Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
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So we're very excited to hear your very first episode!
You were looking for that.
You were looking for another podcast.
Yeah, Anchor.
But you couldn't find it.
And kind of, you know, you are now
you've done
saying this phrase like
a million times now.
A million times.
So now kind of I feel like listeners
start remembering the phrases.
That's true.
So they can, you know,
say it along.
Say it along with me.
Hopefully with facial expressions.
Exactly. The idiotic facial expressions
I'm making as I'm saying it.
Hopefully you guys can see it when we start
video taping this.
Yeah, we can follow the video forms
so that we can show your face.
I have
a soudan to you.
I have one friend.
He just got married.
Yeah. Congrats.
Like one year ago. Okay.
And he's got baby. Okay.
Boy. A boy. Yeah.
And I'm going to see them actually.
And I'm planning
a present.
I just want to give some
thing that
makes them happy.
I just want to celebrate that.
This is the first time
for me to do this kind of things.
I haven't decided which
things that I have to buy
and what to do.
Okay. So you're asking for my help.
Yeah. Perfect.
Leave it to me. I hate kids.
So, same age you?
The friend? Same age.
But, well yeah. Same age.
Okay. Same age.
Recently married.
Recently became a father.
Yeah. Boy.
Yeah. Boy. First time meeting that
child? Yeah.
Okay. Actually, yeah. Is he the one with the
circle glasses? Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Got it.
Yeah. Him. Okay.
I think he likes cameras, right?
Yeah. He's a professional cameraman.
He likes camera, alcohol.
Professional bartender.
Barista. Yes. He's a barista.
And his wife, for your information,
his wife is also
working at a coffee shop.
And flower shop.
Wow. Nice.
Alright. Okay.
Taking those information to
your computer.
Let me analyze that. Okay. I think
I think
They're very
dirty. Right?
They spit.
They chew stuff.
And they spit it out.
And I feel like you can...
No, they're not. I think you can
never have enough...
Why do you hate them so much?
No, okay. I don't hate them.
I don't hate them.
I sometimes think they're cute.
I'm just playing the role here.
But I would hate to have a kid right now.
But I feel like...
You know one of those
towels that you put on a little...
Maekake? Maekake thing.
When they eat. It's to protect their clothes.
When they spill.
That's cute.
And I think you can have a little coffee logo on it.
So because they like coffee.
That's cute, right?
Another one.
How about you get one of those toys?
Where it makes a noise.
And that certain noise
puts the child into sleep.
Or like that noise
really stops the babies
from crying.
That's nice.
Like some relaxing sound
toy things.
You know that the noise of the
plastic bag?
Right. Relaxes the child.
Because it's similar to what they were hearing
when they were inside mother's
So like a similar kind of
tool that would
make that noise.
Or just give them an iPad.
Yeah, they're going to enjoy iPad.
You know those kids nowadays they enjoy with their iPads?
They watch videos.
Play games.
Yeah, that's true.
I have a friend who has a child.
My dad's friend actually.
Just I think age of like 4,
5, 6, something like that.
And what they do when they
want their kids
to just play by themselves, they just throw them
their iPad and they just let them
play whatever they want.
And it's super effective.
The kids are just on that screen.
And the parent can do
whatever they want.
Super efficient. Super effective.
I feel like. So very...
Some people are against it though.
Yeah, I'm not.
The kids are always on their phone and stuff like that.
Maybe that's against your philosophy.
But I do find it
helpful I feel like.
Yeah, I understand sometimes it helps.
Remember when we went to Fukuoka?
For a job.
I actually met a friend there.
She's got a child.
She's a little older than me.
And that child, he was like
elementary school 1st grade or like
4th grade boy.
He was like stacking on it.
Oh yeah.
And we were like
together and had time together.
And he was like
literally he...
Forever like on the screen.
And I was like
"Hey, how are you?"
"How old are you?"
But he never answered me.
He was watching YouTube shorts.
And it never ends, right?
It never ends. It's forever.
And he was like completely
And I saw it.
And you know
as in some people who
creating those things.
Feel a little
guilt. Oh yeah.
Like the content that
I'm creating is making
kids never leave their phone.
Yeah, that's it.
I was surprised.
And that friend told
me that "Oh, thank you
for creating this."
And of course
I'm joking.
It fits
to the point where that kid doesn't even answer you.
That's a little addictive, right?
Maybe he was shy?
He was too addicted to the point that he didn't even
give a fuck if you were there or not.
He was too addicted.
And every time the mother
tried to pick the phone up
from him, he shouted
a lot. Oh my god.
He like punched it to the
mother and kicked.
That was really like kind of the most surprising
You know
helps people
of course. But surprising
to me. I mean
my take
on that is actually kind of
different from yours.
I think that kids being
addicted to their phone, I think, isn't
much of a problem.
Because it's...
That's the flow of current society.
I think that
you know
back then
when kids used to play
outside, now we're like
praising kids that
play outside, right? That move their body.
They... I'm sure they had
their own version of this.
Like, oh they never like
what? I don't know. Swim in the sea.
Right, they never swim in the sea
anymore. They just chill
at the park.
Right? They're losing the
adventure mindset. That's what they're doing.
And I think when like what
Beyblades came out, they were like
oh they're never outside
with their soccer balls.
They're only playing Beyblades.
They're so focused.
And they didn't have any problem
with that. And now I think it's the same version.
Now they're on the phone.
People are demonizing people on phones.
But I just think that it's just...
You know, it's just they
have their own...
Like, I think they have
their own merits. They staying on their phones.
They can enjoy. They can be
more global. They can have a global mindset.
They can find more passion.
I feel like you're more
exposed to a lot of different
subjects. Controversial subjects.
Like difficult subjects as well.
It matures their mind.
I feel like.
And I think that kids
can find...
can connect to more people
online. They can improve
their emotional skills.
Right? So...
That's my take on it.
I kind of agree with you.
But I saw on that
He was completely...
Never be like
active to the information.
Just, you know, all the
come suddenly.
He was just thinking nothing.
But completely kind of addicted.
Consume that those
Almost like a drug addict.
Yeah. Kind of. Because contents are
really strong.
Really kind of well
To keep you watching.
So for people like
me and you, we know about
those things.
We can control that.
But those little
guys, it's really hard for them
to, you know,
judge it. Right? Like the
clickbait. Like if it's fake or not.
It's a content that's only
made to keep your attention.
It's a fake content. They don't know.
Right. That's true.
If it's real or not.
Should he stop or not?
Kind of...
That's what I felt.
I wanted him to access
all the information. That's
the best thing.
About the internet.
I did talk
to him. Why don't you create
by yourself? And do something
and put content on it.
And you can be, you know,
content creator. Right.
why I picked up those
The YouTube shorts and everything. TikToks and everything.
I'm sure this is very
like, there's a lot of
opinions on it. Yeah. Of course.
Yeah. Yeah. It's the first
time for me to see actual, you know,
those things. So it's kind of shocking to you.
Alright. Well, thanks for listening
guys. Thank you. Bye.