2021-02-10 14:35


I wonder where birds are at night?
and you're listening to the Kevin's English podcast kind of hesitated there
to put the V in there. Does it make sense to put the V in there? The Kevin's English
podcast yeah I don't know if that makes sense though yeah like like okay so it
was like maroon 5 podcast the maroon 5 podcast yeah it feels a little bit weird
to put the V in there right don't you think like but if you think about that
name of that the series uh-huh and like the Lion King no the Lion King I think
that the V is part of the title right right yeah but like us V is not part of
our name yeah but it's the Kevin's English room
podcast that's a title the Grand Budapest though sure that maybe it does
make sense to put the V in there yeah you want to name ourselves the V
Kevin's English podcast? You want to change the name to the V Kevin's English podcast?
Maybe if it makes sense yeah but it's kind of too heavy you know
very huge ah right like you get the it feels like we're saying we're a big
star yeah it's like it's like we're saying we're running a big show like the
Jimmy Fallon right late night show the Ellen show ish kind of right so but if
you're saying that in a comedy way right let's just stay humble let's just stay
humble and not put the V in there like the Kevin's English podcast it's funny you know
in the funny way right it's not a big but we're saying that right that's I don't
want that to happen so yeah okay so
I've got a line from the May. Oh the May sun. Yes the May. The May okay
okay that you know the type of question has suddenly like really shifted like a
sci-fi kind of question now can you repeat the question again?
okay 羽をつけて空中で生活する
Wow okay. Must be flying right for you. For me yeah like remember the last episode I mean I'm I'm I'm into flying without the topic there so like
but like so that means everything's under water so like if I flew I won't be
able to see anything the buildings you can't see them anymore because it's
underwater but when you have when you're fish you can't actually still see the
buildings of Tokyo can't you? Even though it's underwater. But like even if you don't have
wings if you're underwater you can you're kind of you're like kind of flying right
yeah so like you can see the city of Tokyo from an upper angle if you're a
fish it might not be shining though but you can still kind of like see through
this the the the cities right so like that's like that's it it's a hard topic
right? You know what I think I'd go underground
underwater I'm sorry I think I'd go underwater yeah all the action is still
underwater you know the the the Statue of Liberty of Odaiba is there and like
Tokyo Tower the Skytree is still underwater I think I'd want to stay
close to that. Wow. What do you've got what do you've got up in the sky you got
nothing right I mean you're a bird you can't go that high out or into the
atmosphere how you gonna breathe man? Right. You're right. Yeah. I have a point don't I?
Yeah you do. It's a pretty critical point right? Right. Yeah. Like I was saying that I
prefer having wings and fly up but you're right true. I persuaded you. Yeah.
Yeah. Hmm.
Yeah. You'd go underwater? Yeah. For what reason? Like as you said. You're right.
Oh the land is underwater. Yeah like think about if you fly up and you know
you can have to live in the air but there's nothing like right like it's you
can we can see is this the ocean right basically and there's no building no
like nothing in there and you have to continue flying. Mm-hmm. Oh that's not
funny. Yeah. That's not fun. Right. That's a great that's a great kind of
grammatical kind of point there. Like that's not fun and that's not funny is a
completely different meaning. Uh-huh. That's not funny is
それは面白くない。 Yeah. That's not fun is それは楽しくない。
So it's like that's two different completely different answer. Like that's
not funny is like you you meant what you were trying to say is it's not その
その何?楽しいって言葉がある。その。 ゆかいじゃない。 Right?
で、When you say it's not funny that means そのコメディ的に面白くない。 Right.
That's what you're saying if you say it's not funny. So like yeah you guys say it's
not fun. Yeah. So wow that's a big change in the meaning of the word the word
funny right? Right. Anyway I thought of I thought of a question
as you were talking about the flying thing. What where are the birds when
it's raining? Trees. Trees? Are they on the trees? Like they have their home like they have in a tree.
They do? Yeah like have you ever seen like little
nests? Bad house. Do they make nests? What is nest? Nest? Nest? What's that?
Nest? Yeah. Nest. Bird nest. What is that? Bird nest? That's an
English word. It's an old Japanese too. Can you? Nesto. That's a "s" right?
Bird nest. Yeah. Wait it's it's not Japanese? No that's like obviously maybe it's
existing in Japanese but it's not common. What? There's no nest.
Nest is "s" in English. Yeah. Then don't say nest in Japanese. No. Can I
research bird nest? Sure. I think you'll get what I'm saying. It's a special form.
Yeah it's not like an iPhone right? It doesn't work like an iPhone. Yeah.
Can you search it in English? Bird nest. It's B-I-R-D and then a
N-E-S-T. Yeah. There you go. That's a bird nest. Yeah that's a nickname. Right. This is what I'm talking about.
Yeah that's a "sune". Yeah. Yeah. They make those? Yeah they do. I've never seen them.
Oh really? I've never seen a bird make a nest and a tree. Well I'm sure it's not
obviously that you know visible. I'm sure they try to make it as you know as
visible as possible. So as a guy who's never really tried to look for it I'm
not... it makes sense that I haven't found it yet but so it's there and they they're
in their nests when it's raining. And what if it's like a windy day?
Like a tornado-ish kind of. What happens then? What do they do? Do you know?
Maybe the nest is gonna be broken like blue. Maybe. Then they just try to rebuild.
What about like the "hato"? "Hato". Right. Like I think you're talking about like these
kind of birds like this little chinchun kind of bird. Yeah but "hato" has their own
nest. Where? In a tree. In a tree? Yeah. It must be huge. Right. Because they're
pretty huge I mean. Some of them are like overweight.
What are they saying? I searched "hato" on the Google and there's so many like
advertisements saying that "hato" is a great threat.
"Hato" is a sign of reprisal. "Hato" is a sign of countermeasures.
"If you get a nest once, it will last a long time and have a negative effect on humans."
"One day, a dove's nest was on the veranda."
Can you Google image that? Can you image that? I want to see what it looks like.
So it looks like a normal nest. Yeah like this. It looks really normal. Yeah.
It's pretty small than I thought. Compared to the body size. Yeah the "hato" is huge.
Yeah I expected it to be bigger and with like more walls. Like this.
I expected to have more walls though. It's like a little "zabuton" you know.
Like this. Okay. Like this.
Scary. Pigeons are scary. They are? Are they scary? I enjoy watching pigeons. Why?
I do. I go to the park and I just love watching pigeons. Just walk. Oh don't say such things.
Don't feel sorry for me. I truly enjoy their movements. Like I'm not in like a...
To the little city park and watch pigeons moving around and you put your little piece of bread.
No no I'm not lost in life. It's okay. I literally like how pigeons move.
I literally like watching their heads go like... Oh yeah. Like go front and back.
Yeah. It's a little funny. It's funny to me. Have you seen them rest? They put their legs inside.
It's like a little duck. Yeah. It's so cute. I get excited when I see that.
Like when I was little I lived in Tokyo and there was like a park near my house.
And me and my parents and my brother went to the park like often.
And there were so many pigeons around there and you know that was so scary to me.
You're scared that they might like run over you? Maybe like eat me. Really? Yeah.
Like the pigeons were so huge. Oh really? And trying to look at me like...
Like you know their eyes so scary. You're not talking about crows right? No. You're talking
about pigeons. Yeah. Yeah. Really? Like they don't scare people at all. Like they are not scared of people.
Right. Right. Right. Right. So and I was a little boy. Like you know...
It was so scary to me at that time. Does crows scare you? Yeah. I don't like crows.
Are you? No. Not much. Really? A lot of people are scared of crows. Yeah. I have one friend.
She's now 50 years old. 50 years old or more. A little more. Around 60. She once
like got like like a friend with crows. And invited into the house.
And it's crazy. Yeah. She had that crows as a pet for like some month.
Is she like a famous person? No. No. No. It's just you personally know her. Yeah. One of my friends.
Wow. So she built that trust with the crows. I don't know how she did that. Yeah. How do you do that?
Like I do hear like you know how you like on the news and television you sometimes see like
a pet crocodile. Like yeah yeah yeah. Pet monkey or things like that. A crows version huh?
Wow. Interesting. Scary huh? The eyes and the mouth. Yeah. Were all kind of.
Scary huh? But she told me that she can communicate with crows. Damn. She did talk. She did talk. I mean
they are smart right? Yeah yeah they are but. She did talk. Yeah. Verbally. Yeah. Damn it. Wow.
And that she told me that crows answered. Verbally. Yeah. Damn.
All right. Thanks for listening guys. Bye bye.

