1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #39: Ayush Ranjan, Co-Founde..
2023-02-17 52:54

#39: Ayush Ranjan, Co-Founder & CEO @ Huddle01 | From a hackathon idea to the leading web3 audio & video communication toolkit

Huddle01 quickly became the leading web3 audio/video communication toolkit. How it all started? What helped them acquire 16k+ users? Why they're so excited about Stage 3 of their development plans? Ayush Ranjan, Co-Founder & CEO of Huddle01, shares a deep backstage perspective of their company.


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What is Huddle01, what problems does it solve, and how it started thanks to a hackathon

Why the name "Huddle01"?

Why they wanted to target the education market, and why they pivoted to a crypto-native audience

How login via MetaMask & NFT avatars helped them to acquire their first users

How token-gated meetings helped them to accelerate growth

How Pudgy Penguins use Huddle01

What was the process for developing Android & iOS apps & why was the UX challenging

How long has it taken to build web & mobile apps, and what was the process

Why they started with a Huddle01 app and now expand to SDK that helps to integrate audio/video chat in other apps and the upcoming Real-Time Communications protocol

Why is documentation the cornerstone of DevRels, and what's their approach to hackathons, rewarding devs & building micro-communities 

Why it's important to promote your own tech team among developers instead of giving the job to marketers

Why "minutes spent on meetings "is their most important metric, and what other things do they track

How Huddle01 Real-Time Communications Protocol can replace AWS & Google Cloud

Since Zoom is already facing strong competition from Google & Microsoft, how is Huddle01 planning to compete in the long run

What surprised Ayush the most during the development of Huddle01

What 4 layers of web3 projects would Ayush consider if he wasn't building Huddle01?

What are his favorite projects?

What would he fix with his web3 magic wand

Where people can learn more about Huddle01


