ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

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Kendai Takasaki won for the first time.(20240401)

Kendai Takasaki won for the first time.(20240401)

Apr 1, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM". Kendai Takasaki won for the first time.The Senbatsu High School Baseball final was held on the 31st.Kendai Takasaki won their first championship with a 3-2 victory over Hotoku Gakuen in Hyogo.In the first inning, Hotoku Gakuen hit a timely two-base hit to break the battle at first base with two outs and runners on first and second base.Furthermore, a throwing error overlapped, giving them a two-point lead.Kendai Takasaki goes over the left fielder's head with two outs in the bottom of the first inning and runners on first and second base.He hit a two-point timely two-base hit to tie the game,Furthermore, in the third inning, with one out and a chance to reach third base, he made a timely hit to take the lead.

The Korean Ambassador to Japan requests a meeting regarding the removal of Memorial Monument.

The Korean Ambassador to Japan requests a meeting regarding the removal of Memorial Monument.

Mar 29, 2024 01:03 いせさきFM

At a regular press conference on the 28th, Governor Ichita Yamamoto of Gunma Prefecture responded to the request for a meeting with Yoon Deok-min, the Korean Ambassador to Japan, regarding the removal of the memorial monument for Korean workers in the prefectural park Gunmanomori. I showed my thoughts.The South Korean Embassy announced on the 28th that it had requested a meeting between the embassy and the governor in January before the demolition, but the prefecture had refused.According to the prefecture, they would like to discuss the future of Japan and Korea.The ambassador will be visiting Gunma Prefecture, and the schedule will be adjusted in the future.

"Benicouji" damage also occurs in Gunma Prefecture.

"Benicouji" damage also occurs in Gunma Prefecture.

Mar 29, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

"Benicouji" damage also occurs in Gunma Prefecture.Maebashi City announced on the 28th that one person in Gunma Prefecture had been admitted to a medical institution after complaining of feeling unwell due to health damage caused by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's supplements containing "Benicouji" ingredients.According to the prefecture, one consultation was also received from Kiryu City, where a person's health worsened after taking Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's health food. The person recovered after stopping taking the supplements on the advice of a doctor.Gunma Prefecture is urging people to be careful not to use it.

There was a robbery at a convenience store in Isesaki.

There was a robbery at a convenience store in Isesaki.

Mar 29, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

There was a robbery at a convenience store in Isesaki.On the 28th, a man posed as a customer at a 7-Eleven in Sakai Iyoku, Isesaki City, threatened a female employee by displaying something that looked like a knife, stole food and drinking water, and fled.According to police, he pulled out what appeared to be a knife and threatened the store clerk before fleeing north in his car. No one was injured. In response to the incident, a nearby junior high school canceled club activities on the 28th. According to police, the suspect in this case has been identified and arrested.




@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中



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