Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
https://www.LetsMasterEnglish.com0213 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to PIPE DOWN
Today’s expression and dialog: pipe down You’d better pipe down. Why? Dad just got home. He’s got a headache. Oh. Thanks for telling me^^ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0212 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—What's all the racket?
Today’s expression and dialog: What’s all the racket? What’s all the racket? Construction. Again? They’re tearing down the building next door. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0211 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—not nearly enough
Today’s expression and dialog: Not nearly enough… I love you, honey. Really? Then give me a foot rub. Gross. I don’t like feet. You don’t love me nearly enough. Shoulders? No! My aching, stinking feet. NOW! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0210 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— I even (plus VERB)
Today’s expression and dialog: I even (+ verb) You really love to cook, don’t you? Yes! I even love to wash dishes. You’re crazy! You’re lazy! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0209 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to have a HANKERING FOR something
Today’s expression and dialog: to have a hankering for donuts. What do you want for dinner? Well, I have a hankering for donuts. Donuts! They’re for breakfast. So! I want a jelly-filled donut! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0208 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to flake out
Today’s expression and dialog: to flake out Where’s Jim? He flaked out again. What? We need him. He always does this. He’s unreliable. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0207 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—frazzled
Today’s expression and dialog: frazzled You look frazzled. It’s the city life. I feel boxed in. What are you gonna do? I’m looking into moving to the country. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0206 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to hunker down
Today’s expression and dialog: to hunker down What are you up to? I’m hunkering down for finals! How many you got? 5. And a paper, too. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0205 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—classic VS classical
Today’s expression and dialog: classic and classical I love classical music, man. Me, too. Mozart is divine. No, I mean Rush, Queen, AC/DC! Oh, you mean classic music, then. Classic rock to be more specific. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0204 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—CONtent or conTENT?!
Today’s expression and dialog: CONtent or conTENT? How do you like the content? I’m not content. What’s wrong? It’s lacking. There needs to be more. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0203 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—may be OR maybe
Today’s expression and dialog: may be OR maybe I hope you’re not busy next May, Bea. You may be pregnant. May be pregnant? Maybe. How??? Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0202 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—even (two usages)
Today’s expression and dialog: even (two usages) This road is even nicer. Nicer than the road before? Yes! It’s so smooth. You’re right. It is very even. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0201 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—swagger
Today’s expression and dialog: Swagger Look at that guy swagger. He must think he’s so hot. Pfft. He’s bald! Oh my god!!! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0200 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I'm looking into ~ing
Today’s expression and dialog: I’m looking into ~ing What are you searching for? I’m looking into buying a juicer. Good for you! Trying to be healthier? I’m trying! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0199 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— A trumps B
Today’s expression and dialog: A trumps B I need to study. Be quiet. The living room is not a good place to study. Says who? Environment trumps willpower. Go to the library. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0198 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—willpower
Today’s expression and dialog: Willpower You quit smoking? Yeah! 2 months now. Wow! That’s great. How’d you do it? Willpower. 100% willpower. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0197 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—TRIP vs TRAVEL vs JOURNEY
Today’s expression and dialog: trip VS travel VS journey Do you like to travel? Not really. I prefer short trips. So you’ve never been overseas? Never. I haven’t even seen the ocean! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: https://letsmasterenglish.leadpages.net/pirf/ (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) www.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish
0196 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to PUT somebody ON (2 meanings!)
Today’s expression and dialog: to put someone on… I might put somebody on at the office. What about my brother John. Are you putting me on? What? He’s smart. Maybe, but he’s gotten fired from every job he’s ever had! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0195 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—My ~~~ is not up to task!
Today’s expression and dialog: My ~ is not up to task. Jacques, I want you to translate this into French. What? But my French is not up to the task. What?! You’re French! Oh, I mean, my English is not up to the task!! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
0194 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—You might as well...
Today’s expression and dialog: We might as well do ~~ What should we eat tonight? I don’t know… Hmm… We might as well eat hamburgers. Yeah. Might as well. We're Americans… Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️
ポッドキャストプラットフォーム「LISTEN」や、GPSトラッキングサービス「IBUKI」、物件メディア「物件ファン」、京都の宿とコワーキング施設「UNKNOWN KYOTO」を運営する近藤淳也(jkondo)が、朝の散歩をしたりしながら、日々の出来事や考えたことを語ります。
@narumi のつぶやき
声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中 https://forms.gle/mFNwFusdE6eszbMU6
株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: https://ond-inc.com/ . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: https://unknown.kyoto/ . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます! https://listen.style/p/unknownradio
英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 https://forms.gle/ALs6fH5VdaZq6niG7 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom