1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #10: Nik Kalyani, Founder & ..
2022-02-28 38:21

#10: Nik Kalyani, Founder & CEO @ Decentology | Helping web2 developers to build web3 dapps without the need to learn how to write smart contracts

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In this Episode Nik Kalyani tells us:

- What web3 can learn from web2 about composability;
- Why you don’t need to know Solidity or Rust to start building web3 dapps;
- How can we fix discoverability, monetization & security issues in web3,
- How they reach developers & build their community.

PS: Nik’s been organizing support for Ukrainian NFT artists. If you’d like to help them & collect some cool NFTs at the same time, please take a look at this list:

PS2: And if you want to support Ukraine by sending them crypto directly, here are their official wallet addresses:


