1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんがシャインマスカット..
2022-09-21 10:24



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hey guys!
It's a brand new place, no?
Yeah, first time ever recording in this place.
I don't think we've ever been stable with the areas.
We record and everything, right?
I like this place actually.
It's our...
...Jimu show.
Right, Jimu show studio.
I'm surrounded by those huge windows.
I can see those trees and some greens.
I like that.
It's a big window.
How are you?
I'm good.
I feel like I got tanned.
Yeah, you do.
I came here with a Dendo kickboard.
Yeah, that's why you got tanned.
Right, I rode like an hour.
I feel like I just look at the screen and I can feel it.
I can see that my skin got tanned.
Well, maybe the, you know...
The lighting?
Oh, okay. Got it.
A bit though.
But you got tanned.
I think I did. I feel my skin.
I love this weather today.
Do you enjoy that?
It's not humid.
Not that hot.
It's a little bit warm when the sun's out.
It's a perfect picnic day.
What do you call those?
Yeah, those beach umbrellas.
I think so.
It's a perfect day for that.
Oh, I brought something to you.
Oh, okay. What is it?
For the picnic day, you know.
Oh, exciting.
It's not a big thing, but...
All right.
It's a picnic day, so...
Look at this.
Sunshine muscat.
Yeah, it's a shine muscat.
Your bag is just haunted, man.
That's the second time that fell off.
Just randomly.
It's like that.
Look at that, guys.
Look at that shine muscat.
You brought tupperware.
And shine muscat.
Yeah, for the picnic day, you know.
We can eat like that
on a sunny, bright day.
If you don't mind, yeah.
Make it all outside-y.
Yeah, I like that. I love that.
I don't know if you can, though.
Just like that.
I think you gotta...
Yeah, yeah.
That's better.
It's a wind and...
And we're not gonna get out of oxygen.
Yes, enjoy that.
Can I have one?
Of course, of course.
Thank you.
Is there...
Is there tanen inside?
No, no.
Just bite the whole thing?
Yeah, it's the one
I got from Furusato Noze,
which means
fucking expensive if you buy those.
Very juicy.
Yeah. It's the one from Yamanashi,
Fuefuki City.
Fuefuki City?
Isn't it too nosy, maybe?
Yeah, okay.
We'll finish the picnic and then we'll...
Yeah, yeah, of course, of course.
Yeah, I really enjoy this,
so I wanna share this to you.
Thank you.
Did you go to picnic
before this or something?
Were you planning to?
I opened the window and...
Oh yeah, you enjoyed it?
You know, the sky is chilling like this.
Every morning, you know.
And your veranda?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, but I can carry those
little chairs,
Oh, by the way,
I listened to your Gota-san.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Give me like a... How was it?
How was the recording?
It was great. It was really fun
to having time with them.
Gota-san and...
I mean,
they are so professionals.
Gota-san and Yu-san,
Komiyama Yu-san,
they are professional musicians,
of course. Then,
they did so many, you know,
like, Fesu,
or huge stages.
So they are so experienced,
so professionals.
So it was really fun to, you know,
talk with them.
It's good. I love that.
And Yu-san was really funny guy.
Yeah? Yeah.
I couldn't understand who was who
from the audio.
So the main Boke
was Gota-san. Oh, okay.
It's not intentionally
like that, but
Gota-san was mainly
naturally went to Boke side.
Okay. And Yu-san was
going to Komiyama side.
Are they...
Are them two
friends? Like close friends?
Yeah, yeah. Close friends.
So not like Hajimemashiro or nothing like that?
No, no, no. They've been...
I thought they've been friends
for like 20 years or more.
But, like,
they don't...
in the same group, like same band,
they have their own
bands. Oh, wait. They're in the same band?
No, they are not in the same band.
But they've been friends
for more than
20 years. Yeah.
Yeah, I love that.
That's good. Enjoy that. Yeah.
Did you cut the thing off?
Did you do that?
That's the secret of
keep it fresh.
Oh, really? Yeah. You have to cut the...
like this
and put it in the fridge.
So you can't...
I don't know what you call this.
Heta? Heta, yeah.
You can't take the heta off from the grape.
No. It's going to make it bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's going to make like...
see, there's a hole like that.
Okay. And that makes, you know,
from here start
being bad.
Get the oxygen going and everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
May I have the last piece?
Thank you.
Really good. Thank you.
Happy to share that.
Thank you. Yeah.
It's good, no? It's really good.
Really is a taco. Yeah.
Remember you said you
had a mango? Mango, yes.
I got influenced by it. Oh, really?
Two weeks ago I think I bought a mango. Oh, great.
Ate it. It's really good.
You bought from Furu-Satano-De or just...
No, just some random... Oh, great.
...free store. Oh, great.
They don't... I don't have...
the supermarkets around my house,
they don't have mangoes.
Yeah, I went... I had a chance to go to like a
really big... Yeah.
...free store. I had some random timing.
I found it. Yeah.
Oh, great.
Really good. Yeah.
Feels so luxury. Yeah.
At the same time I noticed
what I realized was that
you know how there are a lot of like
mango flavored juice?
I realized that
how... I realized
how precise
the flavor is. Yeah.
...those flavors are.
True. Yeah.
That was what I was kind of most...
...good and like the replicated flavor is like
really like on point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel great
today. I really do.
Yeah. Good weather. Yeah.
If the weather is nice,
my life
is brilliant. Yeah.
I mean you have a point there.
I mean,
it's a huge part of our life. Yeah.
It is actually.
You know how we had like
a cloudy day, five consecutive days?
Yeah. That got me like
almost pissed off. Yeah.
What the fuck is wrong with the sky?
I got pissed.
So true. So true.
Alright. Yeah.
There we go. Yeah, of course.
Thank you for listening guys. Yeah. Thank you for the grapes.
The Sunshine
Mascato. Yeah, it's Shine Mascato
I love that name though. Yeah, yeah.
That's in Ikebukuro, right?
Sunshine. Sunshine Stee. Yeah.
Alright. That's the highest, you know,
building, yeah? Oh yeah. 60 floors.
Yeah, yeah.
Alright. Okay, great.
Thanks for listening guys. Thank you.

