1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん主催💪「2泊3日筋トレ..
2020-10-14 14:41


Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast
Bothered your
Acquaint no, no, it's okay. It's supposed to be a natural kind of background music. Thanks. Okay. Okay. Yeah, so
Yeah, we're gonna talk about you going to Guma. Yes
When did you go?
it was
Went with my friends
We were three three guys and went to one of my friends house. Oh wait John. Yeah. Yeah, okay
actually, he's living in a
Really really countryside. Oh, I heard my perfect job. Yes. I heard that's a
known as the most
Aged village, okay. Okay, Japan. Okay, and
You know, there are a tiny amount of people there's no restaurant
No place like it was completely there in the fall forest. Mm-hmm
And he's living in that town in the village. Yeah, so we went there
It wasn't actually a trip. Mm-hmm. It was a gosh, okay
It was training training training camp a training camp. Yeah. Oh you told me that yeah
the kintore training camp right it was for kin kin today and
The practice of guitar. Okay, I like it all and has say that the voice has a and singing with that. Ah
that was
the musical gosh, cool and kintore
And he thought yes, so it's a different is a separate kind of pillar
So it's not muscle training for music. It's not like that
It's a complete different training for muscle. Okay, got it. Got it. Got it. Got it
Yeah, it's a totally different pillar right muscle training and music right got it
So we were three
Actually we me and not a chance together and planning to go to that place and do this training gosh
Okay, yeah, and there was one kohai guy. Uh-huh who's staying not a chance house right now. Yeah, he was a
Invited yeah by us
He said well, let's go to the trip and he didn't know what is going on
Oh, he didn't know he thought that it was the usual trip
Uh-huh do to Guma, but it wasn't that kind of trip. Okay, so the kintore. Yeah, the musical gosh
Yeah, he didn't know that but
He was told that our schedule. Uh-huh at that in a car. Uh-huh
He was quite you know, what?
But he enjoyed that training session so uh-huh it was great good for him. Yeah a surprised
Right a blessing in disguise
maybe what a blessing in disguise body mean it means a
Blessing in disguise in disguise disguise disguise. No, no
So that what you told me before yeah, right I'm being sarcastic. Yeah. Yeah. Okay
And what happened and you know nothing happened just we just training ourselves
Like wake up in eight morning. Yes. Okay. Okay. Go ahead schedule and then you know had a breakfast together
And run 20 minutes before the training and after returning to the house. We did training like coming up and
had a barbecue lunch together, uh-huh and
After that we practiced the guitars
Uh-huh, and then a singing and do some jam session together and had a dinner dinner
Uh-huh, and a little bit training again. Yeah and sleep
That was so much fun days to me yeah, I can imagine you enjoying that trip
That was so fun. I can imagine that I
Mean it's a it's more of a a guy kind of thing. It's more of like a
Nani, it's more of like a
Yeah, like I feel like
if I were to there I would enjoy in a way like doing this with my
Friends. Yeah, that's the fun part, right? Not the actual King. Don't like did you enjoy the King?
Don't you enjoy the King? Don't yeah. Yeah, I
Would enjoy the friendship part of that right doing this this funny right this unbelievable. Yeah
Going to weird camp, right with my friends
Enjoyed that the training itself. So who came up with the idea me you yeah, why?
Tell me how that started. Oh, yeah, it just came out naturally you wanted to go to camp
Yeah that did like muscle training. Yeah and
musical training, yeah
the that
Is that natural? Well, I mean you don't have to do a camp
Yeah, right
But you can you can do the count you can do it can write and you can spit spend a whole day to do that
Anything else any distraction?
Okay, super cool. I'm I'm glad enjoyed. I hope I hope the other guys enjoyed it, too. I really do. I yeah
You know, I felt nervous, you know when you said that you're the one that started the idea. I was like, okay
Are they on the same net level? Yeah, I hope they are. Yeah, they are
Okay, I hope so. Yeah
But you know, we enjoyed
So much actually, I think it's true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you did. Yeah
Yeah, and we went to own sale at the last last day
And right, right we talked about anything and they they said oh that was good day. That was a shuku. Yeah
Good and but you know, no one told me that I that they want to do that again
But anyways, but they told me that there that was good, uh-huh. That was
Enjoyable. Mm-hmm. Good. So yeah, did you think of the training menus?
What the training schedules did you think about? Oh, actually I ordered I asked our
Kouhai, you know a bodybuilder Kouhai Kouhai do you return you with John ask him to make a special program for us?
Mm-hmm, and and he gave that to me. Yeah, so we did that. Yeah, and also
Do you know Metron mr. Sir, dr. Metron
No, no that that guy is Kintore youtuber. Oh, okay
I'm floating the training videos on YouTube. Okay, and we did training with him. Okay on with you. Yeah
It was so hard here
You should do that. Did you like wait, so how many hours of muscle training you do? Oh
on that day on a day, uh
Maybe two two two hours or three hours. Is that even effective? Yeah, like just one day of extreme
It wasn't one day
Dude I don't know was that enjoyable dude. Yeah, it was so fun for four days. Yeah of training
Really? Yeah
So four days, okay hard training. Uh-huh. Got it. Got it. You have to
Continue working on that. Yeah, I feel like it takes like about like a month or so to actually get it in your body
Right, but you know four days of hot training a little bit, you know
You can see a little bit of differences your muscle. Yeah, right. That's good
Like I feel like you're doing a lot of your your physical
Physical trainings lately. Yeah, I've been going to gym. Yeah, I have to go today too. Oh
You're enjoying that. Yeah, I do
You know, it's if I do that, I can see the result. Mm-hmm, you know, that's simple and so fun. Mm-hmm
How are you enjoying your days? Are you enjoying your everyday? You mean now? Yeah
Good good, but you don't enjoy it. Oh, no, no, I do I do I do
We've gone so much right? We've made so many transitions
Right from us doing the restaurant and now doing influencer businesses. Yeah, and who knows what?
It's gonna be in
Half a year six months, right? So
Right, that's
I've never imagined that I
Will have life like this. Yeah one year before actually
it was just one year before I I
Quitted my company. Oh, is this a year before? Yeah Wow
So many changes. Yeah
Didn't expect this. Uh-huh. I
thought I me
Doing part-time job. Uh-huh making music. Uh-huh
You know tiny tiny old apartment. Uh-huh
Didn't expect to do a physical training camp. Yeah
Well, that can't be measured but that could have been imagine yeah, okay
Yeah, I like training these days recently yeah going a lot
You can use that Metron, mr. Metron
Dr. Metron, sir. Metron. Dr. Metron. Yeah, you can find that him on YouTube. What was it in Japanese?
What in Japanese? Oh is an English guy? No, it's Japanese guy, but called Metron Metron. Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, Metron. It's METO. Oh in English. Yeah, got it. Got it. Well, he speaks English, too
Okay, I think he I don't know what
That's free so
You can do the training without any, you know
Costing you're right, right, right. So that's
Reasonable to you. That is reasonable. Yeah
All right, so that was your trip on Guma yeah, that was so so fun if you guys in
Interested in this trip. Mm-hmm. You can come with me
Like some puppy of the training days. Mmm. Yeah. All right. Let's see how many DMs we can get
Maybe hundreds of DMs will come
I'm thinking like two
But two is still good. It's a big number to me. It's a big number, right?
Yeah, yeah, you know, I'll say Guma and that that village, you know
completely nothing
You know nothing like there's nothing there's nothing there nothing there. It was completely dark when it when it's like
six or eight seven
It's completely dark. Wow. It's like, you know, you can't see like nothing at all Wow
Do you see the stars?
Not that much actually it was cloudy day. Okay, but if it was sunny day, you can see this
So many so many brightly stars. I
Want to go there but not for the camp why I mean no that's not fun
Okay, right I would rather not for what you want to go I want to go there for like
The the nighttime night time right like
Guys talk. Oh, that's fun to me like on the sand or something like that. Right, right. That's fun. Do some barbecue
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I should I want to do that. Yeah, how much does it take to get there?
What do you mean the transportation cost? Oh, wow
Saying that
That's cheap. Yeah, cuz actually there is no station near so wait and can you know?
Oh car and drive a car and I
We just go to the nearest
I mean nearest station and then it's gonna be pick us up
So it cost about one thousand and some hundred yen. That's pretty cheap. Yeah
It's not that far actually. Oh, it's not not that far. I was thinking like three or four hours
No, no, it's just just two hours from here. Oh
More three hours from here
It's just one hour and a half
Not that that far. It's not that far
Yeah, let's do the training camp together. Uh, I will make this killer for you. Not the training get man
Please not the training gap. Where do you want? I don't I don't I don't I don't maybe apps
Maybe no, I don't know. No, I don't need to do the train. Yeah, it's just
Just a barbecue and like the onsen the fun stuff, right?
The other day we talked about you being a fucking doemu
because you like I
don't think I'm if you're the kind of person who really loves the I
like training right which is
Krushy which you enjoy which leads to you being a doemu. I don't think that means doemu
We should save this for another episode. All right. All right, and close this one for now. All right. Thanks for listening guys. Bye. Bye
Maybe see you in Guma

