Hi, this is Beck. This is Mari. We are Deep Japan in Japanglish.
Okay, let's start. Let's practice more.
I just thought that the Part1 movie looks very long, so I think it's better to split more.
And I want to bring the one movie will be 10 minutes or 15 minutes.
Let us be careful to split the topic more.
Today, I want to continue what we would like to speak topic.
Let's continue from the example of the historical topic.
Mari, do you know how to born the samurai?
I forgot.
What? Or you know?
I am not sure. I know school teacher's history.
What? Okay, let's learn again.
Actually, the Heian period, around 1100.
Basically, the Japanese emperor has no army.
They don't want to fight each other.
So, they need to have something like army or warriors.
Peaceful period?
Kind of.
They don't need to fight each other.
Also, some chief.
Yeah, yeah.
Kind of the pirates also was there.
You know the pirates?
In Japan.
Murakami Suibun.
Oh, right.
Basically, there are many pirates.
Also, the Japanese pirates went to China or Korea also.
They called Wako.
Wako is a Japanese pirate.
Actually, this Japanese pirate is not Japanese also.
Many Chinese people also see that.
Just the pirates in Japan.
Yeah, we have.
So, the emperor needs to have some warring to fight with the chief or pirates.
That's why they made these positions in the Japanese government.
Emperor's government.
So, basically, two major samurai's families was there.
Genji and Heishi.
Genji and Heishi are kind of the oldest and traditional samurai families.
So, who is the originator?
You know who is the originator?
Minamoto no Yoritomo?
Minamoto no Yoritomo.
He is kind of the major and famous.
So, basically, Heishi was established from the emperor's family.
Kamu Tenno.
Kamu Heishi and also Seiwa Genji.
Seiwa is the emperor's name.
Seiwa Tenno and Kamu Tenno.
Kamu Tenno, their son was established samurai's family.
And Genji and Heishi was kind of the very, very, how say, traditional and famous.
And people think they are part of the emperor's blood.
So, they can be like a general.
Say, Taishogun.
So, other family can't be general.
Taishogun, Taishogun.
So, important thing is this samurai has been made by emperors.
Emperor's son established these families.
That's why the Heian period is very important to understand how to make the samurai history.
So, after Heian period, we have Monomachi period and Sengoku period.
Sengoku is kind of the war era.
War era.
Kind of the chaotic era.
So, their origin was coming from the emperor's blood.
Maybe we can discuss or we can talk more deep time
in the specific topic of this Heian period or samurai's histories.
And Kamakura period.
Kamakura, you know Kamakura?
Yeah, of course.
Many foreign people know about Kamakura city itself.
Kamakura city has many buddhist temples.
Tsurugaoka Tenmangu is a very famous and big shrine.
And Kamakura was samurai's capital.
Oldest samurai's capital.
First samurai's capital.
So, samurai's...
Military government was made in Kamakura at the first time.
So, why they made samurai's capital in Kamakura?
Do you know?
Because Minamoto Yoritomo was fighting with Taira no Kiyomori.
And Taira no Kiyomori beat Minamoto Yoritomo and his father.
Minamoto Yoritomo's father was killed by Taira no Kiyomori.
And Yoritomo could be safe in that time.
And Taira no Kiyomori sent him to Izu.
Do you know Izu?
Nearby Kamakura.
After this, many eastern samurai disliked Heike, Taira no Kiyomori.
Taira no Kiyomori.
And they wanted to make their country.
So, they needed to have lead.
And Minamoto Yoritomo is a very good blood.
What do you mean?
Good background.
Because he is a leader of Genji.
The two famous Japanese samurai families.
Heike and Genji.
And these two families can be the general.
So, eastern samurai wanted to have such strong lead.
And eastern samurai didn't want to go to the west side.
So, they wanted to make eastern samurai's government.
So, they decided to put the samurai's capital in the east side.
And Kamakura is a very good place to protect from the enemy's attack.
Because the mountain is around there.
And a very narrow road is coming outside to Kamakura city side.
So, it's very easy to defend.
So, these Kamakura people think that Kamakura is the best place to put their capital.
So, yeah.
And maybe I'll explain about such topic in the Kamakura city's topic and Kamakura history's topic.
Don't go to the deep land today.
I'm really afraid so we can't finish today.
So, I'll finish in this place today.
But I want to go more and more deep.
So, let's talk the next time.
So, these are just examples.
So, maybe we can talk about something city or place and geography.
I really want to explain about why Japanese seaside has many of snow or such things also.
Do you know?
Yeah, maybe.
I need some diagram.
So, it's very easy to understand why Japanese seaside has many of snows.
And also Japan has a kind of domestic sea.
Domestic sea.
Or in-house sea, maybe.
I don't know how to say.
I don't know.
Okay, so we have, how to say, Japanese has mainly four big islands.
And one is Honshu Island, Hokkaido Island, Shikoku Island, and Kyushu Island.
And Shikoku, Kyushu, and Honshu Island is making Setonitai.
It's kind of domestic, how to say, not public sea or outside sea.
This place has many good stuff also.
I want to explain about some seafood.
Also, I want to explain like history of this Setonitai.
Kind of Japanese central place was west side before Samurai era.
And after Kamakura era or Edo era, the eastern side has been Japanese central place or kind of capital.
Capital, capital.
Many people are living in the eastern side now, right?
But previously, the eastern side had nothing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So people made a city or such huge populations after sometimes.
So we can discuss or talk about such geographical kind of history also.
Marisa, do you have something, topic you want to talk about?
Or discuss or ask something to me also.
I like to ask Nara period.
Oh, Nara period.
Especially, which topic?
Shotoku Taishi.
Okay, Shotoku Taishi.
I don't go to the deep dive, but Shotoku Taishi also.
So such famous people also we can pick up.
And my hometown has Shotoku Taishi's, how to say, grave.
Yeah, grave.
Grave, okay.
Shotoku Taishi's grave.
So I really want to present my hometown also.
Shotoku Taishi is a very famous human's name in Japanese history.
But also his kind of family, also very famous people is there.
Like Ono no Imoko, Suiko Tenno, Soga no Umako.
Okay, you can find these names in my hometown also.
Oh, hometown.
Where is your hometown?
Osaka prefecture.
Not Nara?
Between Nara and Osaka, countryside.
So a small city or town.
And maybe there are many graves.
More than living people.
Because around the south-western Osaka is a kind of famous place in the grave.
So maybe the oldest grave you can find.
So maybe the Sekai-san.
I don't know how to say.
Furuichi Mozu Kofungun is a Sekai-san.
I don't know how to say.
Kofun is old grave.
Old grave.
Like an emperor, nearby emperors.
And also the historical place has many of histories.
People was living this place long time.
So we can find many of graves.
So I think that my small hometown has very very large number of graves.
More than living people.
More than living people.
Anyway, so I want to present such Nara and Nara, Shotoku Taishi and my hometown also.
And Nara and southern Osaka has many of the historical place like this Nara.
So let's conclude today's movie.
From next time, split more small chunk.
And let's try to make the 10 minutes or 15 minutes movies.
But I have many of topics.
Maybe I don't have any concern.
But I want to hear some requests from watcher side also.
Yeah, leave comments.
Yeah, please leave comments.
And please subscribe.
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And you can reach me and Nari in this SNS account also.
So anytime we can discuss offline also.
And this program will be published the next week.
And this program will be published on YouTube.
And I'll try to make a podcast also.
And I'm making the substack account.
And this substack will bring some text and podcast.
And please subscribe the podcast also.
This is the second time.
Maybe we can improve next time also.
Thank you for watching this program.
Let's meet again.
Let's see you again.
Let's make something.
We need template.
See you again, everyone.
Thank you for watching.