1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #30: Leighton, Co-Founder @ ..
2022-10-11 44:08

#30: Leighton, Co-Founder @ PoolTogether | The story behind the OG DeFi protocol which has distributed over $5 million to depositors as a reward for saving money

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PoolTogether is known as the #1 DeFi protocol that encourages saving. Depositors participate in a lottery-like process where their deposited money can win prizes. But contrary to a lottery - even if they don't win, they keep their money. The luckiest winner ever deposited $73 and won over $43k, reaching a 589X return.

How it's possible? How Leighton came up with the idea? How was PoolTogether built, how they got it secured, and how they dealt with the lawsuit? 

Here's episode #30:

What is PoolTogether, and how it encourages saving

How PoolTogether started as the result of Leighton's research on TradFi tools that make people more wealthy

How blockchain makes the premium bonds model more transparent and scalable

How PoolTogether works technically: non-custodial design, integrations with yield sources, random numbers generation, price tiering contracts

How have they acquired the first users in May 2019?

Mitigating security risks via reducing attack surface area, no oracle dependencies, non-custodial design, internal testing, bug bounties, investing over $1M in third-party auditors

How have they educated the market about PoolTogether?

The story behind Poolies that raised over $1.5M for combating the lawsuit

At what stage is the lawsuit right now

What needs to happen for PoolTogether to reach a truly global adoption

How do they take care of the community

Why crowdfunding on the blockchain might be a killer app

What Leighton would fix with his web3 magic wand

Why MakerDAO & Gearbox blew his mind

Why was Uniswap airdrop such a magical moment for Leighton

Where people can learn more about PoolTogether

Leighton's guest ideas


