Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Coach Shane 1142 Episodes

Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.

0601 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—...smarter than he looks...

0601 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—...smarter than he looks...

Aug 30, 2016 06:10

Today’s English expression and dialog: Smarter than he looks Why didn’t you tell your mom where you were? Because she would have worried too much! Wow! You’re smarter than you look! Thanks, dad! Let’s enjoy the game^^   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:

0600 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—honest to a fault

0600 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—honest to a fault

Aug 12, 2016 06:30

I 100% believe in telling the truth. Being honest. NOT lying. But...we must agree, sometimes the truth hurts, right? And if YOUR TRUTH hurts someone, then you need to know the expression in today's podcast. Also, I will tell you HOW TO BE TRUTHFUL without hurting people. That is some VERY valuable advice! Believe me, I have hurt a lot of people and a lot of people have hurt me...but all that pain was unnecessary! Have a super, truthful day! FRIDAY is almost here!! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: honest to a fault Jim’s so honest! He just turned in a wallet full of cash! I hate Jim.                 What? He’s a great guy. Really? He told me yesterday I was gaining weight! Well…I guess he’s just honest to a fault!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:

0599 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—drop off, drop-off, dropoff!

0599 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—drop off, drop-off, dropoff!

Aug 11, 2016 07:05

Today we have a word/phrase that can be spelled THREE different ways and have THREE different meanings! The word/phrase is REALLY useful, too! Enjoy the podcast and share it with your friends, please!! ~Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: drop off, drop-off, dropoff Drop me off over here. I dropped off Lucas here, too! It’s the best drop-off point for subway and bus users. I see. Watch your step as you get out--there’s quite a drop-off.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:

0598 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Watch your step~

0598 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Watch your step~

Aug 9, 2016 04:02

Walking can SOMETIMES be dangerous. Seriously!! There is gum on the road/sidewalk, sometimes you'll find doggy poop~ What about snow and ice...fresh concrete~ Then there are steps/stairs... What can you say if you and a friend are walking on DANGEROUS ground? Well, today's podcast has the answer! Enjoy it and laugh! And PLEASE share my podcast with your friends! Have a super week! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: watch your step Let’s hurry! I don’t want to be late. Okay! Hey, watch your step~~ Oh…gross!! Gum!!! I told you to watch your step~~   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:

0597 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Give him an inch and he'll take a mile

0597 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Give him an inch and he'll take a mile

Aug 4, 2016 05:30

It's ALMOST the end of the week and ALMOST the beginning of the Olympics in Brazil!! Even if you are not a fan of sports, lets all hope for a wonderful, safe, exciting and successful Olympics! Do you have a favorite sport? Let us know! Brazil! Congratulations and BEST WISHES!! Everyone, enjoy today's podcast! Coach Shane!     Today’s English expression and dialog: give him an inch and he’ll take a mile    Shane, can I borrow your car this weekend? Okay. But don’t go too far. Don’t worry! Thanks!! And please make sure the tank is full!! I don’t have any money. Bye~ What?!! Oh man, give him an inch and he’ll take a mile!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0596 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—the lowdown

0596 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—the lowdown

Aug 4, 2016 05:48

If you rely on information from the news or from Twitter or from Facebook--you are not getting enough information. When I buy something on Amazon, I do not only read the product description--I also search the internet for other people who bought the product. I want the important information--then I can make good decisions. That information can be described by Today's Expression!! Check out today's podcast and have a super week! Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: the lowdown   Where can I get the lowdown on Coach Shane’s classes? He’s got a webpage: That page has all the info I need? Everything.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0595 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—lock, stock and barrel

0595 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—lock, stock and barrel

Aug 1, 2016 03:32

Good MONDAY morning!! Today's podcast will teach you (remind you?!!) of a great expression that means EVERYTHING! I really like the conversation--it features a lovely, married couple. But, I'm wondering...in real life, in that situation in the conversation...how do "real" couples react? Listen and let me know!! Have a SUPER week, Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: lock, stock and barrel Did you pack everything? Lock, stock and barrel. Great. Let’s go!! Wait~ Where are the keys?   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0594 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a hollow victory

0594 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a hollow victory

Jul 29, 2016 05:52

TGIF!!! VICTORY!!! Yes, we all love victory. Any victory is good, right? Well, yeah! But...there is one type of victory that is good, but it's just not excellent. And, probably, we have all had that kind of victory~ My mom planned a picnic for the weekend. I told her, "I think it's going to rain!" She said, "No!" Well, on the weekend it rained! I won!! But...the picnic was ruined~ How can we describe THAT kind of victory?!! Check out today's podcast^^ Have a super day, Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: a hollow victory Germany killed Brazil in the World Cup. Yeah, but it was a hollow victory. How so? It was awesome! Yeah, but Brazil was without their number one player~   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0593 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—the nitty-gritty

0593 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—the nitty-gritty

Jul 28, 2016 09:55

When you want PRECISE information, you need TODAY'S EXPRESSION! Have a fantastic week, everyone. Be safe and strong! And be sure to listen to our podcasts to make your English stronger!! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: the nitty-gritty I wish Coach Shane would teach more about pronunciation. He does in DDM and PIRF. He really gets into the nitty-gritty. But I don’t have any money. Investment in knowledge pays the best interest. (Benjamin Franklin)   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0592 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a sub / to sub for…subbing for

0592 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a sub / to sub for…subbing for

Jul 26, 2016 10:22

My number one priority in my work is my students. I will always do my best to enhance their skills, to answer their questions, to push them to the next level. I do my best to ALWAYS be there seven days a week. But...there are times when I get sick. When emergencies happen. When I can NOT be there. So, fortunately, I have a team of guys who are ready to help out. And they have the same passion as I do. I'm really lucky! Thanks SO much to Miguel, Max, Santa, Clive, Matt, Leo and Arthur! They are my "TODAY'S EXPRESSION" when I really need them! Who are your "TODAY'S EXPRESSION"?!! Have a SUPER week, everyone^^ Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: a sub / to sub for…subbing for I’m heading to the mountains tomorrow. But what about your classes? I’m getting a sub. Can I do it? Please?   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0591 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Back at you!

0591 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Back at you!

Jul 24, 2016 02:59

When someone says something nice to you--when they WISH YOU good, how can we respond? Well, we can always just say "Thank you!" But it is often better to say something like, "Thanks! You, too!" or "The same to you!" In today's podcast I'll teach you another expression that you can use in casual conversations with your friends--and with me, too!! I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend with your friends and family^^ Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: Back at you! Ah~ It’s the weekend! Yes, I’m glad~ I hope you have a great time with your family. Back at you!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0590 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—jumping on the wrong bandwagon

0590 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—jumping on the wrong bandwagon

Jul 23, 2016 06:10

Today, a little bit of history behind a GREAT expression that you can use in politics and sports! You can use it in your family too!! Enjoy the podcast and ENJOY your weekend! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: jumping on the wrong bandwagon Semi-Finals t-shirts for the 2018 World Cup. 50% off! Who’s on it? Team USA!! We’re going to the Semi-Finals! The USA?! Ha!! You’re jumping on the wrong bandwagon~   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0589 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be conned into VERBing

0589 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be conned into VERBing

Jul 21, 2016 05:39

Do you trust most people? No? If yes, then you are like me. Is that a good thing? Well...it seems like it should be a good thing, but the truth is...many time we become VICTIMS to people who want to use us and take our money. It HAS happened to me several times...I still am the victim sometimes. BUT, I'm getting "better". I'm NOT so easy~ Check out today's expression and DON'T let it happen to you! Have a great day^^ Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: to be conned into VERBing Ten dollars to park? Yeah! I was conned into paying it! How so? The guy told me there was no other place to park without getting a ticket. He totally lied to me.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0588 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to tie one on

0588 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to tie one on

Jul 20, 2016 04:03

MANY of us have enjoyed a beer or two. Maybe some whiskey...tequila~ Vodka, rum, gin...wine, champagne. I still LOVE my nightly beer--one can. I really enjoy the taste! But I do remember...years ago...drinking too many beers! And the next day was VERY painful. But when I was drinking the beer--it was great...do you have a similar memory? Was it recent? In those situations, I have a great expression for you to use! Stay healthy! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: tie one on You look horrible. Well, I feel horrible. You tied one on last night, didn’t you? Oh yeah…   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0586 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—tit for tat

0586 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—tit for tat

Jul 19, 2016 05:34

Today's expression is for EVERYONE. If you are NOT guilty of today's expression, please send me a message and I will tell the world how WONDERFUL you are!! Have a super week, Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: tit for tat   The US is angry at Russia so it wants to block Russian products. Russia might just do the same. Tit for tat~ Kids~   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0587 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to have a penchant for ~

0587 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to have a penchant for ~

Jul 17, 2016 04:43

When you REALLY like something SO much that it makes you weak...you need today's expression! What are things that "make you weak"? For me...chocolate cake~ YES! Morning coffee...YES!!! Both of those make me weak...I absolutely LOVE them! And using today's podcasts is PERFECT! Have a super Sunday! ~Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog:  I have a penchant for   What’s Shane doing? He’s making homemade caramel for his coffee! Wow! He made fudge brownies the other day. He has a penchant for sweet things!!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0585 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST— man the grill

0585 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST— man the grill

Jul 13, 2016 03:55

Today we have an EXCELLENT expression summer. And for men. And for ladies, too! Actually--I have a question; are men in your country "allowed" to cook? Believe me, in some countries, men RARELY cook meals. Where I live, NO problem! Me--I love it! Enjoy today's podcast and send cooking pictures!     Today’s English expression and dialog: man the grill What’s that? Leftover hamburgers! They’re from the barbecue last night. They look perfect. Who manned the grill? Shane, of course!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0584 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to harbor a feeling

0584 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to harbor a feeling

Jul 12, 2016 06:23

We all have NEGATIVE feelings sometimes--we are human! Sometimes we hate or REALLY dislike, sometimes we feel envy, sometimes we judge people by how they look or act or talk...BUT, if we are "smart", we realize that those feelings are not usually "helpful". What is helpful is trying to find out HOW to get rid of those feelings. Sometimes, we need to keep those feelings inside. If we don't, we might start a fight...or even a war. Today's expression is about keeping those negative feelings inside! Oh, it's so hot where I am. I HATE the hot, muggy weather. I HATE it. I wish...sometimes letting out our negative feelings feels good!!! Have a COOL day, Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog:  to harbor a feeling… Look at that guy~ Oh, I have a Porsche~~ You seem to harbor a lot of hatred for rich people. No, just rich people who didn’t earn their money. How do you know how he got his money?   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0583 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—kill two birds with one stone

0583 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—kill two birds with one stone

Jul 10, 2016 04:30

I REALLY love it when I am able to solve TWO problems at ONE time! I can save time and effort! Today I actually solved 5 problems at ONE time! I prepared my next five meals at one time! I cooked five hamburgers--lunch and dinner today AND tomorrow and lunch on Monday, too!! Check out today's podcast--laugh AND learn!!   Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: kill two birds with one stone My English listening is not very good. Neither is your pronunciation! I know! What should I do? Join DDM—kill two birds with one stone.     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

0582 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—quite a few (be careful with this one!)

0582 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—quite a few (be careful with this one!)

Jul 9, 2016 06:12

You have probably heard or read the phrase "quite a few". But...do you know exactly HOW to use it? Did you know that when I say "quite a few", someone else might think differently? Check out today's podcast! And have a great weekend!! Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: quite a few How many states have you visited? Quite a few. Maybe 20. Which is your favorite? So far…Colorado was great^^   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Let’s Master English sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channel: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish




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英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 →Kevin's English RoomのインスタのDMへ https://instagram.com/kevinsenroom ※メッセージの1行目に「Podcast宛」もしくは「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください! ※Podcast Plus宛とは:通常の「Kevin's English Room Podcast」のスピンオフ番組で「Kevin's English Room Podcast PLUS」という番組をAmazon Musicのみで配信しています。PLUS版ではより英語に関する質問を答えています。PLUS版で読んでほしいDMには1行目に「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください。 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room/掛山ケビ志郎 ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom




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London Tech Talk

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