1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #26: BORED, Co-Founder @ Bor..
2022-08-17 48:37

#26: BORED, Co-Founder @ Bored Box | Building a blockchain gaming community by curating NFT assets from top games and helping people discover the coolest web3 games

We welcome Twitter anon legend - Bored Elon Musk - who shares his blockchain/web3 gaming expertise and gives a backstage perspective on his new project - BoredBox.

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How Hyperloop inspired him to start a Bored Elon Musk account

How money transfers & running an anon account got him into crypto

What BoredBox is and how it was inspired by old-school gaming experiences

What’s the BoredBox business model

What’s their process that helped to protect their product from NFT flippers

How game NFTs are similar to gaming experiences from the 90s and today

How choosing the right segment of gamers helped them acquire users despite the bear market

How do they curate the right games

Why so many blockchain gaming models are not sustainable

How is blockchain gaming evolving

What’s the most significant difference between regular gaming and blockchain gaming

Why making your NFT assets like a magic sword usable in multiple games makes more sense than it seems to

How NFTs unlock new gaming business models

What are the biggest mistakes and coolest things in web3 gaming

How games have been onboarding people to new technologies

What one thing would he fix in web3

Most mind-blowing web3 projects he has seen

Where people can learn more about BoredBox

Ideas for the guests


