This program is the world's first Nogizaka46 dedicated news program, delivering news primarily about Nogizaka46, including schedules and official announcements, on a daily basis. This is not a Nogizaka46 official program.
Nogizaka News March 09⊿Kaede Sato Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46⊿Kaede Satō to Graduate from Nogizaka46⊿Nogizaka46's Kaede Satō Announces Graduation⊿Kaede Satō Announces Graduation fro…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Kaede Sato Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Kaede Satō to Graduate from Nogizaka46 ⊿Nogizaka46's Kaede Satō Announces Graduation ⊿Kaede Satō Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Nogizaka46's Kaede Satō Announces Graduation ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #KaedeSatō #SatsukiSugawara #RenoNakamura #HarukaKuromi #MaoIoki #TeresaIkeda #MikuIchinose #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 08⊿Kaede Satō Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46⊿Nogizaka46 Unveils New Single 'Navel Orange' Cover Art⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Artwork for 38th Single 'Navel Orange'⊿Nagi I…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Kaede Satō Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Nogizaka46 Unveils New Single 'Navel Orange' Cover Art ⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Artwork for 38th Single 'Navel Orange' ⊿Nagi Inoue Makes Her Acting Debut in 'Spring!' ⊿Nogizaka46 Teams Up for Exciting New Chocolate Campaign ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #NagiInoue #TeresaIkeda #KaedeSatō #YūkiYoda #HarukaKuromi #YunaShibata #MayuTamura #MaoIoki #MikuIchinose #SatsukiSugawara #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 07⊿Nagi Inoue Excited for Dual Center Role in Upcoming Single⊿Shiori Kubo Reflects on Reno Nakamura's Graduation⊿Teresa Ikeda Attends Tokyo Art Fair Opening Event⊿Mai Shi…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nagi Inoue Excited for Dual Center Role in Upcoming Single ⊿Shiori Kubo Reflects on Reno Nakamura's Graduation ⊿Teresa Ikeda Attends Tokyo Art Fair Opening Event ⊿Mai Shiraishi Shares Disney Adventure on Instagram ⊿Teresa Ikeda Opens Art Fair Tokyo 19 with Ribbon Cutting ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #TeresaIkeda #HinaOkamoto #NaoYumiki #NagiInoue #MaiShiraishi #SayuriMatsumura #ShioriKubo #RenoNakamura #SayaKanagawa #MayuTamura #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 06⊿Haruka Kaki Reflects on Yūki Yoda's Farewell Concert⊿Haruka Kaki Recaps Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert⊿Mizuki Yamashita Stars in New Mystery Horror Film⊿Nagi Inoue Unv…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Haruka Kaki Reflects on Yūki Yoda's Farewell Concert ⊿Haruka Kaki Recaps Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert ⊿Mizuki Yamashita Stars in New Mystery Horror Film ⊿Nagi Inoue Unveiled First Photo Book Previews ⊿Nao Yumiki of Nogizaka46 Shares Funny Train Mishap ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #HarukaKaki #ShioriKubo #YūkiYoda #NaoYumiki #NagiInoue #MizukiYamashita #SayaKanagawa #MaoIoki #TeresaIkeda #MomokoŌzono #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 05⊿New Visuals Unveiled for Nogizaka46's Upcoming Single⊿Nogizaka46 Establishes Reporting System for Abuse⊿Nagi Inoue's 1st Photo Book Set for April Release⊿Nagi Inoue's …
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿New Visuals Unveiled for Nogizaka46's Upcoming Single ⊿Nogizaka46 Establishes Reporting System for Abuse ⊿Nagi Inoue's 1st Photo Book Set for April Release ⊿Nagi Inoue's 1st Photo Book to Release in April! ⊿Nogizaka46 Unveils New Visuals and Live Performance ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #NagiInoue #NaoYumiki #ShioriKubo #HarukaKuromi #YunaShibata #ArunoNakanishi #HarukaKaki #RunaHayashi #MiyuMatsuo #MikuIchinose #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 04⊿Nogizaka46's 38th Single 'Navel Orange' Set for Release⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Members for 38th Single⊿Nogi46 Announces Historic Dual Center for New Single⊿Nagi Inoue and …
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogizaka46's 38th Single 'Navel Orange' Set for Release ⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Members for 38th Single ⊿Nogi46 Announces Historic Dual Center for New Single ⊿Nagi Inoue and Aruno Nakanishi Lead Nogizaka's New Single ⊿Nogizaka46 Launches Reporting System for Online Abuse ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #NagiInoue #ArunoNakanishi #HarukaKuromi #YunaShibata #NaoYumiki #TeresaIkeda #MikuIchinose #HinaOkamoto #SatsukiSugawara #ShioriKubo #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 03⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Members for New Single 'Navel Orange'⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Heartfelt Moments After Graduation⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Cherished Moments from Her Graduation Con…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Members for New Single 'Navel Orange' ⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Heartfelt Moments After Graduation ⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Cherished Moments from Her Graduation Concert ⊿Shiori Kubo Reflects on Life and Lunar Connections ⊿Shiori Kubo of Nogizaka46 Opens Up About Acting Journey ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #ShioriKubo #YūkiYoda #YunaShibata #NagiInoue #KazumiTakayama #NanaseNishino #MizukiYamashita #MioYakubo #TeresaIkeda #SatsukiSugawara #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 02⊿Reno Nakamura Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Highlights Released⊿New Member Mirine Masuda Joined Nogizaka46's Summer Group⊿New Pho…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Reno Nakamura Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Highlights Released ⊿New Member Mirine Masuda Joined Nogizaka46's Summer Group ⊿New Photos and Profiles Released for Nogi46's 6th Generation ⊿Reno Nakamura Announced Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #RenoNakamura #YūkiYoda #YunaShibata #NagiInoue #SakuraKawasaki #MinamiUmezawa #MomokoŌzono #HarukaKaki #HarukaKuromi #MayuTamura #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News March 01⊿Reno Nakamura Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46⊿Nogizaka46 Introduces New Members Hinano and Yuna⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Memories from Graduation Concert⊿Yūki Yoda's 3rd …
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Reno Nakamura Announces Graduation from Nogizaka46 ⊿Nogizaka46 Introduces New Members Hinano and Yuna ⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Memories from Graduation Concert ⊿Yūki Yoda's 3rd Photo Book Tops Charts Again ⊿Nogi's Shiori Kubo Stars in Live-Action S film ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #ShioriKubo #RenoNakamura #MayuTamura #AyameTsutsui #MomokoŌzono #KaedeSatō #HarukaKaki #HarukaKuromi #NaoYumiki #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 28⊿Yūki Yoda Thanks Fans After Graduation Concert⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Celebrated in Fukuoka⊿Minami Umezawa Shares Throwback from Recent Concert⊿Minami Umeza…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Yūki Yoda Thanks Fans After Graduation Concert ⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Celebrated in Fukuoka ⊿Minami Umezawa Shares Throwback from Recent Concert ⊿Minami Umezawa Shares Yūki Yoda's Concert Moments ⊿Yūki Yoda Shares Memories from Her Graduation Concert ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #MinamiUmezawa #MomokoŌzono #ShioriKubo #HarukaKuromi #MayuTamura #AyameTsutsui #KaedeSatō #MiyuMatsuo #MioYakubo #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 27⊿Nogi's 6th Gen Members Unveil New Photos and Profiles⊿Nogizaka46's 6th Generation Members Showcase Photos⊿Nagi Inoue of Nogizaka46 Unveils Stunning Photo Collection…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogi's 6th Gen Members Unveil New Photos and Profiles ⊿Nogizaka46's 6th Generation Members Showcase Photos ⊿Nagi Inoue of Nogizaka46 Unveils Stunning Photo Collection ⊿Nagi Inoue of Nogizaka46 to Release First Photo Book ⊿Haruka Kuromi to Throw First Pitch on March 5 ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #NagiInoue #HarukaKuromi #NaoYumiki #TeresaIkeda #MinamiUmezawa #ShioriKubo #HarukaKaki #MayuTamura #MiyuMatsuo #IrohaOkuda #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 26⊿Yūki Yoda Celebrates Graduation in Fukuoka Concert⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Celebrated in Fukuoka⊿New Nogizaka46 Member Moeka Yada Introduced Online⊿New Photo…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Yūki Yoda Celebrates Graduation in Fukuoka Concert ⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Celebrated in Fukuoka ⊿New Nogizaka46 Member Moeka Yada Introduced Online ⊿New Photos and Profiles of Nogizaka46's 6th Generation Members ⊿Satsuki Sugawara Excels as Nogizaka46's New Vice Captain ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #NaoYumiki #ShioriKubo #SatsukiSugawara #MomokoŌzono #KaedeSatō #HarukaKaki #AyameTsutsui #MioYakubo #TeresaIkeda #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 24⊿Yuki Yoda's Graduation Concert Captivates Fans in Fukuoka⊿Yūki Yoda Bids Farewell at Graduation Concert⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Captivates Fans in Fukuoka⊿Yū…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Yuki Yoda's Graduation Concert Captivates Fans in Fukuoka ⊿Yūki Yoda Bids Farewell at Graduation Concert ⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Captivates Fans in Fukuoka ⊿Yūki Yoda Captivated Fans at Graduation Concert ⊿Yūki Yoda Bids Farewell in Emotional Graduation Concert ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #MomokoŌzono #YunaShibata #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 23⊿Renka Iwamoto of Nogizaka46 Announces Return to Activities⊿Minami Umezawa Shares Emotional Post with Yūki Yoda⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Set for February 2024⊿…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Renka Iwamoto of Nogizaka46 Announces Return to Activities ⊿Minami Umezawa Shares Emotional Post with Yūki Yoda ⊿Yūki Yoda's Graduation Concert Set for February 2024 ⊿Kana Nakada Wows Fans with Comedy Act After Victory ⊿Nogizaka46 Releases '100th Day' Music Video ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #KanaNakada #RenkaIwamoto #MinamiUmezawa #MizukiYamashita #MaoIoki #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 22⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Weekly Sales Charts⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Sales Chart⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Charts Amid Upcoming Graduation⊿Yūki Yoda of Nog…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Weekly Sales Charts ⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Sales Chart ⊿Yūki Yoda's Photo Book Tops Charts Amid Upcoming Graduation ⊿Yūki Yoda of Nogizaka46 Shines in 'bis' Spring 2025 Issue ⊿Renka Iwamoto of Nogizaka46 Announces Comeback Plans ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #AyameTsutsui #RenkaIwamoto #MinamiUmezawa #RenoNakamura #HarukaKuromi #MayuTamura #MioYakubo #NaoYumiki #MaoIoki #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 21⊿Renka Iwamoto of Nogizaka46 Announces Her Return⊿New Nogizaka46 6th Generation Members Announced⊿Nogi46 Announces New 6th Generation Members Event⊿Shiori Kubo Eager…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Renka Iwamoto of Nogizaka46 Announces Her Return ⊿New Nogizaka46 6th Generation Members Announced ⊿Nogi46 Announces New 6th Generation Members Event ⊿Shiori Kubo Eager to Meet 6th Generation Members ⊿Haruka Kaki Shares Fun Stories from New Year's Show ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #RenkaIwamoto #ShioriKubo #HarukaKaki #SayaKanagawa #MayuTamura #NaoYumiki #TeresaIkeda #HinaOkamoto #MinamiUmezawa #YūkiYoda #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 20⊿Nogi's 6th Generation Welcomes New Member Mirine Masuda⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals All 11 Members of Its Sixth Generation⊿Miriue Masuda Named Sixth Member of Nogizaka46's N…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogi's 6th Generation Welcomes New Member Mirine Masuda ⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals All 11 Members of Its Sixth Generation ⊿Miriue Masuda Named Sixth Member of Nogizaka46's New Generation ⊿Yūki Yoda Graces MAQUIA April Cover, Prepares to Graduate ⊿Masuda Mirine Introduced as 6th Generation Member of Nogizaka46 ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #ShioriKubo #SakuraEndō #MayuTamura #NagiInoue #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 19⊿Nogizaka46 Announces Final Member of 6th Generation⊿11 New Members Joined Nogizaka46's 6th Generation⊿Nagi Inoue Celebrates 20th Birthday with a Video Message⊿Nogi …
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogizaka46 Announces Final Member of 6th Generation ⊿11 New Members Joined Nogizaka46's 6th Generation ⊿Nagi Inoue Celebrates 20th Birthday with a Video Message ⊿Nogi Members Mao Ioki and Reno Nakamura Shine in 2025 ⊿Nogizaka46 Welcomes Big Star in Latest Episode ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #RenoNakamura #MaoIoki #NagiInoue #HinaOkamoto #IrohaOkuda #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 18⊿Nogizaka46's 38th Single Set for March Release⊿Hinano Okoshi Joins Nogizaka46 as New Member⊿Nogizaka46 Announced Release of Their 38th Single⊿Suzuki Yuna Joins Nogi…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Nogizaka46's 38th Single Set for March Release ⊿Hinano Okoshi Joins Nogizaka46 as New Member ⊿Nogizaka46 Announced Release of Their 38th Single ⊿Suzuki Yuna Joins Nogizaka46's Summer Group ⊿Nagi Inoue of Nogizaka46 to Release Debut Photo Book ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YūkiYoda #NagiInoue #YunaShibata #MinamiUmezawa #ShioriKubo #MioYakubo #NaoYumiki #TeresaIkeda #MikuIchinose #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

Nogizaka News February 17⊿Hinano Okoshi Joins Nogizaka46's Summer Group⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Third Summer Group Member Hinano Okoshi⊿Hinano Okoshi Introduced as New Nogizaka46 Member⊿Hinano Ok…
⊿Today's Top News⊿ ⊿Hinano Okoshi Joins Nogizaka46's Summer Group ⊿Nogizaka46 Reveals Third Summer Group Member Hinano Okoshi ⊿Hinano Okoshi Introduced as New Nogizaka46 Member ⊿Hinano Okochi Announced as 6th Generation Member of Nogizaka46 ⊿Hinano Okoshi Introduced as New Member of Nogizaka46 ⊿Top Members Appeared Today⊿ #YunaShibata #YūkiYoda #RikaSatō #MioYakubo #TeresaIkeda #NagiInoue #AyaOgawa #Nogizaka46 #Nogizaka #乃木坂46 #乃木坂 Please note that some information may be inaccurate due to the utilization of AI. If you notice any discrepancies, we kindly ask you to contact the email address provided in the RSS feed.

株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます!

ポッドキャストプラットフォーム「LISTEN」や、GPSトラッキングサービス「IBUKI」、物件メディア「物件ファン」、京都の宿とコワーキング施設「UNKNOWN KYOTO」を運営する近藤淳也(jkondo)が、朝の散歩をしたりしながら、日々の出来事や考えたことを語ります。

Nogizaka Beyond Borders
Hi Nogizaka fans from all over the world. Welcome back to another episode of 'Nogizaka Beyond Borders'! I'm Yumesaki, a die-hard Nogizaka fan for 12 years, coming to you straight from Tokyo. This show is all about bringing you the latest and greatest Nogizaka news and updates right from Japan to all you awesome fans out there. This program is inspired by REI ENGLISH, a YouTube program brought by Rei Seimiya-chan If you're up for some Japanese, check out my main show ‘Suido Denki Gas Nogizaka46'. Just search by Nogizaka46 in your podcast application and you can find it there.

乃木坂46を応援して12年のゆめさきが、批判・悪口一切なしで乃木坂46のいいところをたくさん語るラジオ番組です。 Spotify、Amazon、ApplePodcast、YouTubeなどで無料配信中! ApplePodcastRanking「音楽インタビュー」で最高3位🏅 #水道乃木坂 おつけて各種SNSに投稿してください! #乃木坂 #乃木坂46


@narumi のつぶやき
声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中