1. Embedded
  2. 126: Live From Supercon
2016-08-05 1:01:13

126: Live From Supercon

Elecia went to Hackaday's SuperCon, got to announce the Hackaday Prize 2015 winners, then talked to the organizers about their conference.

The guests this week were (in order of appearance):

Tamagotchi Hive

Adam promised us a list of contributors to the goodie bag. Here it is!

  • NFCRing.com
  • OSHpark 
  • Wicked Device
  • Seeed Studio
  • Pololu
  • Parallax
  • No Starch Press
  • Microchip
  • Nanomagnetics (http://nanodots.com/gyro.html)
  • The Hackaday Store

