1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 最近行きたいおすすめレストラ..
2023-05-17 12:40


Whoopie Goldburg, ハンバーグ嘉

こんにちは、英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcastです。
that's a lot yeah yeah yeah and those are japanese japanese that's 120 yeah meat yeah 33
ramen 18 those americans hamburgers and mexicans and kins 98 yeah curry eight yeah those are bars
bar 74 yeah dude yeah that's a lot yeah are you are you do you even know what's in them like do you
even understand like what's what you actually pinned like i don't remember
okay wow i now i'm starting to feel like you're pinning just for the sake of pinning
yeah not to go just it's like you're just you're pinning it because you want to yeah yeah well i do
i like pinning collection yeah yeah yeah okay so um recently
um so i have so many you oh yeah you got that right
um oh not that one because i don't want to right you so right yeah i want to you give some give
something that way that you can give away yeah of course like don't go for like yeah the one you
right you want to enjoy the place right okay that's a difficult yeah or like something that
you've already went yeah okay i'm not gonna go there again oh true true is recommendable true
so what genre okay i want i want okay lunch i want lunch lunch yeah lunch
then must be like those casual ones yeah casual one's great yeah oh so i'm not gonna say this
okay this one was good i've been there before oh really no that's a good yeah yeah yeah that's a
good hammer yeah yeah you know that place is actually um like won awards several yes yes yes
yes yeah yeah yeah in a in a in a it's not so crowded no you know no it's kind of far from like
main station yeah yeah and it's a it's a good place yeah yeah yeah i don't want to give that
away too like that's a good place so those are like mainly like hamburgers
so yeah like an honest question do you look at some of them and and like oh i don't remember
pinning this i don't know what this is like i have no idea what this is or do you remember every one
of them i i kind of remember all of them but yeah but not something like oh you know i kind of oh
yeah maybe i did it had this name before okay but you found something did you find something yeah
yeah this one okay it's a nice place okay looks good it's called um yeah i might come again but
but anyways it's like a it's called whoopee gold burger whoopee yeah in shibuya whoopee
gold burger okay it's it's like a very small place it's like only like um like six seven
seats in the counter okay place all right and like a very narrow um it's like this place
wow yeah such a small shop yeah the hamburger looks good yeah and the buns really thick you
know like that's a very like i've never seen this kind of buns before yeah and that was in like
narrow shibuya streets and also it's not in the main streets not at all it's like a little bit
far yeah narrow and feels like kind of you know the city uh-huh uh-huh right right right only the
locals know yeah yeah i know it's like a secret place right that looks like a good restaurant
yeah yeah to know oh the the fries look great yeah i love the fries yeah yeah wow whoopee burger
yes whoopee burger old burger whoopee gold burger recommend this place oh nice yeah i'm gonna check
that out someday but it's in shibuya right it's in shibuya yes don't get to go to shibuya that
much but when i do true true right if you should do like this it's like a oh the cool entrance there
you know like a like a half entrance kind of way oh nice yeah kind of a bit underground kind of
do you have any recommendation um for me i do i i do actually um are you looking for something like
lunch dinner um savory sweets looking for lunch yeah lunch all right
oh i have one more thing all right i can't i'm not gonna say this the name sorry guys
just um recommend this place all right um it's called you might know this but um
um what's like um this one it's actually a famous place but i don't know that you don't know this
place oh i was looking for these kind of like japanesey place yeah okay yeah you should check
that and what's good about this store is like open throughly until like from lunch to dinner
that is such right like many places they close at three yes right yes they open at five again
yes what the fuck happened at 4 p.m yes right and we often have job time until two three right and
we oh everywhere is closed i know i get that so many times to eat lunches but so many times yeah
this one is like through until dinner uh-huh so you can go like four even five and still get it
so all right right right all right let me yeah i have this one yes yes they have um two places i
guess okay yeah right looks like they do yeah so this is like this is like yeah kind of thing
shinisei-ish kind of kind of but the um store itself is quite looks gorgeous new right it looks
shiny yeah it's not like old like a
all right thank you yeah yeah all right i'm gonna yes yes yes here so for us it's very
you know rare right it's rare somewhere through ajo right yeah um so my recommendation yeah
so many of the places that i look for um that are outside of my you know kodohai okay they're
from tiktok oh okay which means they're famous okay okay they're popular uh-huh so there could
be a lot of people right right that's a downside okay but it does look good okay one of the places
that i want to recommend okay are um so since this is
uh i went there the other day oh you went there yeah and i'm not gonna go again so
i don't mind saying the name it's called hambagu yoshi okay hambagu yoshi it's in uh there's
there's one in harajuku and there's one in omotesando okay which ones you recommend
i the same i only went there yeah i think they're the same okay i think um
yeah so the hamburger is like you get like it's a
yeah wow yeah and the okome is like very
how is a special rice it's a yeah it's a special rice it's a brand rice okay okay they come
you know kamadaki
yeah like what's without using the suihanki what's what's what's the option the kamayaki
yeah kamadaki kamadaki yeah this is kamadaki oh and like it's okawari free oh and you get one egg
mm-hmm so what you do so you get three mini hambagu okay
and they give it they serve it to you when you're done with the first one
oh when you're done with the second one they serve it to you like it's always fresh
always fresh always fresh baked and gyutan hambagu first and then normal hambagu second
gyutan hambagu third oh there's like several yakumis you get to enjoy a lot of the yakumis
they they put the hambag on top of the rice all right so you get to enjoy with the rice
or with the yakumis with the sauce and everything on the third one you use your egg and make like a
little tamago kake gohan with the hambagu the juicy hambagu and it's delicious yeah wow very good
wow yeah i'm looking at the pictures and wow yeah looks delicious i went there on a weekday night
yeah weekday night and the store was half empty so oh that's yeah good yeah
so yeah let me yeah yes thank you all right so there you go yeah thanks for sending guys thank
you bye-bye

