourself didn't really know what it was no
But I never entered the third koshitsu. So even I was in a really hurry
Okay, so assuming the third because she's even go into the third because you'll meet Hanako san in some way
Yeah, even if you don't realize it maybe do you is she actually gonna be there? Yeah, that's all it's pretty scary
Now I don't want to yeah, that's it. I don't do that. I don't want to be seen my yeah
Right, right like doing very vulnerable. Yeah
very vulnerable
So that's the tone of the Hanako san. Okay, no, I'm not good. No show. So guy is yeah, never even heard that
Oh, really? No, do you have music room?
Yeah, we do. We do. We do. We do we do
And do you have the pictures of the famous monkey Mozart right? Yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, I mean I I can imagine schools that do have them and at night
They move these paints
And speak and sing
That's pretty joyful
Like they sing right not like the scary one
Do it alone. Oh god. Okay. Do it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Did it?
Right, well, that's the two major school jinx. Yeah
Well in United States, I don't know if we have one I
Mean definitely the one that what was her name? Uh, mini-san mini-san gave us I think that's like
Just a little bit. I don't know what it's about. Yeah, that's like that's not like the national
Nationally known kind of Jesus. That's more like your school culture, right?
I don't never heard of that. That's really American. All right, it's just
Very scary. Yeah, you know very very scary. I don't really know any
of my school's cultural kind of jinx
No such thing like none of she gave me
Maybe it's just that I don't remember. Yeah, maybe I mean kids love these kind. Yeah topics, right?
So I they must we must have had him sure
but uh
There were rumors that a
Certain teacher was a male, right?
A female teacher. I forgot her name, but like there were rumors that she was a man. He's a male. She's a male
She's a male teacher. I don't know somewhere like that. I mean as a kid's right. Just making fun of
I don't know. Oh, well, they're okay
I remember one not so much of a Nana Shiki, but like there's this one house
That's next to our school. Uh-huh looks very old looks like a haunted house. Okay, and
Would say that if you go near you'd get kidnapped. Okay, that's about it. Right, right, but that's a
Kaidan, why Hanashi? Yeah. Yeah, but not so much of a not actually kind of like right, but
Do you have him at your school? No actually not no no
Did you like
This is not about not a sheet
But like I remembered just now that there was this friend called Moe's right moe a Z. Moe's who's my friend in the
Back when I was in US. All right, who's a Muslim guy?
I let me and him put you such a bad thing like
It's unbelievable. Okay, but um
We tried this is like criminal act
We can say that in public right, but I'm ready to get our
But it really tried yeah, it's a miss Lee, right so we haven't done it yet
All right, but our plan this is really like what American and really really like okay, but like our plan. Yeah
I was during lunch all the school teachers would gather at look the cafeteria
Okay, so me and Moe's our plan was to go to the classroom right and search for the teachers bag
Wow, right and get her credit card
Get her credit card and us as a middle schoolers did not have cell phones, right?
So how are we gonna write down the credit card numbers?
We are gonna get a paper right piece of paper and layer on top of the credit card
right and get a pencil and color it in so that
You know how credit card number has bumps of numbers, right? Yeah, right
and if you if you like
Scramble on top of your you get a credit card you put a paper on top of it and you how do you dribble?
Yeah, draw the system and then the number would come out. Yeah, so we're gonna try to record the notes by
A scribble game and I and I don't know why I didn't think just writing down the number would have been faster
That was our plan like like found numbers and then like you guys are scan that right
scan the numbers right and then like
And then we knew that there was security codes on the back. So like we go on the back Wow
And my heart and then they'd be like, oh, there's a security card, but there's no bumps. Let's write down the numbers
So the security goal we actually wrote down the number right
really smart criminal team, right, but we weren't able to accomplish that because like
My ways was the one that was gonna dribble the numbers and I was the one that's gonna be a lookout
Okay, I'm gonna stand in the door of the right room be like make sure no one's coming right and I felt somebody coming
Like that's when he stopped and then like we like try to abnormal like not suspicious and go back to the cafeteria
That was pretty funny. Well
mischievous kid, you know
Well, don't do that people hmm don't do that. That's a really really bad. Yeah, dangerous. Yeah, so ready to get arrested now
All right. So bye guys next episode is gonna be a recording from the jail. Okay. All right. Bye. Bye
Bye guys.

