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2023-07-07 04:52

What is Human full story


Episode 1: Human Paradise Episode 2: The Battle of the Bugs Episode 3: Betrayal of Wolves Episode 4: The Great Adventure of the Rats Episode 5: Birds in the Sky Episode 6: The Elegant Lives of Cats Episode 7: The Wisdom of Elephants Episode 8: The Warmth of Bears Episode 9: The Emptiness of Humans



Episode 1, Human Paradise
There lived a group of humans who believed themselves to be the only living creatures with intelligence.
They believed that other animals existed for them.
But in fact, humans were the most cruel animals.
They were only satisfied with dominating the earth, exploiting and killing other animals.
They could only satisfy their desires by destroying nature, and they thought they were gods.
But if they were really godlike beings, they would not need to act in such a destructive way.
Episode 2, The Battle of the Bugs
Once upon a time, when humans thought they were intelligent creatures, there lived a group of insects.
They were small, but they helped each other to survive.
Humans, on the other hand, sought after money and power, trying to gain the upper hand.
They trampled insects and even massacred them with insecticides.
But if humans cooperate with insects, the world will be more beautiful.
Episode 3, Betrayal of Wolves
Once upon a time, there were wolves who were known as strong creatures.
But there was a traitor among them.
They would hunt down the weaker wolves and even expel them from the pack.
They thought they were the rulers of the pack.
But the real master was nature.
The wolves thought they could rule over nature, but no one could really rule over nature.
Humans are going to dominate the nature as well, but they may end up following the same path as the wolves.
Episode 4, The Great Adventure of the Rats
You think people live in the city, don't you?
But did you know?
Rats live in the city, too.
They live off the garbage we throw away.
But the number of rats increased so much that humans tried to exterminate them.
But the rats overcame their difficulties and found a way to survive.
Humans think they are the rulers, but in fact, they may be ruled by something they created.
Episode 5, Birds in the Sky
Have you ever heard the word freedom?
We humans think we are free, but what is real freedom?
Let's ask the birds.
They fly freely in the sky and charm us with their beautiful songs.
But they, too, cannot escape from the constraints of the society to which they belong.
In order to achieve true freedom, we need to have the courage to transcend the framework of society, just like the birds do.
Episode 6, The Elegant Lives of Cats
Humans consider themselves civilized, but if you look at the lives of cats, you may find their lives a bit boring.
Cats have a graceful and elegant way of life.
They sleep at their favorite time and enjoy their favorite games.
Humans think they are the rulers, but in fact, compared to cats, they may be just slaves.
Episode 7, The Wisdom of Elephants
Once upon a time, big elephants lived in the forest.
They were powerful and dependable creatures, but some of them possessed remarkable wisdom.
They found ways to improve their living conditions by changing the flow of rivers, by growing forests, and by extracting water from the bark of trees.
Humans consider themselves intelligent creatures, but I doubt if they have the wisdom to live in harmony with nature like elephants do.
Episode 8, The Warmth of Bears
In a forest, there lie big bears.
Humans think they are loving creatures, but perhaps it is the bears who are truly loving.
Bears are beautiful when mothers raise their cubs, and we can feel their love for their family.
Also, by hibernating, they coexist with nature and conserve energy wisely.
We humans think we are rational, but I doubt if we can live sensitively like the bears.
Episode 9, The Emptiness of Humans
Once upon a time, there were many people in this world who thought they were great.
But are their lives really happy and fulfilling?
They are bound by the society they rule and have forgotten their true way of life.
They think they are civilized beings, but true civilization is to live in harmony with nature.
It is to consider the impact of our existence on the natural world.
Humans should know their own emptiness.

