Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
I am saying this right now in my room all by myself with no Yahoo Chan.
The reason is that I had to take a brand new...
I have to record a new opening because in the last episode, as I told you at the very ending, that I've split the episode into two.
And so today, you're going to be listening to the other half, the second half of the 20-minute conversation.
And here is the episode. Enjoy guys.
And I have so many other things that I want to start.
Yeah, and my mind is really all over the place.
I have like 10... I think I have like 10 lists of businesses that I want to start.
I'm actually thinking about hiring somebody.
Hiring somebody.
Hiring like a team of people to do all the things that I want to do.
The 10 list?
Yeah, the businesses that I want to do.
To be like the COO for the things that I... the operating leader.
That would be nice. That would be fun.
That would be fun and nice.
Challenging, but really fun.
What is in the list?
One of the things is starting a deep dish pizza shop.
You know what deep dishes are?
It's like a Pum Pizza.
You know what Pum Pizza is?
It's a little thing.
Chicago style pizza.
Like Devil...
Devil Craft.
Devil Craft sells it, but I think that there's a better way of marketing their pizzas.
This is me being naive here, but you know, I feel like there's, you know, different way of approaching.
Like if you just search Chicago style pizzas, like not a lot of pizza shop will come up, you know?
And I feel like if you market towards that certain keyword, it's possible to like get it up there in Google
and people would come to your store if you have... if you market it properly.
Even if it's like the second or third floor, I think it's possible.
So, wow.
That's a... you're a business guy.
I'm a very business oriented person.
Like when... if I want to start a pizza shop, that means I want to make better pizza.
Oh yeah.
You know?
So I try to make better pizza, you know?
But you mentioned about the marketing first.
Right, right, right, right.
So that's a... you're a very like marketing business guy.
The taste matters a lot too, you know?
Taste is a thing that cannot be out of place.
Yeah, of course.
Of course.
With that in mind, I think marketing is still an important factor on top of that.
So, yeah.
Okay, okay.
Another thing I like is B alcohol.
B alcohol, you know what those are, right?
Like two or three percentage alcohol.
A lot of... like the beer companies are coming up with that, but they're only doing beers.
Like I want to do cocktails.
I want to do cocktails.
Because like... okay, this is right now me being selfish here.
I want to put this out in the world before anyone else.
Like, it's me creating this like legacy here, trying to like...
I'm okay.
But like, so let me just say it here.
Yeah, of course.
I feel like the reason why like the all the beer companies are coming up with a B alcohol,
they said that it's for the salaryman who has a work next day, but wants to feel the
the Tuesday's vibe of like drinking alcohol.
But for me, the reason why I want to build a B alcohol is because there's a lot of people
who are not good with alcohol, who are who gets drunk very easily with just one pack
of Horoyoi, one can of Horoyoi would get them very drunk and that's too much for them.
Like me and you.
Well, not me.
Or maybe you.
Well, not me, you know, like I can do I can do more than one can.
Well, maybe not you.
But like, yeah.
People who's more weak with alcohol than you are, than I am.
Like, just several sips of alcohol would get them very like Horoyoi, like Yoi.
And then like, so like the those people when they drink with heavy drinkers, they are like
Ki o tsuka o you know, the heavy drinkers Ki o tsuka o too, right?
Like, oh, this guy's going for soft drinks.
The soft drinker will be like, oh, it's okay.
You guys go ahead and drink.
I'm just not that good with alcohol.
If they have like a B alcohol option for a cocktail, they can choose that not be you
know, as Kimazui at the nomikai scene, right?
So I think that that that that would come in play.
And I actually did a lot of research on that.
Oh, and it was kind of hard to you're going to have to produce a fuckload of cans first
in order for you to make a profit.
So that was a little difficult.
Because it can if you if it makes like 70 yen to produce a can like if you do OEMs, right?
And then and then it costs like 70 yen per can.
All right.
And then you sell it for like 120 right?
You have a 50 yen.
Yes, 50 yen.
And then with marketing costs and logistic costs, you get like what your profit margins
will be like, like 30 yen.
Okay, a 30 in a can.
Yeah, you're gonna have to sell that and lots for you to make a profit now.
So like, I don't think that was possible.
I thought that was like, I can't just be selling one can at a time on Amazon.
I thought that was a little bit difficult.
So I kind of it kind of stopped.
But I'm still if I have a chance, I'm still gonna go for it.
Yeah, if I find a way.
Yeah, you have to go with the huge beverage company.
I know.
Huge factory.
So what another another one on the list?
Okay, another one on my list.
Let's see.
I'm going to start doing I'm going to do a a marketing agency, starting a marketing agency.
So first, I'm going to find a friend who's currently doing a business on their own.
And then I'm going to I'm going to contact them.
I'm going to be like, I'm going to build you a website, I'm going to build you a stunning
website and a stunning social media account so that people will see your business and
have people coming into your business.
And I am not going to charge you a penny until you get 20 new clients.
That's my strategy.
And then after they get new clients, they're going to start paying me.
And then I'm going to document the whole thing.
I'm going to video ties, right?
I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to record all the meetings I'm going
to do with him.
I'm going to record all the strategies I'm going to think of to him.
Yeah, it's going to be documented.
It's got to be on a YouTube video and people are going to see it.
And then all the business owners that sees my video wants to work with me.
And that's going to lead to a new customer.
Yeah, I'm going to make a new video.
And that's going to be my whole tree.
Okay, of building a new business.
And the thing about that business, it's not sellable.
Like I can't sell that business to anybody because I need myself.
So thinking about building a team of people that that can that can execute the job without
me in place.
And the content could just be like a top of the funnel awareness for the for the business
for the like a marketing business and then as things roll, I myself will not be in the
video anymore.
The people who's who's operating the businesses will be in the video and eventually put out
the same value proposition in the video as when I'm in the video.
So it's going to be it can go on without me.
And that's a that's that's good.
Okay, yeah.
That's your goal.
Not what me my goal is to build a business and sell them sell them is the goal.
Yes, that's I like starting new things.
And so that's the excitement I get.
Okay, to start new businesses, start new, whatever the thing is, whatever the thing
is, starting something new from scratch is very exciting.
And finish it as as you you sell it.
Yeah, I'm not good at keeping businesses and play and then like excelling like when it's
done when it's when it stabilizes after it when it when it starts from zero when it stabilizes,
I'm not good at getting it up to the next level.
I'm not I don't have that much of an energy of doing that.
It's just like to start new.
Yeah, new.
That's nice.
So I think somewhere in the next couple of weeks month, I will put out a content that
says, new hires like looking for people to work with me.
And yeah, that's I feel like that's gonna happen.
Somewhere in the future.
I'm going to be looking for a start.
Whatever business have in mind.
Someone to work with you.
So it's not right.
I don't know what the task will be.
Okay, but it's just right.
What do you work with you?
Yeah, as a team.
Oh, great.
Yeah, you have to find a good, good, good human being because yeah, you're right.
Yeah, you're right.
But that's exciting, right?
Looking for those news.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, thanks for listening, guys.
Bye bye.
Transcribed by https://otter.aiBye.