2021-07-17 11:45



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast hello hey guys hey guys hey guys hope
you guys have a great time I hope it don't sound like annoying no yes it will
not sound annoying at all okay right sexy because I got the little little puff
okay little puff here that's gonna avoid all the all the breathy stuff okay the
breathy stuff sounds a little annoying yeah but this just sounds sexy okay
so yeah okay so um I've got a message from Ryuuki-san or Ryuuki-san okay Ryuuki-san
Ryuuki-san thank you thank you very much
Hello, I'm a graduate student, but I always listen to this podcast while doing a science experiment. I've been listening to this podcast for two months, and I've been listening to it from the beginning, and I've finally caught up with the latest episode, so I sent a message for the first time.
Thank you. Thank you. Do you know APD?
APD? No. No? You don't have any idea? APD? APD? I can I can I can probably take a guess.
Yeah. Does it say what category it is? It's about... okay I'll give you a hint. Yeah. Auditory...
Auditory? Yeah. How do you spell that? A U it's an audio audio auditory audio thing.
Oh okay. Auditory APD. Yeah. Auditory...
Uh APD. Yeah. Auditory PD. Uh auditory uh uh parallel parallel dynamics.
It sounds like it. Yeah. Auditory parallel dynamics. What does it mean? It's a it's a new form of like
it's a new form of audio. Okay. That can be um that's uh that you can you can experience with
the new new new headphones. Ah. Like it's it's the audio is kind of parallel but like...
It's parallel like so like it's it's parallel but like dynamic at the same time so like it's
parallel as in like okay the left and the right they emit the same audio. Okay that means
monaural. Well you can take it that way. Well at the same time okay like it has its own dynamics
each like it's got its own like okay depth you know as in like low frequency to high frequency
ah sound right so it's basically it means like earphones that's what it means.
Earphones. Yeah. It means earphones. Okay okay well it's not okay let's see yeah actually um
it's a auditory processing disorder. Disorder? Yeah. Disorder? Disorder right? D-I-S-O-D-E-R?
Yes yes yes. This is O-R-D-E-R? Yeah it's D-I-S-O-R-D-E-R. Disorder. Disorder okay this disorder.
Disorder. Okay disorder.
Okay so maybe mine's just a Japanese thing. Maybe because when I went to France and those
first few months I of course I was able to hear clearly those conversations but I couldn't
understand at all so that's not a APD. Plus she said that only during um yeah like
when it's like nervous or noisy. Yes yes yes. I sometimes when we're in a meeting
we're in a meeting. You and I and Kake-chan. Okay. I sometimes like I like black out.
I go blank sometimes. Wow. Like I'm like I'm not there for like
five to ten seconds and I come back and I have no idea what you guys are talking about sometimes.
Oh really? Even when you are blacked out. Yeah. You are hearing those conversations. Yeah I'm
hearing the conversations. Okay. Just just not coming in. Wow. Yeah I uh
I think I'm thinking about something else. Okay. Like you're thinking another things or
making another thing. Okay maybe another thing. Like reading your your theory or your story. Yeah
yeah yeah and it's okay. So maybe that's different. Yeah maybe. Because maybe this is me just not
being focused properly. Right. You know there's a um I've seen a movie and there's some scenes
that some um I don't remember which was this movie was but um like in a conference room
there's so many reporters. It's like a Kisha Kaiken thing. Yeah. And there's a one very very bad news
what happened during that reporting. Yeah. And the camera angle was from the the the person
in front of all the reporters and like sound all the sound are gone like like very far and vision
is from that person and there's so many reporters in front of you shouting something but you can't
hear nothing. Like there's a camera flashing and reporters microphones so many yelling shouting
they are trying to ask you but you can't hear those words. It's similar to a vision of a flashback.
Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe that's the APD because it's very like very nervous situation.
Like maybe no it's a mental mental maybe I don't know. Could be could be. Could be yeah.
But um I have never experienced this I guess.
If it's like in a like an interview or something that's pretty tough right like maybe for like a
job interview like if you're nervous like you start getting that APD yeah and then like the
the man asks you a question just be like no idea what he says right. Tough stuff. Yeah yeah
wow I didn't know about this this yeah this one yeah okay so she's listening to this podcast
during her um science experience right be sure to um what was her name uh Duke sound yeah Duke
sound um don't forget to refrigerate that beaker. Sorry it's Ryuuki-kun.
Be sure to refrigerate that beaker you have on the left side right this is going to help you.
Oh really this is going to help you okay you're you're forgetting about that beaker beaker yeah
this is a reminder for you that's important it's important refrigerate it.
Why do you refrigerate it? Because it needs refrigeration.
Beakers? Right no there's substance inside it. In a beaker? What's a beaker?
Like the thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's substance inside that needs refrigeration.
If you refrigerate it the chemicals inside yeah react because it reaches a certain temperature
okay right which is very cool it unstabilizes the substance inside which which which which
gets them to react with the substance right that makes sense right it would it would it
would be a new discovery okay right so this is a huge hint for you. Make sure make sure to do that
okay put it in a fridge right all right thanks for listening guys bye

