1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんは「トリリンガル」な..
2021-01-30 10:32


Oh yeah, we got the jingles back. Yeah, bring it
Bring the jingles, baby
Okay, all right
Some people wanna be with you
That minor chord right there
Tough intro
Let me change that. I'm gonna borrow your dictionary for the lyrics
This is a Spanish dictionary shit. French? A French dictionary
Yep, okay
Oh shit, it's a French dictionary again. You have two French dictionaries, man
Okay, I'm gonna use a Japanese one
Yeah, yeah, not bad. That was a good melody, huh?
Melody wasn't bad, huh?
You know, uh, after all the katsuji. Oh, yeah, that was...
You're already tired?
I'm on my third episode and be like, my brain's a little tired
So you really don't like katsuji?
I once heard that like the bilingual people, I don't know about you
I'm sure this doesn't apply to you obviously, but like I heard that like the bilingual people has a very low
ability to comprehend language. Oh, you mean
by reading?
It's just
Not exactly, not only it doesn't apply only on readings
It could be like listening, reading too, but like for me it turned out to be reading I guess
But I'm assuming most people sucks at reading though like data wise
My personal experience data wise, but like I heard that like people who
Whose bilingual has like really poor at the language brain
Right, but like the trilingual it that's kind of gone now like someone who's trilingual
Has like a I think you told me like a similar story about this, right?
When a bilingual people they fight over you told me that like they fight they fight each other
Mm-hmm. Well, if you have three languages it harmonizes. Yeah. Yeah, I
Just remembered a similar kind of story. Wow, if you're bilingual you kind of suck at a language
Right, it doesn't it doesn't do anything to your like a mathematical like logical kind of part of your brain
Like if you're bilingual like the I don't know like it kind of like doesn't work efficiently
Mm-hmm. This is similar what you told me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right. So
That's the problem was happening to me, you know, like I
Reading huh reading right like conversation because you got conversation with them. Okay, like just
Like I'm not good I'm not I'm also not too good at reading English too. Oh really?
Right not as good as my speaking definitely like I
Faster than I read faster than Japanese, but like not fast enough. I feel like no
Well, that's something
Yeah happens for buying on people you do you do you consider yourself trilingual Oh
Don't like what don't like humble don't you don't have to be humble here like yeah
But like I my curiosity like do you consider yourself trilingual?
actually, I never
interpret me as
trilingual people how how
Do you do you feel from your perspective how fluent are you with friends French French?
Think it's now a little lower than like this English conversation, but I a little bit
Yeah, so like like they like this kind of daily conversation
Not that far. Mm-hmm
You know as I haven't studied French actually, so like the grammar things and not in
those kind of
You know like educational things. I'm bad at
These things in friends. So if it was like a like a slang ish kind of conversation
You you wouldn't have that much of a trouble communicating them, right?
I think so is it like if if you were talking to like kind of like a French version of Kevin? Yeah
Yeah, like with this fluency, would you have no problem?
Communicating I think so. Wow, that's that's definitely trilingual really definitely trilingual. Yeah, but
You know, I don't think that's
You know my Japanese. Yeah, I'm I think I'm a good I think I'm like much better
I speaking Japanese using Japanese compared to English or French
Yeah, I think I'm just
like Japanese speaking guy
So my question would be like what how
Fluent do you have to be to call yourself? Wow bilingual, right? Huh?
like I
I'm I'm pretty confident with myself calling myself bilingual
Yeah, but like how about you like if you let's take the French aside here for saying just look at your English and Japanese like
Do you think the society would call you bilingual?
Society like I
Completely depending on food will be the judge, you know, right like
Right, like if for example, if you are the judgment people then
You know, you're gonna judge my English skill, then maybe you won't say that you are bilingual people, but
if the judgment was like
Make someone who do not speaking is at all then
She or he will like maybe what treat me as a bilingual
What if you were to be introduced by television television some some Fuji TV?
Fuji television
Let's say you're you're you're introduced right? Okay, and it's a kitty or something. All right
Do you think they would introduce you as a bilingual
Do you think first of all, are you comfortable being introduced as bilingual?
Bilingual actually I've never thought about that bilingual trilling all things
I don't know
Question right? What's the definition of my like if you have a toy score of like if you have a perfect score in toic
right and then
You you're not you're not you're very inexperienced at speaking right? Do you consider that bilingual? Yeah, right
Well, it's really difficult question, but I'm
You know, I have a confidence that I can now go to the United States United Kingdom or whatever
wherever and I can
like live
Live there live there like by myself
You're gone though. Yeah, it will be a little tough. I have to negotiate and explain myself, but still I can live there
so I'm
That I have the confidence about that. So think about that I can
Say that I can
Live right in an English-speaking country, right?
but you know, I
Don't think that's a bilingual. Maybe like I think about like
maybe like Japan for example like
Like Brazilian people. Yeah living in the United States and food who do speak
English yeah for for living
but you know the
The language level is not that high compared to the native English speaker
What do you call them that's
Exactly. Yeah, they're similar your situation really
How fluent did they have to be? Yeah, I know it them to be called
bilingual, yeah
Maybe it's subjective. Mm-hmm. Like maybe it depends on yourself how you interpret that. Yeah, maybe maybe
Well, it will be depending on food villages, right so oh
Good point here. Yeah, good point point point and it's perfectly ten minutes. Yeah. Wow
All right, thanks for listening guys, yeah

