1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
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2023-07-27 11:34


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. Hey, guys. Hello. Hello.
All right. DM time? Yeah. Let's go. Let's go.
Okay, here we go. This one? Not this one? Not that one? What was wrong with that one? Yeah, that was
from a company. Sorry. Yeah, that's a no-go. Yeah, that is a no-go. Plus, plus, plus. We got a
many pluses. Oh my god, that is such a good, that's good news. Yeah. We love it. Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you, guys. All right. So,
There's a thing called a ultramarathon? Yeah. Shit. I don't, I can't even imagine how long that is.
Right, right. 100 km. From where to where is 100 km? Let me do Tokyo Station to Yokohama Station. Let's
see how long that is. Yeah, yeah. It's more than that. Is it more than that? Yeah, I think so. That's
gotta be fucking, that's crazy. Yeah. Are you serious? Tokyo Station to Yokohama Station. So,
that is 28 km. Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah. So, three times? Right. More than three times, right? Yeah.
So, are you fucking kidding me? Like, from Tokyo to Nagoya? It's like. All right, let's see how long
that is. Tokyo to Nagoya. That's a bit long. Yeah. I mean, it does look too long. Yeah.
Tokyo to Nagoya. That is 351. Okay, that's too long. All right. Let's see. Let's do, let's do
um, Fujisan. Ah, okay, okay. Yeah. Tokyo Station to Fujisan. 123. Oh, so that's about it. Yeah.
That is fucking crazy. That is absolutely ridiculous. Are you fucking kidding me? You run,
wow. So, on Google Maps. Yeah. You know how you can search how long it takes if you walk, bicycle,
car. Right, right, right. If you walk, it says. Yeah. It's ridiculous. That's crazy. 26 hours
then, right? Yeah. Wow. So, I'm curious how long did that take? Yeah, true. Wow. Wow.
Ultramarathon. I don't, I don't know. That's crazy. So, like the usual marathon. Yes. Like
49 kilometers. Okay. Well, I'm not sure the level of Noriko-san's pace, but like around like,
so Sanjikan Nanpun is very, very, like the world's fastest level. And like, I heard like,
kind of fast. Like Gojikan is like, yeah, kind of. Average. Like the debutant, yeah, Gojikan,
that's regular. So, so it's like, like double of that. Right. At least 10 hours. 10 hours of
running. Yeah. Oh my god. I can't imagine. You can't run for like 10 hours. Like you have,
you need to walk sometimes, no? Right, right, right, right. So, it might take even more.
Yeah. Jesus Christ. That's, that is crazy. Wow. Yeah. All right.
Wow. Wow. So, they have like limit, time limit. I see, I see. Wow.
Wow. True passion. Wow. It's incredible. I love that.
Oh, wow. Wow.
Nice. Wow. I don't know if my phone would even last 10 hours.
My AirPods definitely would not last 10 hours. That's for sure.
Wow. I have a, a friend. One of my friends from high school, he was in the same football club.
Mm-hmm. And he is a, uh, kaishain right now. Yes. But he loves running too. Okay.
And he's, you know, applied to those, like Tokyo Marathon. Uh-huh.
Every, you know, country area has marathon all the time. Yes. And then they, yeah, he
keeps training all the time. Wow. And yeah. And he also says that I'm,
I'm kind of interested in ultra marathon. Oh, wow. It's a 100 kilos, so I can't,
still not decided. Uh-huh. So, yeah. Oh my God. Wow. So, there are something
that makes them run. Right. Yes. I'm still don't get it, but. Yeah. I, I never got it either.
Like something. Uh-huh. Yeah. I don't, I don't get it. Yeah. Wow. I, you know, in general, I hate
stamina based. Like long time. Yeah. I'm, I'm more of a instant power. Yeah. Yeah.
Wow. Wow. That's incredible. Yeah. That's incredible. That's incredible. Unbelievable.
Yeah. But you love sample, right? Yeah, I do. Walking around the city. Yeah, I do. I do.
That might a bit similar. I mean, I'm, I'm not sure, but it's like. I mean, it could be. Yeah.
Right. It could be, you know, I mean, I mean, I love looking at the view, right. The view of
Tokyo. Yeah. That's what I love. So not the walking itself. I see. I see. It's the discovering
of the cities. Okay. Okay. That I love. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Marathon. I've never tried.
Like when I was junior high, we had a, I was in a football club, so we had a,
we, we needed to like participate to the city marathon. Oh yeah. You guys were forced to do
so? Yeah. My coach told me that the one, so we had a winter season. We hadn't, it wasn't like
winter, but there are some seasons we had no like official matches. Yeah. So we had to train
ourselves and then you got to join that and you have to run it. Does everyone have to join? Yeah.
We had to. What? Yeah. And, but that wasn't like full marathon, not like 49. It was like
go kilo, go kilo marathon. Yeah. Okay. So it's very short. It's, it's just like usual everyday
training for a football club. So it wasn't that hard. So we were like, yeah, not bad.
We wanted to compete ourselves, like who is the fastest. Yeah. I was terrible at marathon.
So you're not a marathon guy either. No, no. Terrible. I was a captain,
but I guess I was second slowest. Oh, that's pretty bad. Yeah. I was very bad.
I'm very bad at like marathon. Very bad. Yeah. So you're more of a power kind of guy. Yeah. I mean,
I'm not power guy either, but I have no stamina. I would say I'm a technique guy. So I would say so.
Yeah. But I was very bad. So. Right. I kind of understand that feels good when you run,
when you like achieve it. Yeah. You feel very strong. Yeah. Joy. Yeah. I get a similar feeling
when I, um, when I saw you for like, yeah, say like, I'm going to do, I'm going to do an eight
hour cycle today. Yeah. Right. Go into a cafe. Right. And then do like an full on hardcore
eight hour for a laptop kind of cycle. And when you're done, you're like,
yes. Productivity. Right. I guess that's the closest feeling I think. Yeah. The closest we
can feel. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yes. That's more of a stamina. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Kind of
understand that. Do you like working in cafes? Um, like, like that? Yeah. Um, yeah,
but I'm not good at working in cafe actually. Okay. I prefer more like, um, silent place.
But not inside your house? Inside my house is one choice. Okay. And like, or like library,
people are there, but very quiet. Yeah. So if, if, if it's loud, it's like, uh,
I sometimes focus on somebody's conversation and that, you know, really distracts you. Yeah. So,
so you don't listen to music or anything like that. You don't put no earphones on.
Yeah. I prefer like silent place. I see. I see. That's like, if I want to be,
you know, the best performance, I, I try to make it silence. Uh, why not noise canceling
headphones with no music on? Yeah. That's one choice. Yeah. An option. Yeah. And going to the
cafe. Yeah. That's one choice. Yeah. Yeah. You prefer like those. Yeah. I prefer very loud cafes
and with very loud K-pop music on. Makes you high. I don't know. It just makes me focused though.
Yeah. It doesn't make me high though. It's like a Rana high, Rana's high. It's like a
Sagyowaz high kind of. I guess so. I guess so. Like it's easier for me to get into that zone,
I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Music's playing on the background. Like if there's nothing playing,
it's just right. Like, like what you said, it makes me focus on the small noise that's around
the conversations next to me. Like I get distracted by that, but when it's,
when it gets to the point where it's like too much noise, it, it makes me shut down. Really
kind of laser beam focused on my side. Yeah. All the noise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I see.
Yeah. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.

