Hi there!
Hi there!
Yeah, this is Beck.
Please, please.
Okay, this is Mari.
Nice to meet you, everyone.
So, this is the first time to see everyone.
So, today, we want to launch the new YouTube program, Deep Japan in Japanglish.
Japanglish. You know Japanglish?
Ah, Tokyo.
Yeah, kind of such, some strange word.
Maybe, ah, coffee.
Coffee, coffee.
Coffee is a coffee.
Yeah, so, sometime, maybe you will hear something Japanglish, but we will try to do our best.
But then, yeah, so please allow us sometime.
My English is kind of Japanese, something Indian, right?
So, no, no, no.
Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes.
I want to, I want to say like this.
Yeah, okay.
Okay, okay, okay.
So, today, we will launch this new English YouTube program, Deep Japan in Japanglish.
And this first time, we want to present something, speak in this program.
And let's brainstorm.
Also, yeah.
Let's start from our introduction first.
Yeah, Marisa.
So, I think that your name is at the top of me.
Is that Marisan?
Yeah, sometimes.
Oh, okay.
Sometimes, like Mr. or Miss, or sometimes like this.
Yeah, Marisa, so please speak.
Oh, okay.
I'm Mari.
I'm an artist, and streamer, and sometimes I'm a graphic designer.
And I'm into dressmaking.
So, and wearing it.
And this is not a debate, but yeah, sometimes I do.
When I have time, and I love nature, and learning culture, cultures.
Which culture?
Like a foreign culture?
Or something outside?
No, both.
Outside and inside.
Inside, both.
So, especially which culture do you love?
Indian cultures, maybe?
I just want to talk to people outside of Japan.
So, if they have an interest in Japan.
So, yeah, which country have you been?
Oh, U.S.
U.S., oh.
How about India?
Yeah, I really love that.
So, I went to India many times.
Maybe four times.
Four times.
For business trip.
And I was staying in India, I don't know, one month.
One month?
One month.
So, first time, my stomach has been broken.
Second time, also broken.
Third time, broken.
Fourth time, one month.
Yeah, my stomach never broken.
So, yeah, because maybe some training has been happened the past three times.
And finally, my stomach could be strong.
So, I went to China also.
And France.
French, France.
Yeah, France.
Yeah, and Hawaii.
Oh, Hawaii.
U.S., U.S.
Yeah, Hawaii State.
And Waikiki.
So, I haven't been any major English place like U.K. or U.S. state.
But, so, one major state is India.
So, that's why I know that.
And I can hear the Indian English very much.
Because, so, I heard Indian English maybe these four years.
Every day, over eight hours, ten hours, fourteen hours, I discuss with Indian people.
So, I really love Indian people.
And I really have a capability to hear the Indian English.
Actually, I was living in Malaysia.
Malaysia, yeah.
For three years.
Three years?
But, I was there.
I couldn't speak English at all.
Oh, you?
I couldn't.
But, you are speaking.
Now, I'm...
When I moved to Malaysia, I started learning English.
But, I didn't have local friends.
I only had Japanese friends.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, I didn't speak English.
I didn't speak Malay language.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Malaysian English also has one of the major genres.
Like, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.
Yeah, they are...
Especially, the Chinese people's English looks very much similar.
Ah, it depends.
There are three races in Malaysia.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Chinese, and Indian.
Oh, Indian also?
I want to share about Malaysia and your experience in the abroad side also.
Because, I know the only Indian.
Indian French.
Okay, okay.
So, let's introduce myself.
Okay, so, this is Beck.
And, I'm an engineer in the mobile industry.
And, I've been working in the mobile industry for 18 years.
And, I've developed something in the back-end system of the mobile, kind of, entire systems.
And, so, I'm doing the podcaster, and YouTuber, and blogger.
And, that's my hobby.
And, especially, I really love life hacking.
So, I'm broadcasting the life hack topics in the YouTube and abroad.
But, it's only Japanese.
So, if we have a chance, let's talk about the life hack also in these channels.
I try to compare my Japanese knowledge to the English.
And, so, this program, I really want to present many of the Japanese stuff.
Like geography, geology, and history.
And, like, traveling, or culture, or...
So, because maybe people can see the information from books, traveling books.
And, also, I haven't seen many people in the Japanese side is broadcasting about the Japanese deep knowledge.
So, I want to try to provide something deep knowledge about Japan,
and many of the genres, like geography, geology, and history, or such things.
So, finally, I want people will be more fun to come to Japan.
If you want to come to Japan, please call me.
Maybe you don't know my number.
But, let's exchange some contact.
And, we can go anywhere together.
And, so, I really want people will love Japan and will be fun when they come to Japan.
So, this is one of the purpose of this program.
And, I will present something that's such deep knowledge.
And, I'm expecting that you will give some...
Reaction. Yeah, reaction, reaction.
I don't know how to say in English.
It's very tough to convert.
Kind of, yeah.
So, sometime, maybe you can learn about Japanese words.
Because, if I can't find any English words,
I'll ask Kari-san,
how to say in English?
Chocolate, chocolate.
Yeah, like this.
Yes, yes, yes.
So, that's one of the good chance to learn about Japanese, maybe.
Let's go to next topic.
Yeah, what we will present in this program.
I already talked some topics.
But, I really want to...
Especially, I love the history.
And, I want to connect some knowledge.
Like, geography, or city, or castle, and history, and cultures.
For example, maybe many people know that Japan has many shrines and temples.
But, people don't know the variety of this Buddhism in Japan.
Maybe, it's very kind of unique in the world.
I even don't know.
Oh, really?
Yeah, we have some history.
And, like, firstly, we are getting the kind of very originated Buddhism in the first time.
And, but, so, after some time,
the people add some Japanese originality in the Buddhism,
and they make some varieties.
And, so, almost 1,500 years ago,
the originated Buddhism came.
And, every 200 years, something new variation of Buddhism has been.
Oh, I didn't know that.
So, maybe I can explain such things also.
And, also, if people don't know,
like, the background of this shrine,
like, the meaning of the god,
you know, the Amaterasu.
Amaterasu is one of the major gods in Japan.
And, so, Japan has kind of over 800 gods in Japan.
800, yeah.
So, Yaorozu.
Yaorozu no kami.
So, it means unlimited number that we have a god in Japan.
And, many shrines have different gods.
And, maybe, so, if you will go to any shrine,
and maybe I can bring some background of the god's name
or background of this god.
Yeah, they have stories.
So, Japanese oldest document,
Nihon Shoki,
has many of this god's history or kind of the stories.
Shinwa, mice.
Mice, yeah.
So, maybe I can bring some Japanese mice also.
Like, so, if you will come to Japan with your friend,
so, yeah, you can give some surprise to your friends.
So, yeah.
With the knowledge, yeah.
I don't have very confident.
But, yeah, let me try to bring such information.
Okay, here is the key topics.
Geography and geology.
So, can you...
Oh, no, sorry.
You don't have to add san?
San, yeah, because sometimes in the business,
every people is adding the san.
Oh, yeah, okay.
So, if I call someone's name,
especially Japanese member,
I am using the san.
And, Indian people also call me Kita-san.
So, that's fine.
It's kind of my habit.
Oh, okay, okay.
And then, so, this geology or geography.
The geography is a kind of the...
So, Japan has Mount Fuji.
This is the highest mountain.
You know the lowest?
Lowest mountain.
You don't know?
It's very famous.
Maybe some people know about it.
I don't know.
I don't come up with anything.
So, there is a lowest mountain in Osaka.
We call the Tempozan.
I didn't know that.
Nearby Osaka...
How say?
Aqua Museum.
Nearby Kayuka.
You can find the lowest mountain.
And, so, like this.
Maybe I can explain the highest, lowest,
and the biggest and the smallest.
And also, you know,
Nagano Prefecture has many high mountains.
You know?
Do you know?
Do you know why Japan has many mountains?
Even though we are just an island.
Why do we have many islands?
I can guess.
There are many plates.
So, I can't explain in English,
but plate, plate.
Oh, you know the plate.
Yes, plate.
Okay, okay, okay.
Pacific Ocean plate
and the Eurasian plate
is crashing.
And also the Philippine cheese plate, also.
And the hot cheese plate.
This whole plate is crashing in Japan.
And, so, this central place is around Nagano Prefecture.
So, we can find many of the highest mountains in Japan
in Nagano Prefecture.
And many hot springs, also.
Because of this plate crashing.
And also, we have many volcanoes.
Volcano is a volcano, right?
Volcanic mountain, maybe?
Yeah, volcano.
Okay, volcano is kazan, also.
I don't know.
So, we have many volcanoes
because of this crashing plate.
And that's not only the hot cheese plate.
We have many benefits
from this crashing plate, also.
So, now we have many of the volcanoes, also.
So, this volcano is making a new island.
So, Japan has many islands.
They are around, over the...
It's making a new island, also.
So, and also the volcano is making a hot spring, also.
So that the Japanese is getting many of the benefits
from that volcano.
But we have many of the earthquakes, also.
So, some risk and benefit.
They're both in there.
But anyway, that's all such.
If you know about this geography or geology more,
maybe you can, how to say,
feel the more kind of the...
Let's use easy words.
So, because we have many type of the hot spring.
The volcano's hot spring is making...
Made by volcano's...
I don't know how to say.
I don't know.
Okay, please search.
Magma, okay. Magma.
We searched.
Magma made a hot spring.
But not only this.
Just a spring, also.
And we warned that it's just a spring.
And we are calling it a hot spring.
So, in the Tokyo area,
we have many of the black water spring.
Black water hot spring. Do you know?
So, black water.
Kuroyu, kuroyu.
I don't know.
Okay, so if you went to...
You will go to the...
Some super sento.
Super sento is a kind of the hot spring place.
So, you can find many of the black waters.
And the black hot springs.
It's actually black?
Black, black.
But in this case, it's not volcano.
It's kind of the hot spring.
We are just getting the spring.
Black water spring.
The deep, very deep ground.
Deep ground, maybe.
Okay, okay.
Okay, but so...
Maybe you can understand how this hot spring has been made.
That it's volcano, or not volcano.
Or such categories.
Okay, this is the first topic in geography.
So, I'm very...
It's too long.
When we can finish it.
I have very strong concern.
So, we can finish this program today.
Okay, okay.
Let's keep to continue.
Okay, and then...
Okay, the second topic.
History and cultures.
I already explained about the combination of the Japanese history and religion also.
And maybe that people want to know about the samurai and ninja more.
And so, such kind of topics.
Maybe that I can cover.
And I want to associate many of the historical knowledge.
And the place, or religion, or architecture, or the castle also.
So, the topic is the castle, or temple, or shrine, or such architectures.
So, I will pick up some major castle.
One of the interesting castle is Matsumoto Castle.
Matsumoto Castle.
You know Matsumoto Castle?
Matsumoto Castle, Matsumoto Castle.
I went in front of the castle.
But I didn't go.
Matsumoto Castle is an old and originated castle.
We call it Genzon Tenshu.
Genzon Tenshu?
Genzon Tenshu means original architectures.
How do you write in kanji?
Gen, genzai no gen.
Zon wa sonzai no zon.
De, eto...
Tenshu ka.
Tenshu de.
Genzon Tenshu.
So, it's a castle.
Many of the castles already burned because of World War II.
But some castles have originated one.
So, you can find such.
How about Osaka Castle?
Osaka Castle is a kind of very modern architectures.
Iron and concrete.
Osaka Castle or Nagoya Castle.
These are good to see.
Because it's very huge.
So, maybe I want to explain about...
If I pick up Osaka Castle,
I want to explain about the history of Osaka Castle.
So, Osaka is the second biggest city in Japan, right?
Second, second.
What part is that?
And maybe Yokohama, Nagoya.
Like this.
No, no.
Osaka is the second.
And so...
Before 1500, there was nothing.
No castles.
No castles.
No one is living.
After that, so...
You know Hongwanji?
One of the Buddhist temple.
Made the biggest city in Osaka.
And we call it Ishiyama Hongwanji.
And so, Nobunaga is one of the hero in Japanese history.
He couldn't beat Ishiyama Hongwanji.
After 10 years, the Japanese emperor made a kind of a peace between the Ishiyama Hongwanji and Nobunaga.
And Nobunaga built the new castle in Osaka.
So, let's talk that specific topic in Osaka.
So, we can't finish today.
I'm really scared.
So, I have some knowledge in Japan.
I try to write down in English and explain it more smoothly.
And finally, the last topic is traveling.
So, maybe pick up some good place you should go.
And not so famous.
I want to pick up something niche place.
Niche place?
Yes, yes, yes.
You know the oldest shrine in Japan?
Oh, really?
Do you know?
Oldest shrine.
Oh, yes, yes.
Nara prefecture has oldest shrine.
And we call it Omiwa Taisha.
Yeah, maybe nobody knows.
Maybe people know about Ise Jingu, right?
Yeah, Ise Jingu.
People think Ise Jingu is the oldest.
It's not true.
Actually, the oldest shrine is Omiwa Taisha.
Do you know why Nara prefecture has oldest shrine?
Because it was the capital city.
Yeah, oldest capital.
Yes, yes, yes.
Like Asuka.
Yeah, yeah.
So many of the oldest capital in Nara prefecture.
So you can find many of the oldest shrine in Nara prefecture.
Also the oldest temple also.
So almost all Buddhism is established in Nara prefecture first.
And then capital was moved to Kyoto.
And many of the temple also established in Kyoto.
So the people think that Kyoto is the oldest.
Maybe it's not true.
But Nara is the oldest.
And you can find all the shrines and temples.
Okay, so I have one example.
Maybe it will be long.
So let's cut.
So we can continue the next time.
Let's talk about this topic in the part 2.
Okay, so thank you for watching this movie.
Let's meet again.
See you again.
See you again.
Yeah, see you again.
Let's use easy one.
See you again.