Aaron Patterson joins me to talk about Rails 4.2, AdequateRecord, Rack 2.0 and his brand new programming language. (Recorded live at RubyKaigi 2014)
Show Notes
- Rails 4.2.0 beta1: Active Job, Deliver Later, Adequate Record, Web Console
- AdequateRecord Pro: Like ActiveRecord, but more adequate
- Aaron Patterson (aka tenderlove) joins ManageIQ Team
- Rebuild: 56: Technically In Tokyo (a_matsuda)
- [ANN] Rack, Change of Maintainer & Status
- tenderlove/the_metal
- Hijack by raggi - rack/rack
- faye/faye-websocket-ruby
- HTTP Node.js
- macournoyer/thin_async
- Riding Rails: Introducing Rails Metal
- Metal for Developers - Apple Developer
- @tenderlove: Excited to work on my new language called ...