An interview with Adam Wathan, co-creator of the Tailwind CSS library and author and video producer.
- Test-Driven Laravel
- Refactoring to Collections
- Advanced Vue Component Design
- Tailwind CSS
- Alberta Oil Sands
- Reaper
- Conestoga College
- Vehikl
- Desire2Learn
- Tighten
- Nitpick CI
- Adam Wathan's $100k product launch
- Full-Stack Radio
- Mark Rippetoe - Starting Strength
- 5/3/1
- Video of Adam lifting tons of weight
- 5/3/1 calculator
- Matt's WeightXReps Training Journal
- Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
- Adam on Twitter
- Refactoring UI
Editing sponsored by Tighten; transcript sponsored by Larajobs.