1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 共通テスト、お疲れ様!!
2021-02-02 09:37


Hope you all the best results.
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Right, another great day.
Alright, Yamachan.
Another great day.
Another day.
Another day of sun.
Sun. Another dream.
That was a long way by the way.
So, do you remember we've introduced a message from Jukensei and says that I'm going to...
Today is our...
Yeah, yeah.
And we sent us a message like...
Don't be too like...
Yeah, yeah.
It's okay if you make a mistake.
Right, right.
So, in the last part, we introduced some words which, you know...
We did, we did. I remember.
Do you remember?
Was it like...
You introduced... What was that?
I forgot. Did I introduce "if"?
Yeah, "if".
Oh, yeah.
And some other words.
Okay. "Then". "Then". I think "if" and "then" are the answers to that.
Yeah, yeah.
That was your...
My... yeah.
And actually she replies to us now.
Oh, okay.
And she says...
I was so happy about that.
Yeah, so you were right.
So it kind of helped her.
Yeah, pass the exam.
You helped her.
Yeah, I did, didn't I?
Saving the world out there, man.
Saving Japanese students out there.
But do you remember?
We also did this test.
Yeah, we did.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Some days ago.
And we've got a score.
We did get a score.
I realized that. I know that.
How do you think about that?
You know, I...
Honestly, I felt like I should quit whatever I'm doing.
I mean, how the fuck did we lose against Kake-chan?
How did that happen?
And yeah, that was some episode.
You know, that was...
That was something, man.
Like, it wasn't that high as I expected.
I felt... Yeah, me too, man.
I didn't expect to make so much mistakes on that test.
You know?
So that was...
I feel ashamed of myself, you know?
Yeah, honestly, I do.
And I hear a lot...
There's a lot of TikTok videos on how they felt...
How the Japanese students felt about that new test.
And they were like, "This was so different from what we expected."
Right, right.
And they were pressed off, really.
Yeah, it was completely different from what we called the Sentai shiken.
It's completely different.
So it must be so tough for this year's...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
As you can say.
There's this one Tech Talker who made a video on this year's English, the one that we took.
She was so pissed off that, like...
Remember where this girl lost the USB stick and the report thing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right.
She sent a text saying that, like, "Oh, can you look for my USB?"
And she put a heart at the end.
And she was so pissed off at that, like...
"Motto sagase!"
Like that.
And she was also pissed off at the picture of a pig.
Not a pig.
It wasn't a pig.
It was like a...
Pig versus cow, right.
Bull, right.
The first picture, it looked like a horse or a pig.
And she was...
Even though the test was going on, she couldn't stop thinking about, "Is this a bull?"
Or is this a pig?
"What kind of picture is this?"
She was so pissed off at that.
"I can't concentrate on my test!"
That was like the video. That was so funny.
But you know what we can say is that don't be mad if you got low score at that test.
Like, it doesn't, you know, correspond.
That has nothing to do with the actual language ability, right?
I mean, I totally agree with you, man.
Because you're a native English speaker.
Yeah, man.
And I'm pretty sure that I can speak a little better than the average Japanese people.
Say it, man.
Say it!
Come on!
You know, don't be mad. Don't be sad.
Oh, shit. I thought this was a kotatsu.
No, it's not a kotatsu. It's my speaker.
Is that hot?
I kind of feel like putting my feet in here.
Is that hot for you?
No, it's not hot.
But like, the shape makes me...
The shape makes my feet go in the speaker.
I feel like this is a kotatsu.
It's not a kotatsu at all.
I feel a kotatsu sense in my body.
It's not a kotatsu at all.
I feel a kotatsu sensation right now.
No, it's not a kotatsu at all.
Right, so the English test was a terrible, terrible situation.
You know, so congratulations for those who did it, made it.
The English test is over.
It's finally over, right?
The test is finally over.
And otsukaresam to you.
I mean, you've worked hard.
Yeah, congratulations.
Do they... are the results already out, do you think?
I don't know.
The actual ones?
The answers are already out, but like, the actual results are maybe not yet...
Yeah, but soon.
Because obviously there would be a next step for them.
There are some steps.
So maybe it's already opened.
So congratulations for those who...
Hope everybody did well.
Got a great score.
But even though you got a really low score...
Thanks for that.
Yeah, it's not that the proof of your English skills, so...
So Koko-Fi-san, don't worry about that.
Don't worry about if you failed about that.
Don't worry about that.
I mean, we're with you.
We're on your side, so don't worry about it.
You can make a high score and be with Kake-chan if you want.
I mean, it's your choice.
Ace the test and be with Kake-chan.
Or just flunk the test and be like, "Hey, Kevin.
Hey, Yama-chan.
I'm with you guys."
So there you go.
Have you ever tried this kind of test before?
Like, Japanese English test?
No, it was the second time.
The first time was when I did last year with...
You and Kake-chan did?
Yeah, I did it for YouTube video.
And that was the first time and this was the second time.
But actually, I did like the TOEFL TOEIC test too.
So like that wasn't really, really new.
But like, for, you know...
TOEFL and TOEIC is like a really kind of like...
It's not for students, right?
It's for everybody.
But like, for students' test, it's the first time.
And it was...
What do you think about today's...
This year's test?
It was...
Like for me...
I have to say that test was not that, you know, good.
It doesn't really...
Good as might.
It doesn't really...
You know...
It's not appropriate.
It doesn't appropriately measure your English ability.
No, I have to say that, you know.
But like, to be really honest, it wasn't that difficult.
You know, the words, the sentences, like phrases, were not that difficult.
Right, right, right.
You're right, you're right.
It's very simple.
It's more like the logical side.
Yeah, the problem is if you can read carefully,
or if you can take time, was the main thing.
You know.
I think we should stop talking now.
Let's end the podcast.
Quietly go back to sleep.
Quietly go back to our own lives.
Not show up ever again, right?
That is right.
Alright, guys.
Goodbye forever.
Bye-bye, guys.

