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  2. What is Human Episode 9
2023-07-06 00:29

What is Human Episode 9


Episode 9: The Emptiness of Humans

Once upon a time, there were many people in this world who thought they were great.

But are their lives really happy and fulfilling?

They are bound by the society they rule and have forgotten their true way of life.

They think they are civilized beings, but true civilization is to live in harmony with nature.

It is to consider the impact of our existence on the natural world.

Humans should know their own emptiness.

The Emptiness of Humans Once upon a time, there were many people
in this world who thought they were great.
But are their lives really happy and fulfilling?
They are bound by the society they rule and have forgotten their true way of life.
They think they are civilized beings, but true civilization is to live in harmony with
It is to consider the impact of our existence on the natural world.
Humans should know their own emptiness.

