1. [Jp&En]自信&自尊心貧乏脱出最前線
  2. 0001.The self whom you disli..
2024-03-31 08:06

0001.The self whom you dislike that says frightening things is NOT YOUR ENEMY.[En]


[Point] What is the true identity of Jibun that you dislike? Why do you feel scared the self who says frightening things in the first place?

▶We look forward to receiving your practical reports, opinions, impressions, and questions from here~ ❤️


[Next Preview] 0002. The reason why hard-working people who are known by rumor or those around them as honor students, smart people have low confidence and esteem (planned)

Overcome low confidence and esteem. Don't worry, your incredible personality is like a hidden treasure, just awaiting discovery.
Hi, this is Mao.C.Tajiry. This quick 7-minute program delivers tips, solutions, and helpful information for overcoming low confidence and esteem, based on my past experiences of struggling since my teenage years.
Okay then, let's check it out today's topic.
The self whom you dislike that says frightening things is not your enemy. This is one of key points in overcoming low confidence and esteem.
Most of people dislike this kind of heartless self who says frightening things internally. But this inner self is not your enemy. In fact, she is an ally residing with you.
But I know it may be hard to believe at first, so allow me to explain further.
To begin with, we all have different sides to ourselves. One of those sides is the heartless and cheeky critic who says frightening things.
In fact, the critic herself has no choice but to act this way due to her role.
I'm calling her "Protection". As you know, protection means defense. So this critical side functions to protect your mental and physical well-being.
For example, even if the traffic light is green, it prompts you to quickly check both ways before crossing the road.
Similarly, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it's the voice that suspiciously thinks,
"Is this a scam?" These reactions are all driven by protection.
Her role is to scan ahead for potential dangers and sound the alarm early to prevent harm.
"But wait, that's what protection says really hurt and demotivated me,,, right?"
Exactly, that's the point. For example, you've been struggling with a diet and finally lost -1kg. Oh yeahhhh!!!!
But then protection chimes in, "You'll just binge again and get it all back.
Why are you even wasting your time with this diet now?" It totally deflates your motivation.
Or at work, you make one small mistake that doesn't really impact business, but protection berates,
"You can't even do that, right? You're really worthless as a human!"
Never praising the good, always exaggerating the bad. Yeah, that's all protection too.
"Oh my god, then how is this joke supposed to be our ally?
Protection seems like the mastermind hurting us!"
Well, I understand why you think that, and that's exactly the key point today.
Protection is designed to safeguard you from external threats.
The key part is "external", meaning when protection senses a risk or danger from the outside sources that could harm you,
it warns you about the risk, dangers beforehand by making you feel that potential pain you'd experience if it were to happen.
"Make me feel it?" Yes, by letting you emotionally experience that hurt in advance.
Could you picture? The examples I mentioned earlier, like struggles with dieting or small mistakes, are essentially all things that others might say to you.
Protection's role is to warn you with the utmost care before you're hurt by what others might say to you.
So, to summarize this time, the self whom you dislike that says frightening things is actually your ally.
And why I feel her scared is because protection diligently performs her role of warning us in advance
by giving us a sense of what it would feel like to be hurt from external sources in order to prevent us from getting hurt.
From my experience of overcoming low confidence and esteem, I can confidently affirm that this is indeed true.
However, I can also understand so well even if you can't easily accept this,
because I would have felt the same if I had heard this during my past struggle period.
So, I have one suggestion I'd like you to try.
If next time your protection starts saying something awful again, please ask her,
"Hey, Ms. Protection, are these cheeky and heartless remarks you're making for my protection?"
So, how was today's topic? We look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and questions about the show through the form in my website.
Also, I created a dedicated section for action reports which I propose to your protection at the end of today's topic.
I would love to hear your thoughts, any changes in your inner self, or any questions which I arose from it.
Your honest feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Even if they go beyond 7 minutes, I won't be able to stop sharing your report on this problem,
as it's very precious and important, not only for you, but also me.
So, please share with me.
As you already aware, maybe, being quite the chatterbox myself, I've decided to start this show with my energetic voice.
Therefore, as you might imagine, this show isn't about damp, wet mood like counseling or anything like that.
This problem is primarily aimed at the positive and aggressive challengers who wants to overcome current low confidence and esteem.
And discover the hidden potential within them, of course, including you.
Don't worry and rest assured, anyone can overcome challenging situations.
And there are living proofs, including myself and several others, which I'll explain someday later.
Anyway, today, let me emphasize only one thing to you,
Please, never ever give up on yourself.
Okay, thank you very much for your listening until the end.
Because I wholeheartedly believe in your unlimited potential,
allow me to repeat this crucial point again, very clearly.
Overcome low confidence and esteem.
Don't worry, your incredible personality is like a hidden treasure, just awaiting discovery.
Have a nice day and see you~♪
By the way, in this first episode of Japanese version, I introduced the awesome composers of the background music used in this podcast in detail.
Let me summarize quickly here.
Actually, I found these amazing free pieces on a website called Dova Syndrome, written in Japanese.
There are six amazing pieces created by three composers currently being used on this podcast.
First, three great composers are FLASH☆BEAT-sama, with three pieces, yuhei komatsu-sama, with two pieces, and SHUNTA-sama, with one piece.
If you're interested in their incredible creations, please visit dova-s.jp.
Once again, thank you very much for your listening all the way to the end.
See you in the next episode!

