1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 飛行機のトイレ行く時、貴重品..
2023-04-14 09:37


Baggage Claim もね

Going to the bathroom on a plane
Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast.
All right.
Okay, let's go.
And that's a plus.
Oh, sorry.
Is that good?
Is that?
That's a lot of water.
What I usually do in that situation is I try to hold it in as much as possible.
when I'm at that level of like, oh my god, it's going to come out then I would just no matter what the situation is.
I would go even if that person sleeping.
I'll be like, oh, I'm so sorry.
I got to go to bathroom.
Yeah, but I don't I try to hold it in.
I try to go at some like like a good timing.
Yeah, no.
When he's awake or you know, when he stands up, that's that's a better timing.
I would I think yeah.
Well me too basically.
Yeah, I try to
keep this Malaysia Shia Jin asleep and then I try to like pass through.
Ah, that's a yeah, that's a good way of maybe like this.
Yeah, go over maybe that's what I'll do to problem.
I don't say anything but try to pass through.
Yeah, and if it's impossible, then I would say something.
Yeah, I get it.
What to do with valuable items on a flight
What do you do with your kichouhins on flight?
Oh, that is something that
you know,
that I wasn't sure of.
Okay, all the time.
Like should I leave my bag here with all the wallets and the
you know, passports and the the genkins and the you know, what do you do with
Like when you go to the bathroom?
So I
I was with passport and smartphone.
I was carrying this passport all the time, but not with like freight cars or
like monies.
I left those.
So when you go to the bathroom, you carry your body bag or something.
Yeah, which has the passport inside and that's it passport some credit cards
some credit cards and that's it and some amount of money.
I see very tiny.
Security concerns while traveling on airplanes
So I see so so you're leaving the wallets the phones.
Yeah, maybe phone.
I bring with you.
Maybe the wallets are just yeah in the bag.
Yeah, open bright.
Should I say this?
No, should we reveal this?
Now, you know, now y'all know what to do.
Yeah, wink.
It's your chance guys wink.
Yeah, but we should bring those everything.
I guess.
Yeah, I guess.
If stranger is sitting next to you and then yeah in your sleep and you
sleep, right?
What are you going to do when you're sleeping?
Like anyone could sneak up on you and just open your wallet, right?
And take some Genkings and wallet, their credit cards and stuff like that.
We just we just assume that because we're in an aircraft in a closed space.
Yeah, people just wouldn't do any bad stuff.
And we just we just unconditionally trust whoever's next to us.
We just we just kind of weird.
Right, right.
Not that I've not that we've been we've been a victim of any like robbery
or like someone stole anything like that.
I've never that never happened to me in my life.
I don't know.
Have you know, right?
So but it's just it just got me thinking.
Yeah, the time we went to New York, right?
That was like, what am I going to do with the bag?
It's like 10 hours of sleeping.
Yeah, like like like you're next to me.
You could do anything.
Yeah, you could you could you could take my wallet.
Yeah, right.
Well, that's happy.
You didn't notice.
You got me.
Yeah, but that's true, right?
I mean, right and there would no like camera.
No camera.
That's true.
That's true.
Right, right, right.
That's true.
So all you need to do is just keep everything like and holding
like this.
Well, that's what I did.
I kept my bag in front of me like I yeah, so that nobody can
Safety concerns and vulnerabilities while traveling on airplanes
yeah, no one can like if someone tried to like unzip it.
I would probably notice.
Yeah, it would hit my hand and I'll probably wake up is yeah,
it's kind of how I did it.
Yeah, but like the people the the there was a lady in front
of me that sat there was a lady in front of me, right?
Okay front seat and I had the window seat and her bag was
sliding down in between the seat and the wall of the aircraft.
Okay, and I could literally reach for that bag without her
Wow, like it was right there.
And she was sleeping.
She was sleeping and I was like that.
This is so dangerous.
Like yeah, all like.
My goodwill is the only thing that's that's holding her from
being a victim.
Right, right.
You just can easily like pick everything right if I was some
some some bad person like I would I could just I could do
it like I get right there.
Right, right.
So such a vulnerable situation.
I yeah, still dangerous.
Yeah, very dangerous and also that um suitcase pick up right?
Yeah, anyone can get that suitcase and just walk away.
Yeah, is that dangerous?
That's right, right?
Yeah, all you need is just you wait.
And so if somebody picks it like the beforehand, you just
notice nothing and right wait, right?
Which is so I don't know just out of all the crimes that's
happening out there in the world.
It's just it's so weird to me.
Yeah, how the the aircraft situation is just so you know,
I don't know just seems vulnerable for you know, yeah.
Yeah, I should like touring like having trouble with travels
with grooves and then like leave your back to your friends
for example, or if you trust him.
Yeah, if if if you trust that person, yeah, and then you can
go to bathroom, right?
Right, right.
But if you're traveling alone, yeah, yeah.
It's true.
It's difficult, right?
Right, right.
Like it's always said like in the Metro in New York or in
Airplane travel and valuable belongings
Paris, you shouldn't sleep.
Right, but that same thing in the airplane.
Same thing.
Yeah, same thing.
Right, like true.
Right, right.
Just what I thought.
Well from that from the next time I would like keep everything
in like this.
Yeah, well, I put it in my pocket.
Everything seems better.
Yeah, it seems better for right.
All right.
Thanks for sending guys.
Yeah, bye.

