Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hello. Hi guys.
How's your body?
My body? After we did football training session.
Um, right.
Five days before? Yes. It was um...
Side of my toenail. Side of my toe. Okay.
It got an internal bleeding. So that hurt a little bit.
But other than that, it was just a muscle cramp the next day.
Yeah. But not a heavy one. Just a light one. Not today? Not today.
But yeah, two days later, two days after the soccer, it was all gone. Oh, right.
Yeah, so I feel like my recovery is getting fast. Yep. My body's getting stronger, I feel like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, um, I think we did pretty much
amount of, you know, supportive
activity on that day. It was kind of,
you know, the one, you know, most
toughest training session ever. Yeah, right. Yeah, true. And then you feel that, you know. True.
Fast recovery. Yeah, that's great. Right. Less damage. Yeah. So...
Right, we're getting... How about you? Did you... How do you feel? I have...
I have...kinikutsu. Still? Still.
Oh no...
Yeah, I have. See, I was in...
You know, I had a sick period. Okay, yeah. And, you know, staying all the, you know,
days on my bed. And wasn't able to, you know, move at all.
For like several days, you know, so that's why my, you know, all the muscles got weaker than ever.
Got it. So you took on a lot of damage from that in bed time. Yeah. I see. So I gotta, you know, keep this, I mean,
try to get this, you know, muscles back. True. That's true. Yeah.
I mean, I never thought that it was that much of a damage on your body. Yeah.
So how did you feel the day after the game? Game? Practice?
It must have been very severe. Yeah, like quite same to the first, you know, the very first day we did the
first training session. Uh-huh. The professional training session. Yes, yes.
Yeah, pretty much like that.
You know, everybody, every, every, you know, parts.
Especially the legs. Okay. Yeah.
But, you know, it feels good at the same time. Mm-hmm. So you love it, right? Yeah. So not that like, you know,
that makes me, you know, down or so. I'm just fine. I'm great with those. Feel happy with that. Mm-hmm. But, you know.
But I guess you, you guys, you and Matsune did like a last-minute sprint. Yeah, that was tough, right?
I mean, and you almost like puked. Yeah, I did. Right?
That must have been a
huge damage to your body, you know. I was just resting during that time.
So I didn't even. Yeah, see that was a kind of very like common thing
koukou, chugaku, bukatsu, sakka. Yeah. We have a training like for like two or three hours and then
last minutes, okay, let's just run. And then you, you, you run, run, run, run like that.
So that's what we did. Yeah. And it was kind of,
you know,
got, got me so many memories.
It was kind of nostalgic moment even. Okay. Yeah, right. So that was quite. The flashback. Yeah.
I remember so many things.
But, you know, as you can see, I was really,
see how, oh,
it was really sad to realize how
I, you know,
I am weaker than. Oh, come on, man. I was really sad. So see, I just want to, you know, train hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Fuck the, you know, right. Strength, you know. We gotta, we gotta take it positively, man.
It's our chance to rise back up again. I feel like the majority of the
27, 8 year olds are at
our level like or even lower, right? Because they go to, they go to work and they just. Yeah.
Many don't even go to the gym, right? So like, we're rising up here, man.
Yeah, yeah. We're just, we're, we're rising up. True, true. Yeah. Yeah. So that was really good for me to,
you know,
realize how, you know, my level of, you know,
athletic, you know. Right. Ability. Yes. I agree. I agree. Yeah.
Are you,
okay, are you interested in raising the frequency of when we're doing this? Yeah. Like, we're doing it like once a month, right?
Maybe double it? Yeah. Twice a month?
Sounds great. How, how are you feeling with that? I would love to do that. Okay. Yeah.
Let's do that.
Okay. Yeah. Okay, I'm up for it. Okay. I'm actually trying to do this every week. Every week. Okay. Oh, that's
But for us, let's do it. You want to do once a week? Yeah. Sorry, uh,
every, every, every other week? Yeah. See, I actually, you know, try to go to the gym.
at least
three times a week.
All right. I mean, I try to. You try to, right? Right. In reality, like once a week or something like that.
Right. Yeah. So, think about that. It's just, you know, switching that time into like,
okay, soccer, football training session.
and feels much, you know, playing outside with friends makes me feel much more like fun and happy. Okay.
So, yeah, I'd love to. All right. Yeah. We can, we can start off by trying. Yeah, trying that. Yeah, of course.
See how our body likes it. Yeah. Yeah.
Maybe it will be too tough for you. Yeah, maybe, right? It's possible. Yeah.
Right. Yeah. Right.
Yeah. Yeah. I really, um, how was the training session? We did a kind of, um,
not like just kicking the balls, but, uh, did some,
right, tactical practices. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, I loved it. I loved it.
I mean, the thing about soccer, think about basketball, volleyball, these team sports is that you can do team plays.
Yeah. Whereas, like tennis, like what I've been doing,
it's just the solo plays, right? Even if you do doubles, it's not much of a team play. It's more,
it's more like whoever can get the ball. So, like, yeah, yeah.
Soccer is just more like, very, very tactical. Yeah. I've never,
I've never been trained of it.
You know, tactical movements. Yeah, like the timing and, uh, yeah, that was really
a new, new world for me. Right.
And I feel like if we put that, like what I really want to do is if we continue on practicing tactical ones,
I really want to put it into like game, like live action,
matches and see how we are able to, you know, yeah, how we can perform. Yeah, during under pressure, right?
That's true. So, it will be much more, you know, fun. Right. Yeah, right, right, right, right.
Yeah, yeah, it's gotta be fun. Yeah, right. Yeah, okay.
So, um.
How about like, how about like,
is there,
like what Matsune is doing, he's going, he's signing up for
tournaments, right, that you can, is that like,
I didn't really hear from him specifically in details of what it was, but is that something that
are you, okay, okay, so if us two, let's say that me, you and Matsune, right, us three,
we're not a team yet because we don't have enough members, right? Right, so. If we go into like the tournament kind of thing,
is it likely that we're teamed up with other individuals to make a team? Yes.
Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Yeah. Got it. Got it. We can do, you know, we can't
join with only three members. Got it. Got it. So, if, okay, so it's
best that we gather other friends. Yeah, right, at least like six, I guess. Got it. So that, I understand.
Yeah, so if you have six members, then we can join to that, like those kind of tournament as a team, one team. I see.
So. Got it. That's better.
But be careful if we are six, that means we don't have any replacement.
Oh, okay, so we're gonna have to go there full time. Really tough.
See, I just feel like, yeah,
that training we did, that was so tough for me. Yeah. And we didn't even have enemies, right?
We didn't even have that much of a, right, so
I'm a little bit scared of how much energy consuming an actual live match will be.
But also the same time excited for it. Yeah.
All right.
Okay. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.