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  2. 251: I Agreed at the Time
2018-06-29 1:19:13

251: I Agreed at the Time

This week, we spoke with Addie (@atdiy) and Whisker (@whixr), the Toymakers (@Tymkrs).

Their latest CypherCon badges included a complete phone system. For more information, check out the user documentation at hackthebadge.com or the related Reddit post.

There is a video of Joe Grand’s 2018 CypherCon talk if you’d like to watch him talk about his juvenile delinquency.

In our last episode with Addie and Whisker (#205), we talked about the CypherCon 2017 badges and their Tindie store.

Tindie module for phone

The "Drew" mentioned is Drew Fustini (@pdp7). Though only Whisker supports accosting him to talk about OSH Park board colors.


