1. daily diary
  2. Speaking in English.
2025-01-21 04:15

Speaking in English.

My first charange speaking in English. First of all, I introduce myself.

Hello, good evening. This is, it's January 9th, Thursday evening.
I will, I try to record my diary in my voice.
I, this is my first challenge in English on recording for listen, listen podcast.
Well, I am not good at English, very well.
Well, first of all, I will introduce myself.
I am employee of a company, maybe huge company, huge and JT, JTC, Japanese traditional company, maybe, very traditional company.
And, I will speak that I am joining a volunteer for non-profit organization.
The organization is very active, active people gathering, gathered the organization.
The organization act many way, many style, such as grow up children,
help mothers to grow up children.
Another, it's station, so it's time for end, finish. Thank you, bye bye.

