1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 映画「セッション」の感想
2021-07-24 13:41


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hello, good morning!
Good morning, y'all.
Good morning, y'all.
Good morning.
Second recording day with this microphone.
Yes, yes.
Yes, last time we, what, did like what, 10 episodes or something like that?
With this microphone.
And I think, looking at the feedback,
I've gotten several from the listeners on the DM.
They like it.
Oh, great.
Yes, they said that our pronunciation is more hearable.
Can I move?
So, I think it's doing a good job.
Well, thank you.
This $1,300, no, $1,300,
1,300 yen.
$1,300, that's a lot.
13 million.
300 yen.
By the way, the yen dollar conversion is so difficult, you know that?
Let alone the, take out the currency and just,
is this 1 million?
What's 1 million in Japanese?
Oh, I think it's 100,000.
Okay, so $1 million, what is in Japanese yen?
It changes, right?
It's not like 100,000 yen.
So, like, it's so difficult there.
I remember when I first heard about millionaire,
and okay, how much does millionaire have?
And I calculated it, oh, 100,000 yen?
Oh, it's not that.
It's not that rich, actually.
Right, right.
Right, right.
That's what you thought.
Yeah, it's difficult.
And it's difficult.
How much is a million dollar?
100 million yen?
100 million yen, is that 100 million yen?
I think so, because million dollar, right?
100 million yen.
Yeah, it's still not fast with the conversion.
Because million is 100,000, right?
Yeah, no currency, just normal numbers, it's million, 100,000.
Yes, that's true, for sure, I know.
Then, it's 100,000, okay?
Got it.
All right.
So, it's two digit more.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If you convert that into yen.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, that's easy.
Like, like, $1 is 100 yen, like, approximate.
Two zeros.
Two zeros added?
Yeah, yeah.
To the yen, or to the dollar?
To the, to make it dollar.
Right, right, right.
100,000, 100 million yen.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Got it, got it, got it, yeah, makes sense.
Today, I want to talk about Whiplash.
The movie Whiplash.
In Japanese, it's Session.
Session is the name of the title, title of the movie.
I saw that two days ago.
This movie is so praised, I feel like.
I feel like, I've seen the cover of Whiplash in so many places, like Netflix, Hulu, whatever.
It's Daiya, stuff like that.
And it's been, it's been, it's heralded as like, legendary movie.
One of the great movies.
I personally did not like it.
Oh, really?
It didn't feel well.
I didn't feel good after watching that.
Watching that?
Especially after watching the explanation of the film.
You know how on YouTube, there's so many videos of like, explanations of how the, what the, like, explains how the ending was, and like, explains the scene of what this portrait's in it, stuff like that.
And, well, at first, I thought the ending, so spoilers, guys. Spoilers here.
The teacher and the guy, I forgot his name, the drummer, I'm just gonna call it the drummer, right?
The drummer is invited to the band that the teacher recreated after he's been let go from his job at the music school.
He goes there to perform, and is, and he gets a revenge from the teacher by telling him, telling the student that, telling him beforehand that it's gonna be a different song than what's gonna be actually played at the concert scene.
And the kid gets embarrassed, and then gets offstage, and then comes back for another revenge to the teacher, right?
And then takes over the concert.
And that's when the teacher notices, that's when the teacher, like, connects with him, and the kid also connects with the teacher, and voila. There's this new masterpiece. There's this new legendary born, a drummer, right?
Well, you know, I just felt that, on first, the first impression I got was like, okay, so this is like, oh.
A revenge.
Nice. Nice revenge.
And, oh, he got along with the teacher. Yay.
It was like a really light kind of feeling that I got, but like, when I actually looked into it, and saw all the explanation videos, I realized that it was like, there's three significant players right here, in this scene I feel like.
The teacher, the teacher has always tried to manipulate the student, has gone through like, tough training and harsh way of doing things to build his masterpiece, build his idealistic drummer, right?
At that moment, that was created.
And, at the same time, his father, the kid's father was looking from the side of the stage, and the father has always been concerning that the kid is not himself, like when he's doing drumming, right?
And, the moment the kid was in the zone, the father had a look of like, terrified. It was a look of the moment he lost his son.
His son was not himself anymore. He was someone else.
And then, simultaneously, the kid, at that moment, he lost himself, and gave himself to the obsession of drumming.
And, was not able of like, enjoying drumming, just like how he was enjoying drumming at the very beginning of the movie.
So, I just felt like, you know, the unhealthy, the mental unhealthiness of what's happening on the screen was just so like, oh, my god, that's so sad.
Yeah, I can easily imagine that you didn't like that movie.
I'm assuming from your reactions, you enjoyed the movie.
How do you feel about what I said?
Like, I actually haven't seen those movies, I mean, clips, so I'm not kind of deeply, maybe, I don't deeply still understand that movie, but, and also it was kind of one year ago, so I don't remember whole, like, clear details, but,
it was beautiful to me.
Oh, okay.
The scene, the last, the huge scene, I was very like, wow, it's, the way he is into his passion, his playing, he has his own time, I mean, like, tempo, the time, and share that time, the rhythm, sound, with that.
It was like, it was beautiful to me.
It was beautiful to you?
It made me, you know, like, gave me some energy.
And, yeah.
That was, you know, not everyone can reach to that, those tone. It's only for the people who have been, who tries hard, like, unbelievably tries hard.
And went all the, like, hard things.
Mmm hmm.
So, I was going to like it.
You liked it?
It was beautiful to me.
Did you, do you feel like what the explanation video, what I said, was, is it, do you think that's there?
Or do you feel like something else is going on?
Which part?
Like, the fact that the kid is giving himself into, you know, an unenjoyable drumming stage.
He's giving himself to the obsession of things and addiction, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Similar to, yeah.
I think, you know, having fun, I have so many different steps.
It's, once, the first one is just you, you hear it, you, you like, just enjoy it. It's fun, it's nice, you know.
That's the first step. And the second one is you get into it and really like trying hard to reach to that, something else, like the core part, like more, you know, deeper area.
And there are some steps and the, at the last, at last, it's like, like obsessed in that, in that world and getting into the very core.
And it, like it, it's not, it doesn't look fun from other people, but I kind of understand that's very fun.
It's very like, sorry, I don't have any vocabulary in English, but it's kind of joy.
Like I think he's having, he's feeling joy of playing and being in the drumming world.
So I think he's not sad. Like it was not sad story to me. He, he, he certainly got the point.
Even though it's, it's tough.
And it's unnormal because father, father is a normal guy.
So he worries about his son, but still.
All right.
I like those, those people.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know, I know.
It's 13 minutes.
Oh yeah, okay.
My pleasure.
Thanks for your time guys. Thanks for listening.
Thank you.
We'll see you again. Bye bye.

