Learning how to test your applications can be overwhelming. In this episode, testing master Adam Wathan, author of TailwindCSS and host of Full Stack Radio, joins us in another role: The creator of Test-Driven Laravel. Learn about all the basics of automated testing, how to write and run tests in Laravel, and much more.
- Adam Wathan’s Twitter Account - https://twitter.com/adamwathan
- Adam’s Blog - https://adamwathan.me/
- Tailwind - https://tailwindcss.com/
- Tailwind UI - https://tailwindui.com/
- Test Driven Laravel - https://course.testdrivenlaravel.com/
- Test Driven Laravel Laracon Talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdApmmK71WM&ab_channel=AdamWathan
- Dave Marshall - https://twitter.com/davedevelopment
- Mockery - http://docs.mockery.io/en/latest/
- Mail Thief - https://github.com/tighten/mailthief
- Stripe - https://stripe.com/
- Xdebug Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVfqfJ7-grk&ab_channel=MattStauffer
- Lies you’ve been told about testing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdUKfbG713M
- R Spec Book - https://www.amazon.com/RSpec-Book-Behaviour-Development-Cucumber/dp/1934356379
- Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests book - http://www.growing-object-oriented-software.com/
- Practical object oriented design in Ruby book - https://www.poodr.com/
- Jason McCreary, Start Testing Your Laravel Applications - https://jasonmccreary.me/articles/start-testing-laravel/
- Laravel Docs: Testing - https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/testing#introduction
- Laracasts - https://laracasts.com/skills/testing
- Ghosts of War, Slayer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU0RIt2TeSg&ab_channel=TheHeavyMetalHD
- The County Medical Examiners - https://thecountymedicalexaminers.bandcamp.com/
- Fullstack Radio - https://fullstackradio.com/
- Jack McDade - https://twitter.com/jackmcdade
Editing sponsored by Tighten; transcript sponsored by Larajobs.