Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Coach Shane 1142 Episodes

Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.

0442 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to leg it

0442 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to leg it

Aug 4, 2015 05:20

Today’s expression and dialog: to leg it   How are you getting to the game?   I’ll leg it.   It’s 3 miles! So? The weather’s perfect for a nice walk.   I missed you all!!! I was very sick--I had a "kidney stone" and it was causing me GREAT pain...but I'm almost back to 100%! It was a terrible thing and I hope NONE of you EVER have to experience a kidney stone.   Today's expression is a fun one...it's an expression that shows you are TOUGH!! Are you tough? Prove it^^   Have a super week and I'll do my best to be "kidney-stone-free" for the rest of my life!!!     Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0441 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a hodgepodge

0441 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a hodgepodge

Jul 22, 2015 07:35

Today’s expression and dialog: a hodgepodge   Mm! Something smells good.   It’s just a hodgepodge of leftovers.   Is it ready? I’m starving. In about 30 minutes.   If you were to see my music collection...you would probably say "What in the world is this?!!"   You would find American rock and roll, country, punk, jazz, soul, rap. You'd find classical music. There would be lots of foreign music, too--Korean, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Mexican (yes, it's different from Spanish music!), Ghanaian, Arabic, Indian. I've even got music from Australia and Ireland! And Indonesia. It's a VERY "messy mixture" of great music from everywhere. And I like it all! It's all MINE!!! But what is a good word that we could use that would describe my music collection? Well, you'll learn that in today's podcast!  Have a super week,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0440 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—midnight snack

0440 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—midnight snack

Jul 16, 2015 09:07

Today’s expression and dialog: midnight snack   What are you doing?   Hiding the leftover steak.   Why? I want it for my midnight snack tonight. Don’t tell dad.  When you go to sleep do you wake up? Or are you a heavy sleeper. Me--I'm a heavy sleeper. NOTHING wakes me up. Storms, sirens, fights, screaming cats...nothing. But my dad--he's different.   A secret: my dad wakes up in the middle of the night because...he gets HUNGRY!!! He wakes up to eat!! Actually, a lot of people do this. Now my dad does not eat a meal...he only eats ice cream or cookies or cake! And we have a great expression for this STRANGE behavior--I'll teach you that in today's podcast!   Sleep well! Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0439 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—leftovers

0439 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—leftovers

Jul 15, 2015 05:57

Today’s expression and dialog: leftovers   You want me to throw this out?   No. Put it in the fridge.   Who’s gonna eat leftovers? I will!   Do you like pizza? I do! But, when I make a pizza OR when I buy a pizza, I always make an extra one. Why? Because I'm a pig? Because I eat pizza like monkeys eat bananas? No!! Because I like to eat fresh pizza...but I REALLY like to eat day-old pizza. Even two-day-old pizza! And, not only pizza, other foods, too! I LOVE food that has been cooked, served and then put in the refrigerator and THEN served AGAIN!! What do you call that kind of food? I'll tell you in today's podcast!    Have a SUPER day!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0438 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—great shot

0438 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—great shot

Jul 14, 2015 06:46

Today’s expression and dialog: great shot   Check out this picture.   Wow! Who took it?   I did. Really? Great shot!   A very common expression in sports--sports that involve GOALS or BASKETS or hitting a TARGET--is "Great shot!" It means that the player/athlete "kicked the ball" perfectly into the target. But...even NON-ATHLETES can use this expression...IF they have a camera!   Nowadays it seems that everyone has a camera on their cellphone, and they use it! And sometimes the pictures people take are UNBELIEVABLE! They're great. They're...great shots!! Please share you "great shots" with me and I will share them with our ENTIRE community!   Have a super week,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0437 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to scoff at

0437 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to scoff at

Jul 13, 2015 05:46

Today’s expression and dialog: to scoff at   What do you think of my new suit?   Tsk!   Don’t scoff at this! It cost $500! What? It looks like it’s from the dollar store!   Today we have a great expression that you can use if someone THINKS what you said was silly or stupid or ridiculous!    Believe it or not, sometimes I say stupid things! I know, you probably think I'm nearly perfect. That I have an IQ of around 150. That leaders around the world seek my advice on Policies for Peace. That I am the English coach for movie and rock stars ALL OVER THE WORLD. That Hollywood studios are constantly calling me begging me to act in their latest films.   Well, yes, those things MIGHT be true...but really, I'm just a regular guy. Just like you. No different than you.      If you thought ANY of the things I mentioned were stupid, listen to today's podcast!   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0436 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to tank

0436 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to tank

Jul 13, 2015 06:44

Today’s expression and dialog: to tank   Hey! How’s your English studying going?   Ugh~ My motivation has tanked.   Why? Keep going! But sometimes it’s so hard. I don’t think I’m progressing~   When you are studying English, I hope you NEVER "tank".   Yes!! We can use "tank" as a verb! Find out how to use this excellent daily English expression in today's podcast! The new week is about to start, so you DEFINITELY need to take care of yourself so you do not TANK!!!   Happy Sunday!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0435 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I got a beef with you.

0435 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I got a beef with you.

Jul 11, 2015 04:50

Today’s expression and dialog: I got a beef with you.   Hey! I’ve got a beef with you.   What? What did I do?   You used my cell phone without asking. Oh, hey, man! Sorry about that. It was an emergency~   Sometimes people do stupid things. And sometimes those stupid things make us really mad.   I was playing my favorite CD and my friend asked if he could borrow it. I told him that it was my favorite CD. He said, "Just for a few days. I'll return it next week."   I finally said okay. The next week came...nothing. Two weeks. Nothing. I called him. "Hey! Where's my CD?" "Oh, Shane! Sorry. I'll get it back to you. Don't worry! It's really great!" After two more weeks I finally went to HIS HOUSE!    I was really mad! If he liked the CD so much, he should have bought it! When you are REALLY mad at your friend for doing something stupid, use today's expression!   Have a NICE day,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0434 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—What is he to you?

0434 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—What is he to you?

Jul 10, 2015 11:45

Today’s expression and dialog: What is he to you?   I really hate John.   He’s not that bad.   What? What is he to you? Well, actually he’s my sister’s boyfriend.   It's FRIDAY!! I hope that you have nice plans for the weekend! Family? Friends? Work???? Me? I'm busiest on the weekends--my "rest" day is Monday!  Today's expression is ready for you! As always, I hope you do some extra "google searching" to find more examples! I'd love to hear/read them! At the end of today's podcast I tell you about our FREE audio book club. We'd love to have you join us!  Have a super day! TGIF!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to parmyproductions@gmail.com Or you can go here: www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0433 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to do my darndest

0433 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to do my darndest

Jul 9, 2015 06:16

Today’s expression and dialog: do my darndest   How’d Timmy do yesterday?   He struck out the one time he was at bat.   Aw. That’s too bad. I know. He did his darndest, though!   If you REALLY want to do it, you can. If you REALLY want to be the best, you can! If you REALLY believe it, it'll come true!!!   Nope. Not true for most people. It's NOT!!!! Don't be mad at me~~ There is ALWAYS someone better. Always.    HOWEVER, we need to know, it is NOT winning, it's HOW YOU PLAY. It's not being first, it's doing your best. If you really do your best, if you consistently do your best, if you really want to do your best...then no one will be better than you. YOU did your best. You are not HIM or HER. You are YOU. Do your best, and you ARE the best.    Life is simple. Make life the best that you can make it. That's all. Enjoy today's expression^^     Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0432 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to give props to someone

0432 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to give props to someone

Jul 8, 2015 05:20

Today’s expression and dialog: to give props to someone     I really love your newsletter.   It’s great, isn’t it?        Yes! It’s looks good. It’s easy to read! It’s perfect. I gotta give props to Parmy! He did it all!   Sometimes people say THANK YOU to us, but we do not deserve it. For example, I brought a cake over to the neighbor yesterday. The neighbor, an 80 year old grandmother, was SO happy. She said "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"  And I said, "You're welcome!" And then I went home. An hour later my mother called me. She asked, "Did you give the cake to your neighbor?" Yes, mom. Did she like it. Yes, mom. Did you tell her I made it? No, mom! SHANE!!! You are SO bad!! You need to GIVE PROPER RESPECT to people who deserve it!!"   My mom is right. So, in today's expression, I'll teach you HOW to do that in English!   Have a super day,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to parmyproductions@gmail.com Or you can go here: www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0431 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—bossy

0431 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—bossy

Jul 7, 2015 09:47

Today’s expression and dialog: bossy   How’s your new boss?   She’s okay, but she’s…bossy!   Doesn’t leave you alone? Constantly telling us what to do!   Are you a boss? At work? In your home? At school? Among your friends?  Among your family? Online? With your kids? In each of those situations, who's the boss?   Is being the boss good or bad? If you ask me...being the boss is GREAT!! You can tell EVERYONE what to do, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it. And you NEVER have to say WHY!!!!! Right? RIght? Right?   No? Well, believe me, there are MANY people who think that is right!! So, how can we describe those people? I will tell you in today's podcast!   Enjoy your week and Let's Master English!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0430 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Go out on a limb…

0430 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Go out on a limb…

Jul 6, 2015 07:41

Today’s expression and dialog: Go out on a limb…   What’s your name?   Vladimir.   I’m gonna go out on a limb here…are you Russian? Dah!    So...WHO is my average podcast listener? This is tough to guess...   But I will try:   Age: 32-37 Sex: Male Job: Work full-time Status: Married with kids English level: High intermediate Education: College +   I know, many of you are younger and single and still students. Many of you are women. BUT...I'm guess that the person described above is my "average listener". That's who I imagine when I make me recordings. BUT...I am only assuming!! And it is DANGEROUS to ASSUME! That's why I will talk about in this podcast--please listen carefully.    ALSO, please tell me WHO YOU ARE!! I want to know WHO my "average listener" is^^   Have a super week!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0429 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—"to plug in" (NOT electricity!)

0429 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—"to plug in" (NOT electricity!)

Jul 5, 2015 05:03

Today’s expression and dialog: to plug in   I’m getting fat.   You need to plug in an hour a day of exercise.   Ugh… I’m too lazy. Then enjoy your fatness!   Do you have a busy schedule? I'm sure you do. BUT, thank you for taking the extra time to study some English with me. As you might guess, my schedule is very tight, too. But...there is always something I do my best to do...exercise. Not SUPERMAN style~ I just like hiking and/or walking. I like other kinds of exercise, too, but it's TOO hot!    So, when we have a BUSY schedule, but we really need to ADD something to our schedule, we can use today's expression. Today's expression will be easy to remember because we ALSO use it with our cell phone and our computer and pretty much every electronic thing we own!! Check it out^^   Have a great Sunday,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0428 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to cuddle

0428 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to cuddle

Jul 4, 2015 05:28

Today’s expression and dialog: to cuddle   You two seem so happy!   We are! There’s a secret.   Oh, tell me! Cuddle. The more you cuddle, the happier you are.   In today's podcast I will teach you a secret to feel happy. It's a really good secret! Actually, it's not a big secret...but it's still really important!   And I just wanted to thank you ALL for listening to my podcasts. YOU make me feel happy every day. I love reading your comments, but I know most of you are too busy to leave a message...please, just keep listening. I promise to produce at least 1000 podcasts! Then I'll probably take a break unless I can hire some people to help me out!!   Have a super weekend, Your English coach,   Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to parmyproductions@gmail.com Or you can go here: www.patreon.com/coachshane Our sponsors: www.letsmasterenglish.com Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! www.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0427Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—take cover

0427Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—take cover

Jul 3, 2015 04:32

Today’s expression and dialog: take cover   The boss is coming. Take cover.   Is he in a bad mood again?   You didn’t hear? Someone broke his coffee cup. His “Best Boss in the World” cup? Ha~~   Sometimes we do something...something not good. Or maybe we just forget to do something...something that was important for somebody else. And when that happens, that "somebody else" can get REALLY angry. At the office, you were supposed to meet with a very important client at 2pm. But...it's 4pm and you JUST REMEMBERED~~~  Your boss will KILL YOU when they find out. You promise your wife to take out the smelly garbage...but you forgot. Later you see your wife coming at you with EYES FROM THE DEVIL...you then remember the garbage~~~~    In those situations, I have the perfect expression for you^^ Be careful and have a nice Friday! TGIF!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0426 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—minute (NOT time!!)

0426 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—minute (NOT time!!)

Jul 2, 2015 05:22

Today’s expression and dialog: minute   Look at that car. If I had the money…   That’s pretty nice, huh?   What are the chances I’ll win the lottery? Minute.   What are the chances it will rain tomorrow? (Remember, I live in the desert. The average temperature in July is 41 degrees.) As you may know, my hair is falling out. What are the chances that my hair will start growing again?!! What are the chances I will live to be 122 years old? What are the chances I will be able to visit the moon? What are the chances that I will become richer than Bill Gates?   Never say never, right? Yes, that may be true...but REALISTICALLY!!! The answer to all of those questions is ZERO!! But...there is a tiny chance! So, in today's expression I will teach you the perfect word!!    Enjoy and HAPPY JULY!!   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0425 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—look no further

0425 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—look no further

Jul 1, 2015 06:10

Today’s expression and dialog: look no further   Where can I find a woman who doesn’t care about money, appearance or background?   Look no further!!   No! I’m serious!   Me, too. Mom~~~   When your boss is LOOKING FOR the perfect person for a special job, use today's expression. When that woman or man of your dreams says, "Where is the perfect match for me?", use today's expression. When Coach Shane says he's looking for someone to paint his apartment, use today's expression!!   It's a really great expression. Oh, and by the way, when I hear students say, "Where can I find English lessons that are NOT boring?" I use today's expression and then I tell them to go to my website!!   Have a fantastic day,   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0424 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—you snooze, you lose

0424 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—you snooze, you lose

Jun 30, 2015 09:02

Today’s expression and dialog: you snooze, you lose   Ugh~ Twitter's stock is up 10%.   You didn't buy?   No, I wasn't sure. You snooze, you lose!   When an opportunity comes to you, do you TAKE IT right away? Or do you think about it? Are you cautious? Do you do research? ...do you miss it?   I used to say YES to everything...that caused problems. Then I started saying NO to everything...more problems. Now, I'm doing something different...I talk about my new strategy in today's podcast. Oh, and you'll learn a REALLY EXCELLENT expression to use, too!!   Have a super week, everyone^^   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0423 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a slew of something

0423 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a slew of something

Jun 29, 2015 05:22

Today’s expression and dialog: a slew of something   What are you doing?   Watching Coach Shane's videos.   Does he have a lot? A slew!! Hundreds of videos! All free!   I don't buy fruit that often because it's kind of expensive. BUT, sometimes they have a great sale so I buy a SLEW of fruit!! Tons of fruit! If apples are on sale, I'll by 10! Grapes? 4 bunches! Bananas? 2 bunches! Blue berries? 4 packs!! Whatever is on sale, I'll buy a SLEW!!   Do you see today's expression? It's a great word! Listen to the podcast, see how you can use it, and then send me a message!!   Have a super week^^   Coach Shane   Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: Our sponsors: Click on JOIN CLASSES and get ALL the information! (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Our YouTube channel:     Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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SDGs NEWS from Japan in English / Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights on improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs from Japan.

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英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 →Kevin's English RoomのインスタのDMへ https://instagram.com/kevinsenroom ※メッセージの1行目に「Podcast宛」もしくは「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください! ※Podcast Plus宛とは:通常の「Kevin's English Room Podcast」のスピンオフ番組で「Kevin's English Room Podcast PLUS」という番組をAmazon Musicのみで配信しています。PLUS版ではより英語に関する質問を答えています。PLUS版で読んでほしいDMには1行目に「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください。 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room/掛山ケビ志郎 ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom




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London Tech Talk

London Tech Talk

Ken Wagatsuma & Yosuke Asai です。最新の技術ネタや海外転職、イギリスでの現地生活について喋ります。 https://listen.style/p/london-tech-talk?m8XPBRrT



台湾人のYunYun、学学、水水と日本人の朋(TOMO)で、脚本無しの台日お喋りラジオをPodcastやSpotifyにて配信中! 【毎週月曜と木曜の朝7時に更新中!】 【每週一和週四早上6點更新中!】 【日本語】 ・自然な中国語(台湾華語)と日本語の会話を聞いて発音や単語、文法が勉強できる! ・主に日本と台湾の文化の違いや歴史について話してます。 ・リスニングや聞き流しの言語学習にピッタリ! ・教科書に載ってない自然な言葉を勉強したい方向けです! ・特に中級者や上級者の方におすすめです。 【中文】 ・日本人和台灣人沒有腳本沒有大綱的日常對話台日Radio! ・用日文和中文(台灣華語)聊聊日本和台灣的文化差異和有趣的小歷史 ・透過日常閒聊學習語言、單字、文法、練習聽力(和吐槽) ・學習課本沒有教的自然語! ・特別推薦給中級、上級的學習者! 【English】 ・No draft, no script, just a casual chat with Japanese and Taiwanese ・The culture difference and some fun history talk ・Let's learn those slangs just like natives! ・Language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese. === LINK === 🎬 YouTube (字幕有り) 爽語NEWSのYoutube言語交換Ch. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6hVzNSCTHpGev8VNraOUng 💰月額支援FANBOX https://shuangnews.fanbox.cc/ ❤️インスタ/IG 爽語NEWS https://www.instagram.com/shuang_news/ ❤️Twitter 爽語NEWS https://twitter.com/suangyu_news 朋(TOMO) https://twitter.com/tomo_poppo 📮お問い合わせ(合作・聯繫) newsshuang@gmail.com ⭐️みんなも聞きたいテーマがあったらコメント欄に書いてね! チャンネル登録、高評価を押してくれると嬉しいです! 有想聽的主題歡迎留言給我們,也請給我們5顆星星! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn