1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 久保建英選手のスペイン語か..
2021-04-11 19:09



Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast!
(Kevin screaming)
What happened there, what happened there?
So guys, still watching the football game?
Yang Wang-Chang's really in the game here. What happened?
The yellow team, the Dortmund, scored. And the pink guy, the goalkeeper of the blue team, made a little mistake. Look at this.
And he scored. The yellow scored.
But the referee judged this play as a foul.
How come?
The yellow.
How is this a foul?
Because for the referee, he judged this as the yellow guy kicked the pink guy.
But actually it wasn't...
How is that not a kick from the yellow guy?
It really looked like the yellow guy kicked the pink guy.
Yeah, but in a slow play, look at this. The yellow guy touched...yeah.
So he came in the motion.
Yeah, the yellow guy touched the ball and then the pink guy even kicked the yellow guy.
Look at this. He touched and yeah.
Ah, okay.
Really hard to...
It's really hard to judge. But if I were the referee, I don't take this as a foul.
But maybe this referee judged this play as a dangerous play.
As you know, the spike was toward that guy.
Right, right, right.
You really have to be confident when you're doing a referee, don't you?
The players come at you like, "What the f*** was that?"
And you have to say clearly, you have to be confident.
Right, right.
There's a famous film that featured about the referees.
Featured the referees at this competition.
It was called Referees or Hidden Truth or something like that.
There are so many films about football teams and players actually.
But that film, yeah, that wasn't foul.
It didn't look like it really hit him.
But anyway, the film was... the camera goes into that studio.
And there's a half time and the referees go back to their room and have a conversation.
And the camera goes into that room and records that scene.
Oh, so it's like a documentary.
Everything is real.
And the referees speaking about the judges they did, the plays they saw on the ground,
about the matches and struggling inside.
Right, right, right.
That was so good to see.
It's like a human and there's no right, you know, the best judges is, you know.
It's really tough.
Tough job actually.
How many referees are in this field?
In this field, there's one main guy in the field.
And there's two lines guys.
On the line.
And there's this guy.
And it will be depending on the competition.
But in this Champions League, there are one, two, two more guys.
There's no... not in competition.
So one main guy, two lines guy, and also the video guy.
Video guy.
So like four.
So this is the season of the Champions League finals.
It's a long, long, long, you know, competition to take whole year.
Whole year.
Yeah, from the group stage and getting into tournament.
But it is getting the last part.
Right now it's in the final...
Kind of last part.
Final area.
So every Wednesday and Thursday, I have to get up really early, like 3 a.m.
And have to see the match.
You're really excited for this, aren't you?
And sometimes I invite my friends here or go to a friend's house and watch together.
It's really also fun, really.
Like even if they don't know about football, that's fun.
Yeah, I mean I understand the basics of it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I understand how that's enjoyable.
You were about to show me something on the last episode.
Look at this guy.
He's a striker.
The ace striker of the Dortmund team.
He's called Haarand.
Haarand or Haarand.
He's from somewhere in the north of Europe.
Sweden or Denmark, I guess.
And he's 19 years old.
And he is really a funny guy.
That's great.
Yeah, I just want to see it.
I just want to let you see of his interview.
Okay, gotcha.
He's 19 years old.
He's called the best striker.
The youngest, the best young striker in the world.
In the world.
This guy, Haarand, and Mbappe, you know?
I think I've heard of him, but no.
Best interview.
You know, he's really, really great at playing.
Really, really.
And scored and played like a monster.
He's called as a monster.
His interview is really funny.
Let's check it out.
Tonight you became the youngest player in UEFA Champions League history to score first half hat-trick.
How are you feeling right now?
I feel very good.
You feel good?
You asked how I feel.
I asked...
What's the secret? 17 goals now this season in nine games.
To work hard.
You've seen the Liverpool result.
They lost two now tonight.
In two weeks you go to Anfield.
Your father's squad there in 1997.
Are you going to follow suit?
I hope so.
How are you feeling?
Come on.
What's your secret?
You scored ten times now in the Champions League.
Hard work.
What else?
Yeah, also...
Wow, we're close now.
I'm enjoying my life.
Working hard.
And smiling.
He smiles at all.
He doesn't smile at all.
I didn't say that. You said that.
After the final whistle you and the whole team were going to the South Stand.
The famous yellow wall which is empty today.
Why did you do that?
Why not?
What do you ask me for?
Is it a kind of message you want to send out?
Would you tell us a message?
To my fans.
They're everything for you and Borussia Dortmund.
It is.
Thanks a lot.
What's the message for your most important goals tonight?
Your career?
Yeah, you could say that.
Best luck. Thank you.
Okay, I get the energy.
So funny.
He's not really like...
He really doesn't care.
About the interview.
That I understand.
Answering and being in front of the camera.
Really funny.
Actually on the field, on the pitch, he acts like a huge monster.
A really aggressive guy.
He speaks a lot and moves like this.
But in front of the camera.
He does this.
So I guess when he's on the field he's more like...
He's in the spot.
In the zone, right?
He's off camera.
He's like careless.
About the interview.
So funny.
It's really logical.
You know how a lot of the interviews are like...
Not really a conversation.
Not really directly connected to the question.
With the answer and stuff like that.
Just says something that's...
That's cliche.
Usually says something that the fans might love.
Or give out love or things like that.
This player really carries out a conversation.
It's really logical with the answer.
Why did you do that?
And why not?
Why not?
Really like talking to a friend.
Atmosphere, right?
So cute.
19 years old. He's a monster.
Is he gonna be big?
He's already big.
He's already big.
But there's so many...
Clubs that want him.
So the transfer money is kind of rising and rising.
And getting bigger and bigger.
So compared to like...
Or like Cristiano Ronaldo.
How high or low is that?
Talking about the money?
I don't actually know the exact amount of money.
But it is getting closer.
Getting closer?
And also, you know, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.
They are a little bit now all players.
I mean, they are in a top level still.
But you know, they won't be playing like 5 years or 10 years.
I see.
So you know, the value is getting a little bit lower.
And they're not gonna be playing for like 5 years or 10 years.
I see.
So you know, the value is getting a little bit lower.
I see.
So the player like this guy.
He is 19 years old.
And he can be playing like...
Maybe 20 years.
Maybe from now.
The value is quite...
It's gonna be quite high.
Talk to me about Kubo Takefusa.
His potentials and like...
I hear he's a...
I hear he's a...
He's an unbelievable potential.
He's gonna...
He has...
Talk to me about that.
I don't have the eyes to see through that.
What's so...
You know...
Special about him?
First of all, I really love him.
I really do love him.
He's from Barcelona.
Which is my favorite club.
The way he plays...
The way...
The way he plays, I really love.
And I think it's really true that he has a huge talent.
Which is that...
Ball control.
And like stepping.
When he dribbles.
Is kind of different level from all the other Japanese players.
And also the...
The placement.
Of himself during the match.
You know, the soccer field is quite huge.
And it's really important where to be in a game.
To receive the ball.
Yeah, to receive the ball.
Or to make moves.
Or to support other players.
So that is something he's really good at.
These three points.
He's really good at.
And these are...
You know, something in different level.
Compared to the other Japanese players.
He isn't someone...
Like the fastest guy.
Or strongest guy.
So those things he has to...
A little bit more...
Have to improve himself.
So if he covers his...
Speed and physiques.
How old is he?
How old is he?
17 or 18?
Maybe like 16?
19 is old.
Older than I thought.
Oh yeah?
So with that, with his speed and physiques.
If he gets that, he'll...
Well if he gets that, he'll be unbeatable.
Unbeatable, right.
Like messy.
But with the price, how high is he?
I don't actually know.
But he's not that actually high.
Internationally not that popular?
Not that... Oh he is popular though.
He is popular.
But not that high compared to that guy.
That guy, the 19 year old guy.
But he does have some...
Golden eggs inside.
Yeah, some huge potential inside of him.
But not yet...
Okay, I understand.
In a world level.
He hasn't gotten the spotlight yet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But there's a high potential that he will.
And he's kinda...
Now he's fighting.
And struggling.
Because he...
He kinda cannot show his skills enough.
Like he cannot...
Show his potential enough in the matches.
So he's kinda now...
Struggling and kinda preparing for the next steps.
How about his English or his Spanish?
How good is that?
He can speak Spanish.
Completely out of...
Completely like the native level.
Because he has been playing in Spain.
Since he was a little...
A really little kid.
So he grew up with the language.
Yeah, like 6 or 5 or something.
That makes sense.
And communicate with teammates.
And now he's in Spain too.
So his Spanish level...
Quite high.
Just like Spanish guy, I think.
And English...
He can speak English too.
But not that...
Just a simple introduction.
But he can answer to the interviews.
With little Spanish accents on it.
You wanna see the interview?
Yeah, let's get it.
(I'm not sure what he's saying here)
That's really cool.
He speaks perfect Japanese too, right?
Of course, yeah.
Alright, that's his Spanish.
Yeah, really cool.
And English...
There's not many English...
Wanna do this one?
(I'm not sure what he's saying here)
Damn, he's really good at Spanish.
Yeah, he's better at Spanish.
So he speaks Spanish.
Most of the time.
Because he lives in Spain.
There's no need for him to speak any English.
Right, right, right.
I understand.
There's not many good days that...
Showing his English...
I've never felt this...
Kakoii towards someone who speaks that much of Spanish.
Oh, really?
That was really kakoii.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And the way he speaks...
Is really kind of...
And sounds like logically speaking.
That's what makes me...
Alright, thanks for listening, guys!
Bye bye!

