1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. なぜアマゾン本社はマッチョに..
2022-11-08 09:27



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast. Oh, oh forgot about that
And the cameras, yeah, of course. All right Kevin's English room podcast
Same day. Yes, we did our first
Koga Hiroku. Yep
It's we're in the Amazon's office. Yep, which is super cool the view
Absolutely, this is absolutely
Ridiculously, yeah stunning so beautiful if
Lived like lived in an apartment where they have this view. Yeah, I would think that he's an ass
Why I would think that he's a complete asshole why
You're so materialistic
You're so fucking caught up on
Status and money. You're you're an asshole. I would
That's how beautiful yeah, and then you go to his house every night
If you don't want to I'm okay, but like I'm just asking I'm just asking you know, like
Yeah, this is that beautiful it's yeah, it's amazing amazing you can see
everything everything like every
Every single things in Tokyo, which or like are we on 21st floor?
That was higher though, it looks higher. Yeah from the view sure. Yeah
Because that side we don't have you know much things that
That kind of guy. Yeah quite high. So yeah, and they are
Amazon's boss the Catherine
Told me that
She could see the who's the Sun over there this morning?
Really? Yeah, if it's like a clear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
She showed me the picture and so
jealous of this office
Yeah, yeah, remember there was like a like a workspace
Yeah, Muriel in the work. Yeah, it wasn't it wasn't opened. Oh, yeah, I think because of cove it
I think yeah, I searched it. Mm-hmm. And it was I'll see try to use this. Yeah, I just
try to like
Boroku, yeah service, but it was no no
Sadly, well, I guess they might be back after yeah
I've checked on the room at least during cove it was not available. Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, love this facility. Yeah, I mean this is
Number one. Yeah, I think so a company. Yeah, this is the best
Office building in Japan. You're not gonna get a richer company's office than this. Yeah
This is the richest company
In this world, right? Yeah
But the clocks kind of hard to read that doesn't have numbers right they could have had an easier to clock over that
Yeah, it's a weird. It's too expensive. I guess too expensive for us to understand what's going on, right?
It's just I don't I can't look at it and go. Okay, it's this time. I have to think before yeah
What time is that right now, I guess it's like 10 before 8
It's like
750 yes
Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah. Yeah
They have a huge ass plasma screen. Yeah, that's that's a white that's Wow
That's a big TV right? Yeah, and we've got this huge desk right this kind of
One two, one two three four five
Fifteen chairs. Yeah. Yeah
Wow, I mean
What are you gonna do with a kaiji of 15 people right
That's too much what are you gonna do with a plasma screen TV this big yeah
What are we gonna put on there yeah imagine we do some you know meetings through those
you know zoom things so like
Internet and for example, I cast it is here. Yeah, and we were connected from our
places on that screen
during the meetings and
It'll be kind of like
Embarrassing. Yeah, it's really embarrassing. That's too big. Yeah
So detail is probably like 4k or something, right? We're gonna be displayed in like this
Or even like 16k
And this big guys
Yeah, this is
Right me whiteboard is this it's not even white anymore like silver
Yeah, it's like a wall slash white. Yeah
Damn it's amazing. Yeah
Yeah, I wonder if we could
So we are on the like 21st floor today, but
Last time we came to this office that was like in a different floor, right? Yeah. Yeah the cafeteria. Yeah, and the Amazon music
Yeah, right the office floor. I wonder how many
Floors they have like how many rooms they have? They have the
E-commerce division here as well. Right? It's the got the whole thing. Yeah, it's like a headquarter. Yeah, I think so
Yeah, I wonder what kind of people work. Yeah
Like we got to know the vibes of the Amazon music people, right?
like I wonder how the the the e-commerce rare are like must be a little different from
Right those people from music section. I guess my image like music people is more chill. Yeah more like
Go with the flow. Yeah, we're like fun. Yeah, but like my image of e-commerce
Like it's like more aggressive, right? What do you mean? I'm aggressive like like they they they get their they get they
follow through on their point they
they very like
Extremely logical. Yeah, and extremely like capable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's really like
Love discussing right right right right the yeah, Silicon Valley. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah kind of sure cliche
Facebook yeah
But one thing I found was then the guardians guard, yeah
in this building
Guardians have so muscular
Yeah, why does Amazon have to make their guards so muscular?
Even with the Amazon music studio in sepulia. Yep. They in here the there in front of the elevators, right?
Yeah, that guy was the muscular guy. Yeah, so pumped
Like I was next to him yeah in the in the men's room
Yeah, I'm sorry, I was already intimidated just him taking a piss. Yeah, that got me
Like oh god, is he gonna am I doing something wrong? I hope not. This guy's gonna fuck in. Yeah
So like some zycon the noise of his piss manly
That's I guess the single thing single only single key June
For this guardian, I guess and what's ironic is that they're the number one tech play
I mean they had to do it. So manually they have to use muscles and
non digital shit
To protect their place. Yeah
finally muscles
ultimate weapon, right
That's funny
Instead of technologies
That's funny, yeah, all right, all right, so uh, yep, thank you for listening guys. Thank you
Three more to more
Mint okay, I'm keeping a torii. Okay, I'm sorry. It's a good story

