The calligraphy exhibition has begun.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Nakayama Hideyuki's calligraphy exhibition has begun.The "1st Nakayama Hideyuki Calligraphy Exhibition" by Nakayama Hideyuki, a talent from Fujioka City who serves as a tourism ambassador for the city, began on the 20th at Mikabo Mirai Hall in Fujioka City.Nakayama has been learning calligraphy since he was a child, and shows off his skills on television programs and events. He has won many awards at calligraphy exhibitions in the past. It will be held until May 6th.

A national academic ability test was held.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".National Academic Proficiency Test, 31,000 people in the prefecture participatedThe National Academic Proficiency Test for 6th grade elementary school students and 3rd grade junior high school students was held on the 18th.Two subjects, Japanese and arithmetic/mathematics, were conducted, and a total of about 2.02 million people from about 28,000 schools participated.Emphasis was placed on questions that required students to read and understand multiple documents,and students were asked to consider the issues by relating them to familiar subjects such as digital devices.According to the Gunma Prefectural Board of Education, a total of 31,000 people from 463 public schools in the prefecture participated.Results such as the average correct rate by prefecture will be announced at the end of July.

Prefecture to announce measures for railroad crossings
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Prefecture to present schedule within next week for abolishing and converting Class 4 railroad crossings.Following the accident in Takasaki City where a young girl was hit by a train and killed at a railroad crossing without barriers or warning devices,the prefecture announced on the 18th its intention to present a schedule within next week for the abolition of Class 4 railroad crossings and conversion to automatic crossings.Governor Ichita Yamamoto said at a regular press conference on the 18th,"The abolition and conversion of Class 4 railroad crossings will be mainly carried out by the national government, municipalities, and railway operators, but as a prefecture, we would like to support them as much as possible."

Takasaki Police Station arrested a 23-year-old man
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Takasaki Police Station arrests 23-year-old man on suspicion of non-consensual intercourseOn the 18th, Takasaki Police Station arrested Chigira Takuya, a part-time worker from Maehakoda-cho, Maebashi City, on suspicion of non-consensual intercourse.The suspect is accused of threatening a teenage girl and having sex with her in his car parked in a parking lot in Takasaki City between 6:05 pm and 7:15 pm on October 29th last year.According to Takasaki Police Station, he denies the charges, saying, "I don't remember if there was consent."The two met through social media and this was not their first meeting.

Fire in a park in Isesaki City
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".200 square meters of bamboo forest in Akabori Seseragi Park burnedA fire broke out at Akabori Seseragi Park in Isesaki City at around 3:10 pm on the 17th,burning about 200 square meters of the bamboo forest in the northwest.The fire was put out about an hour later, and no one was injured. Isesaki Police Station is investigating the cause of the fire.In response to the fire, Isesaki City installed signs stating "Strengthening Patrol Surveillance" in three places in the park on the 18th,and increased patrols by resident workers.

A 62-year-old woman was defrauded of 3.63 million yen.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".A 62-year-old woman from Isesaki is defrauded of 3.63 million yen.According to the Isesaki Police Station, at around 10:30 a.m. on the 8th, the 62-year-old woman's home received a false phone call from a man claiming to be a pension office employee.Following instructions given over the phone, the woman transferred cash in six installments to a specified account from ATMs at two financial institutions in Isesaki City, and was defrauded.The Isesaki Police Station is investigating the case as a fraud.

A bill to limit the term of office of the Maebashi mayor to three consecutive terms or 12 years will be submitted.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A bill to limit the term of office of the Maebashi mayor to three consecutive terms or 12 years will be submitted.Maebashi Mayor Ogawa Akira has decided to submit a bill to the city council in May to limit the term of office of the Maebashi mayor, including himself and his successor, to three consecutive terms or 12 years.According to the city, Tokushima Prefecture, Yokohama City, and other cities around the country have enacted similar ordinances that stipulate self-restraint.In the mayoral election in February when he was first elected, Mayor Ogawa pledged to submit the bill, in light of the series of bribery scandals during the previous mayor's third term.

Car crashes into supermarket, man injured.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Car crashes into supermarket, man injured.At around 10 am on the 17th, a car driven by a 93-year-old man from Maebashi City hit a garbage collector in the parking lot of the Fressay Folio Yoshioka supermarket in Yoshioka Town.The car then crashed into the glass at the store entrance. The man sustained serious injuries, including a blow to his lower back.According to Shibukawa Police Station, the man in the car had fallen forward into a parking lot near the store.The man said he "misunderstood the brake and accelerator."

Last year, the prefectural police received a record 129,600 lost items.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Last year, the prefectural police received a record 129,600 lost items.A summary by the prefectural police revealed that the prefectural police kept 129,604 lost items in 2023, the highest number since 2017.According to the prefectural police, the most common lost items were membership cards with 31,815 cases, followed by cash cards with 19,383 cases.The total amount of cash was 227,016,093 yen.The highest amount of lost cash was 2,138,000 yen, which has already been returned to its owner.

Two men arrested for refusing to have their load weight measured. Unauthorized transport of soil to Mt. Narukami.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Two men arrested for refusing to have their load weight measured. Unauthorized transport of soil to Mt. Narukami.Police attempted to inspect a truck suspected of exceeding its load capacity on a road in Omamacho, Midori City, but the two men refused and were arrested.The arrested suspect is Fujita Kazunori.The two are believed to be involved in an incident in which soil was transported without permission to Mt. Narukami in Kiryu City.

A man admits to the charges. "Isesaki Nepalese woman murder case"
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".A man admits to the charges. "Isesaki Nepalese woman murder case"The first hearing of the lay judge trial of Asariya Bish Raj, a Nepalese man charged with murder for killing a Nepalese woman in Isesaki City in November 2022, was held in court on the 17th.In his opening statement, the prosecution revealed that Asariya and his friend had promised to borrow a car from the murdered woman's husband, and that on the day of the incident, he was angry and drunk when he was unable to borrow the car.The prosecution also revealed that the murdered woman had 17 stab wounds in her head and face and eight in her torso.

A symposium was held in Tamamura Town.
A symposium was held in Tamamura Town.In response to the launch of the "Prefectural Education Vision" covering a five-year period starting from 2024,the Prefectural Board of Education held a symposium for principals of public elementary and junior high schools at the Tamamura Town Cultural Center on the 16th.To shift learning towards cultivating "autonomous learners" who ask questions and seek solutions on their own,the importance of promoting common understanding in the field of education was discussed.The education vision lists "thinking, deciding, and taking action on one's own" as a necessary skill for living in the future.

Add bears to "designated managed birds and animals"
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Bears have been added to the "designated managed birds and animals".Environment Minister Ito Shintaro announced on the 16th that the bears that caused the highest number of human casualties in 2023 have been added to the "designated managed birds and animals".According to the Ministry of the Environment, brown bears and Asiatic bears are distributed in 34 prefectures,and last year there were 198 cases of human casualties caused by bears in 19 prefectures,totaling 219 people, including 6 deaths.In Gunma, there were 4 cases of human casualties caused by bears last year, and 713 sightings.

Convenience store robbery man indicted
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Man indicted for convenience store robbery.On the 16th, the Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office indicted Abe Tomonori, an unemployed man from Isesaki City, on suspicion of robbery for threatening a convenience store clerk with a knife and stealing groceries and other items.According to the indictment, at around 2 a.m. on March 28,defendant Abe pointed a fruit knife at a convenience store clerk in Isesaki City,causing the clerk to drop it, and stole 33 items, including a bowl of spaghetti.

Announcement of road service results
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Analysis of last year's emergency calls announced.Ahead of the long holiday, the Gunma branch of the JAF announced the results of road service calls that occurred during last year's Golden Week on the 16th.There were 972 emergency calls,of which 293 were for "dead batteries",followed by "flat tires, bursts, low air pressure" and "damaged or deteriorated batteries".

Be careful of flying yellow dust.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By Isesaki FM's AI.Watch out for yellow sand from the night of the 17th to the morning of the 18th.Yellow sand is expected to arrive over a wide area of the prefecture between today and tomorrow, and the Maebashi Regional Meteorological Observatory is urging people to be careful of reduced visibility and laundry sticking to the sand.According to the observatory, winds containing yellow sand are expected to flow into the sky from the night of the 17th to the morning of the 18th,and there is a possibility of traffic disruptions due to poor visibility.

"Isesaki kukuri kasuri" exhibition of kimono pattern making begins
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM"."Isesaki kukuri kasuri" exhibition of kimono pattern making beginsTo commemorate the certification of "Isesaki kukuri kasuri" craftsman Saito Sadao as a prefectural traditional craftsman, an exhibition of his works began at Isesaki City Hall on the 15th."Kukuri kasuri" is a technique in which warp and weft threads are tied with string, dyed separately, and the pattern is matched when woven.In January, "Isesaki kukuri kasuri" was designated a prefectural traditional craft, and to commemorate Saito's certification as a traditional craftsman, volunteers opened the "Isesaki kukuri kasuri Saito Sadao Exhibition".At the exhibition, you can experience the work process such as flag weaving and knotting under the guidance of Saito.

28.4°C in Kiryu. One person transported with heatstroke.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".28.4°C in Kiryu. One person transported with heatstroke.High pressure caused clear skies in Gunma Prefecture on the 15th, and temperatures rose steadily, resulting in unseasonably hot weather.According to the Maebashi Regional Meteorological Observatory, the highest temperatures were 28.4°C in Kiryu, 27.8°C in Tatebayashi, and 27.4°C in Isesaki, 7 to 11°C higher than average on weekdays at all 13 observation points, and comparable to temperatures in early June to early July.Some people fell ill due to the sudden heat, and on the 15th, an 88-year-old man who was outdoors in Maebashi was rushed to the hospital with suspected heatstroke.

Unauthorized soil transport at Mt. Narukami, Kiryu. Administrative sanctions against contractor
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Unauthorized soil transport at Mt. Narukami, Kiryu. Administrative sanctions against contractorIt was discovered on the 15th that a contractor had been transporting soil without permission into the protected forest of Mt. Narukami, Kiryu City, and administrative sanctions had been taken to stop the transport.According to the prefecture, the soil was transported to a forest road in the mountains of Kawauchi-cho, Kiryu City, and the contractor transported large amounts of soil to two locations. After receiving consultations from local stakeholders, they have verbally and in writing requested that the transport be stopped and the land be restored to its current state, but no improvements have been made. They say they are considering filing criminal charges if the situation does not improve.

Tests for "Class 2 Driver's License" now available in English.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Tests for "Class 2 Driver's License" now available in English.As the shortage of drivers for passenger transport industries such as buses and taxis becomes more serious, the prefectural police have made it possible to take the written test for Class 2 drivers in English from the 15th.There were no users on the first day, but with expected changes to the system to allow foreign workers to work as bus and taxi drivers, the prefectural police have prepared the environment with an eye to the future.Written tests for regular, motorcycle and moped licenses in the prefecture are already available in three languages: English, Portuguese and Vietnamese.

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