Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Coach Shane 1142 Episodes

Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.

0679 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—flimsy

0679 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—flimsy

Feb 25, 2017 07:18

AFTER I made today's podcast something happened. I was wearing a watch that I bought a few years ago--it was really cheap, but I liked it. I took the watch off and as I was taking it off, the strap BROKE! I was angry for about one minute--but then I realized--hey, it was cheap~!! I'll just get a new strap! The watch strap was TODAY'S EXPRESSION! It's a great expression--a word that you need to know^^ TGIF, have a super weekend, JOIN DDM before Monday and let's start off next week FRESH! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: flimsy A new desk? Yeah, the last one was no good. Too flimsy. Didn’t you pay a lot for it? No, it was cheap. This one is much better.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0678 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a bug zapper

0678 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a bug zapper

Feb 24, 2017 06:42

It's STILL the winter for me...but I'm fearful of the summer. Not because of the heat. Not because of tornadoes. Because of...SKEETERS. Oh, they can be SO nasty. And where I live, in the country, they can be the size of BIRDS!! WHAT is a skeeter? I'll tell you in this podcast. And I will also tell you what you can use to KILL skeeters!! Enjoy the winter, everyone, we are safe from skeeters!! Have a super day, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: a bug zapper Online shopping again? I’m looking at bug zappers! Yay! No more skeeters!! That’s what I’m hoping for^^   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0677 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—roots

0677 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—roots

Feb 23, 2017 06:17

We learn a VERY important word today--I think it's important. But, I guess, when you are between the ages of 15 and 35, you might disagree. What is this word? Why does it become more important the older you get? Well, listen and find out! And if you disagree--I'd love to hear from you!! Have a super day, everyone, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: roots You like the area? It’s nice, but I don’t wanna put my roots down here. Why not? It’s too urban. I want my kids to grow up in the country.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0676 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Raise your glass...

0676 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Raise your glass...

Feb 22, 2017 05:00

Most of you know the expression "Cheers!" right? We put our drinks (glasses) together and say CHEERS and then have a drink. We do that at parties and celebrations, right? Well...you NEED to know what comes BEFORE "Cheers!" And that's what you will learn today! Have a SUPER day! And if you are celebrating something--let me know! See you! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: raise your glass Do you want friends around the world? Yes! Do you want people to respect you and your culture? Yes! Then raise your glass to English! Communication is the answer! I’ll drink to that^^   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0675 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to LABEL someone~

0675 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to LABEL someone~

Feb 21, 2017 06:52

Today we learn a GREAT word that you NEED to think about. It's a word that we will NOT be able to avoid, but we NEED to understand the power of the word. It can be VERY powerful. It can be very good, but more often, it can be very bad. Be careful! And have a SUPER week!! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to LABEL someone~ Look at your flags! You must be a democrat. Oh, don’t label me, please. A republican? If you must label me, label me proud.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0674 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—when the rooster crows

0674 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—when the rooster crows

Feb 11, 2017 04:59

The WEEKEND is here for most of us! What are you plans? Do you wake up earlier on your OFF days? Do you wake up later? Same time? Today's expression is about waking up early...you know the expression "the early bird gets the worm", right? Well, today we learn something different. But it's just as useful--and at the end, I give you something to think about! Don't forget, on Sunday, I will have the Super Sunday Sale--a special price on one of my classes that is ONLY available on Facebook ON Sunday. I recommend grabbing that opportunity! Have a SUPER weekend, everyone, Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: when the rooster crows Wow! You’re done exercising already? Yeah! You ought to join me. Well…what time do you get up? When the rooster crows.     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0673 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—one step forward, two steps back

0673 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—one step forward, two steps back

Feb 10, 2017 05:10

When we TRY something difficult--MANY times it feels like we improve a little bit...but then we realize that we have MORE problems. We have a great expression for this situation. We use the expression at the office, at school and in our relationships. You will master this expression if you listen to today's podcast. AND, IMPORTANTLY...after the dialog, I will tell you a very important secret--a secret that I learned. It helps me go EVERY DAY. It helps me push and gain and be happy. I'll share that secret with you. Today. Free. Let's do it! Let's master our lives and be happy. Let's Master English, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: one step forward, two steps back How’s your English going? Ugh~ One step forward, two steps back. ^^ Where’d you learn that expression? Coach Shane. Well, it sounds like you’re learning a lot!     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0672 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—iffy

0672 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—iffy

Feb 9, 2017 08:49

Today’s English expression and dialog: iffy You coming over Friday? It’s iffy. Why? Work? No. Football. How big’s your TV?   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0671 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to iron out (plus pronunciation of iron!)

0671 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to iron out (plus pronunciation of iron!)

Feb 6, 2017 07:49

A DOUBLE lesson on this Monday!! Hi, everyone^^ I hope you had a nice weekend and that your week is starting off great. Today--two things. A phrasal verb that is SUPER useful at work AND at home. PLUS, a great pronunciation point. Have a great week, everyone^^ Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to iron out (plus pronunciation of iron!)   Are you busy this afternoon? No, why? Let’s iron out a few things, okay? Okay… Um, do we have problems? No. We have dress shirts.     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0670 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—this VS that VS it

0670 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—this VS that VS it

Feb 4, 2017 05:13

Sometimes the SIMPLEST words can be confusing...you know WHEN to use THIS or THAT or IT, right? Well, if you are unsure, check out the podcast--I'll make it easy for you! Have a super weekend, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: this VS that VS it     Daddy! What’s this animal? It’s a baby koala bear. And that animal? That’s a baby kangaroo!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0669 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Still~~~

0669 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—Still~~~

Feb 1, 2017 05:04

Hi everyone! Today's podcast features a word that is OVERUSED in American English...but it sometimes causes confusion in ESL students. It's really simple--so hopefully you won't be confused in the future!! Have a super week, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: Still~~~!   Telemarketers are such a pain. Still, you should be polite. But they’re rude.       STILL! At least say goodbye!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0668 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—telemarketers

0668 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—telemarketers

Jan 27, 2017 07:09

There are many BAD jobs in the world, right? Maybe you have a bad job... BUT, the worst job, in my opinion, is a job that NOT ONLY you hate, BUT ALSO other people hate you for your job!! Can you imagine going to work and trying to work with people who do NOT want to talk to you?! I feel sorry for those people...but I still don't like them! I mean, I don't like their JOB!! What is this job and what can we do? Find out in today's podcast^^ Have a LOVELY day and let's be nice to those people today! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: telemarketers Hello? … Did you just hang up? No one there? A telemarketer. I hate them. Well, don’t just hang up!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0667 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—swing and a miss

0667 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—swing and a miss

Jan 26, 2017 06:20

Did you ever try to do something--you really tried really hard--but you failed? Maybe you tried a course at school... Maybe you tried to get a job somewhere... Maybe you tried to cook something special... Maybe you tried to get a date with a woman you liked... BUT you failed. Me? I failed at each of those. And today's podcast will give you a GREAT expression you can use in each of those situations. AND, you will NOT feel bad! You won't feel like a failure! Really^^ Listen to the entire podcast and you will see why! Have a SUCCESSFUL day--or keep trying to have one! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: swing and a miss   So, how was the restaurant? Swing and a miss. Really? The staff, great. Service, good. Food, so-so. Cost, too much.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0666 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to throw a temper tantrum

0666 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to throw a temper tantrum

Jan 25, 2017 06:59

WOW...today's podcast number is SCARY!! We just talked about numbers like that in last week's LET'S MASTER ENGLISH podcast--did you listen to it? It's a great podcast--very different to this one! Anyway, today's expression is PERFECT if you want to describe badly misbehaving children...but it can be used for adults, too! Check it out and have a LOVELY day! Your English coach, Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to throw a temper tantrum Where’s your daughter? She’s with the babysitter.        You didn’t bring her to the store? No way. She always throws a temper tantrum in the candy aisle!   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0665 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—soulmate

0665 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—soulmate

Jan 24, 2017 04:10

Today's word is VERY important to everyone...but it's a personal word. You might use the word when you introduce your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend. And it's POSSIBLE to use it in other relationships, but it's best to use when you are referring to the person you LOVE. The person you want to spend the rest of your life with. We're three weeks from Valentine's Day...if you have TODAY'S EXPRESSION, start thinking of something special to do!! Have a SUPER week, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: My soulmate When are you gonna get married? I’m still waiting for my soulmate. Are you nuts? Nobody’s like you. There must be one person~~     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0664 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be full of himself

0664 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be full of himself

Jan 22, 2017 06:41

Do you like it when movie stars and singers tell you their POLITICAL thoughts? Personally, I do NOT like it. I don't care if I agree with them OR disagree, I don't want to hear about their opinions!! I know, MANY, MANY people disagree with me! That's okay~ But for me, I like "stars" because of their ability to perform. But hey...we are ALL guilty of telling other people our opinions even though other people did not ASK!! Why do we do that? Well, the answer is in Today's Expression! I'm guilty...are you? Enjoy the podcast and have a GREAT weekend! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: full of himself Are you throwing away this CD? Yeah. No more U2 for me. Why? The band’s great! But Bono’s too full of himself! He should just stick to music.     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0663 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be filled with confidence

0663 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to be filled with confidence

Jan 20, 2017 05:35

One of my GOALS in helping you all with your English--making you CONFIDENT. Building your confidence is very important when learning anything--we need to be confident. Don't be STUPID! But find your weaknesses, let me help you with them and THAT WAY you can build your confidence! Right? Yes!! Let's master English--I really mean it! Have a super day, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to be filled with confidence I need a haircut. You should go to my barber. He does a horrible job on your hair. Mine’s curly—it’s tough. It always grows back. That’s doesn’t fill me with confidence.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0662 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—an invigorating sleep

0662 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—an invigorating sleep

Jan 19, 2017 04:27

FEELING good is SUCH a great feeling! You can do everything better when you REALLY feel good. And today's expression will teach you a great adjective you can use on those MORNINGS when you really feel good!! I hope tomorrow morning you wake up FULL OF ENERGY! Have a great day, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: an invigorating sleep You look really good! Yeah! Invigorating sleep is the key! How do you get that? Exercise, diet and meditation! Try it^^   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0661 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to break someone

0661 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to break someone

Jan 12, 2017 05:37

Can I break you? Or is your WILL strong? Can I break you? Or can you keep a secret from me? Can I break you? Or are your habits too strong? Can I break you? Or are your emotions too strong? Sometimes we want to break someone, but it can be VERY tough. Has anyone ever broken you? Check out the podcast! Have a great day, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to break someone You never smile. I’m not used to showing my emotions. I’ll break you. I’ll never stop trying to make you smile. Good luck! I’m pretty tough~   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL

0660 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to draw a blank

0660 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—to draw a blank

Jan 11, 2017 05:52

Do you have a lot of ideas? If someone asks you to help them solve a problem--are you good? Are you creative? If your wife asks you something like--"Honey, if you could change something about me, what would you change?" Are you able to give her an answer? Are you able to think of things that you could tell her to change? In both situations, many times we are UNABLE to THINK of ANYTHING!! In that case, I have an excellent expression you can use! Don't forget: free lessons: www.LetsMasterEnglish.com/free Have a super day, Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: to draw a blank What are you writing? My resolutions, but I’ve drawn a blank. You have nothing to improve? I don’t think so. I think I really am perfect.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS, on our YouTube channels: Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here:   Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL




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London Tech Talk

London Tech Talk

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英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 →Kevin's English RoomのインスタのDMへ https://instagram.com/kevinsenroom ※メッセージの1行目に「Podcast宛」もしくは「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください! ※Podcast Plus宛とは:通常の「Kevin's English Room Podcast」のスピンオフ番組で「Kevin's English Room Podcast PLUS」という番組をAmazon Musicのみで配信しています。PLUS版ではより英語に関する質問を答えています。PLUS版で読んでほしいDMには1行目に「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください。 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room/掛山ケビ志郎 ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom