2023-08-01 22:49

バイリンガル アートラジオ

spotify apple_podcasts




パリに行きたい理由が加わりました。 名門 ホテルドクリオンのロマンティックなパティスリー
おはようございます。 アートニュース今日も読んでいこうと思います。
Good morning everyone. I've just started to read Japanese podcast information from today.
アート大阪に行ってきました。 ナイロンブログ ファッションビューティー カルチャー情報
There are some events on 26th July to 31st July. It's called ART OSAKA 2023.
At Osaka Nakano Shima and Kitakagaya. 川づくりの廃材アート体験をSDGフェア
WS参加者を募る 山陽新聞デジタル
August 2 to 3 at Okayama. 北区本町コンベティションセンター
They call Okayama SDG Faire 2023. They have some workshop. 次、イベント
FGO FESTA キャラクターピックアップトーク イベントサーベントの宴
SEGA NET麻雀 MJモバイル 公開オフイベント リアルでプロとMJ対戦しよう
There are some game from the SEGA Enterprise. They are called麻雀. It's a board game from Japan.
They have some service started around the 10 years anniversary.
Next. FGO2023水着イベントに水着オベロン登場決定 ゲームウォッチ
Good morning. FGO, it's a swimwear event. It's called OBERON.
And this is summer princess on the stage.
Indonesia. Indonesia called TwitterX is blocked with the 2000...
I should remember this number of people.
インドネシアの多くの人々がサイトにアクセスできないに陥っているというそうです 原因は x のドメインにあるそうです
夏休みにおすすめ アマプラの8月配信予定 ハーフポスト
I'm always checking about amazon prime video.
So I should check it the August series.
OK, everyone. I play some music.
Get lost in the mains.
Evganio Izzy and Amber Dryhope
Dark Chocolate Oatamaro
Solo Luis. I like lo-fi music. So I started this music. OK, let's listen.
They have Japanese western art museum at Ueno station.
They have some exhibition like demons, dragons, big eating, how it called.
This is a exciting
bad people, not like a people, bad animal or they have some art painting and sculptures
at the exhibition they are in. It's a Lou Corbusier building, famous architect.
つぎ、映画デジモンアドベンチャー ザ ビギニング本予告
デジモン is like a new game, I guess.
The opening theme or song is Koji Wada.
映画クレヨンしんちゃん 最新作公開記念
もののけ忍者チンプーデン 地上波初放送
If some movie started at a road show,
then the same time, the past movie at the last year
movie the same title are gonna have a tv general
general publishing at the tv so it's a similar it's always in
japan is like that 次、これだけは見ておこう
必見映画 179
They have some Musashino art museum art university choose 179 movies
so choose it so I will check it for this
アート この夏指先に私だけのアートを 予想
大人のジェルネイルアイディア5000 国境を越えて宇宙からも見えてくるアートを作る
西国境の古典絵 they have some exhibition at the tokyo
new art museum at the roppongi
called 国境再エキシビション at the moment so
the next the family art at the okayama art museum
and they have many exhibition at there the hollywood digital art studio
and the goh and minami southern part of france
アルルの寝室 the sleeping room at all
they have exhibition at okayama okay next disney plus
竹中直人不機械に強い責任感 俳優のイメージが変わってしまう憧れていた
声優業の奥深さ they have a new drama series secret
invasions at disney plus
the famous actor called naoto takenaka he's looking for he has
some interview from them that was really difficult at
changing for the japanese voice 韓国ドラマ悪魔
明かされる悪魔の願いと元に戻った キムテリに
the korean art drama it called 悪魔
and they have some disney plus the new new emissions started
called キムテリ and オールジョンセ
to be very nice the next 建築建築は japaneseで
アーキテクトのことを建築と言いますけど 熊本
they have some museum library public library at the 子供
子供 is in japanese like children children's
library that started to building up at the architect called
tadao ando tadao ando's most famous he is my most famous
japanese architect and 26 22 they have some big
conference that he had
he talked about the 子供図書館 is a public
children's library okay では次の曲聴いていただきましょう
it's called アンジェラ like cds
a daydream date with thomas raid
the nerves jato lost love please listen
いかがだったでしょうか a daydream day with
thomas raid love lost love as neobuchi ato
so the next step is a architect again 豊生伊藤 he is an architect
at the japanese 日本語日本語 means like a japanese
speaking and japanese economical newspapers the news
我が家の飼い主の桃は暑い時には玄関のたたきに寝転がり寒い人 寒いとひなたばっこできる場所に移る
人間も昔の木造建築ではそうやって居心のいい場所を探した デーハーでアーサムドックスコーヒー
ドックスネームライカの桃 ウェンレッツ
summer is hot they went to at the entrance of the house and sleeping there
when it's cold cold day they move to the hot place at the house
and they would be come to the looking for the best good place yeah in a house
equal like 豊生伊藤's architect everyday life they have some news like this
ok new york the first slam dunk the northern part of usa
today gonna start it to the movie the movie
ready preview was wonderful success the first slam dunk the name of the movie
yeah the last year this this year early this year we have great success with slam dunk
they have some very big news in kamakura shichirigahama they have it's a slam dunk
rocket place many sightseeing tourists are visiting there it will be really really good
that's really nice news and you know in japan has a big movement like the sauna
sauna is finland biggest hot air super in many japanese people are so go into much
go into this movement and i'm also i like sauna as well so they have some news like this
ポスターによるとスタッシーステイで s-t-a-y-c ですねステイシーって言うんでしょうかね
23rd of september and 24th is two days at the concert at seoul and the next
new york chicago san antonio dallas seattle san francisco
yeah they look really nice i'm looking for the starseas movie music as well
i i explain for for the english listener i started today for
for a transport translate japanese to english
who when people are interested about japan would be fun would be fun so
i translate japanese news to the english and made a podcast
they have some famous actor yudai chiba he went to the california and disney museum
summer day and it was really everybody had a very admire for him that's a big news about that
ok the next music i'm listening for maybe japanese famous
summer music i'm looking for that so where is it i heard a playlist 28 and it's called
打ち上げ花火ダークオー ok let's listen the next news from the singapore
エアコン大好きのシンガポールが示す結婚気候変動のジレンマ cnn.jp co.jp
uh in singapore at the 27 degree at the 5th uh no no my may
we have some university student chi kwan chu but all
the meeting was cancelled and he stay at the air con's rooms it's true in japan is
also very hot so yesterday was so incredible hot like 40 degrees almost so we are just
love to stay at the home maybe in the evening we have just go out somewhere else
次小松の小さな酒蔵海外進出加速 シンガポール台湾にとこの間もヌーンのニュースですね
they have some komatsu is a place at the kanazawa i guess because komatsu is a
famous place of the airport at kanazawa the small sake company is alcohol company
um merchandise at the taiwan and singapore okay next canada
they have news about canada they have immigrants or many people are invited for the immigrant
for the country success or country development
ビニール傘 is a japanese famous convenience store japan has many rain and suddenly like a mountain side
so every convenience store companies there you know the convenience store is like 7-eleven
lawson and family mart these three are most famous japanese convenience store
or they are a grocery maybe it's a grocery and this shop every shop has a vinyl gasa
vinyl gasa is an umbrella with the vinyl with a aqua transparent colors and white then
yeah it's when it's suddenly rain at japan we can you can buy like a three dollars more or less maybe two dollars and you can get it easily
ネズミュージアム at aoyama 15th of july already started and 20th of august
would be called 物語る絵画 it's like a storytelling painting that's it's called like this
you know japan has a 健康保険 it's a global no it's japanese insurance for the health
we pay like an every every month we pay depends on the income for example over maybe 100 dollars for
for a month then when we have some sick sick we can have the medical support with very low cost
like in a 30 percent or 20 percent so it's very cheap because for we are supporting for the
healthy people supporting for the illness people this is a system of the society so i should
i recommend for your country as well to learn for this it's very good system i guess
次 led 照明が健康被害をもたらすその原因はやはり厄介だった blue light
they have some news about led lights for the health health happening so some yahoo news call like this
炭酸水 is a japanese call it's a sparkling water so sightseeing people are always
looking for the sparkling water at convenience stores but in japan with very small
client small selling the tansansui sparkling water so this article says some
sparkling water is good for health or bad for health see twitter uh bluebird was finished okay
interview and also at osaka the article of that dubai dubai is
dubai is some movie called barbie have you ever seen rec room okay let's listen some music again
長尾旅人 i like so much this music so listen to it
というわけでi'm i'm started to translate in english today for my podcast and they have some more news for india or france or london fashion but i stopped to listen to podcast recording today just now so thank you very much for listening have a great day my friend bonjournée à bientôt

