Japanese Point of View with Lilico and Maikou is a (mostly) English podcast sharing topics related to Japan 🇯🇵
New episode coming out on Friday 6pm JST at the end of every month!
5. Dig Deeper Into Life in Japan with Alex (from LA) – Part 2
We have Alex as our guest again! We've interviewed Alex on how he got to know Japanese culture and what he likes about it. - Yokai and kaidan, the Kitaro movie “Kitaro Tanjo - Gegege no Nazo” - Alex's experience of working at a video store where he met Japanese TV shows, including Junji Inagawa the kaidan story teller - Difference between sabukaru in Japan and in LA Check out Alex's podcasts from his website too! https://lit.link/alexdesukedo ________ Follow us on X/Twitter for updates! https://x.com/JPoV_Podcast ________ Music credit: MOMIZizm MUSiC
4. Dig Deeper Into Life in Japan with Alex (from LA) – Part 1
We have a guest for the first time! We've interviewed Alex to hear his 11 years of life in Japan. - Cultural differences between LA/Tokyo - Various work experiences in Japan - Advices for living in Japan Check out Alex's podcasts from his website too! https://lit.link/alexdesukedo ________ Follow us on X/Twitter for updates! https://x.com/JPoV_Podcast ________ Music credit: MOMIZizm MUSiC
3. Looking Back on Hikaru Utada Science Fiction Tour 2024
Do you know a Japanese legendary singer-songwriter "Hikaru Utada (Hikki)"? This episode includes: - Our memories on her tour date we joined in July - What we love about Hikki - Lilico & Maikou's Hikki song recommendations What you doin' tonight? Let's go for a ride! Hikaru Utada - traveling Music Video (4K UPGRADE) Hikaru Utada - Automatic Music Video (4K UPGRADE) Stay Gold - Hikaru Utada ________ Follow us on X/Twitter for updates! https://x.com/JPoV_Podcast ________ Music credit: MOMIZizm MUSiC
2. Introducing Funny Soramimis (Mishearings)
Have you ever heard of Japanese legendary TV segment "Soramimi Hour"? We introduced some random funny soramimis (mishearing) both in English and Japanese! Come join soramimi world with us! Random Guy Hitting Car Window with "Seven Nation Army" Song Big Billy Please Go Away (Flamenco Edit) The Kiffness | YouTube ________ Follow us on X/Twitter for updates! https://x.com/JPoV_Podcast
1. Self Introduction & Show Description – What is "Japanese Point of View"?
New beginning is here! This episode includes: - The show hosts Lilico and Maikou's self introduction - How we've met - The concept of Japanese Point of View - Disclaimer lol ________ Follow us on X/Twitter for updates! https://x.com/JPoV_Podcast
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