1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 我々2人ともマザコンである事..
2021-01-17 12:37


Mom!!!!! Milk!!!!!!! (Tiktokより)
Welcome to Kevin's English Room! Bye guys! Okay, okay, okay. So you found a DM? Yes. I mean, she sent me a short message to my smartphone. Your smartphone? Very, very clever smartphone. Okay, you're very clever smartphone. Which also means that you're opening up your phone number, which makes no sense.
Yes, but we're gonna leave it here for now because we've been doing this for quite a long time, okay?
Okay. It's from Margarita Nainsan. Margarita Nainsan! Yes, thank you. Thank you, Margarita Nainsan.
Nuevo, right? Is it in Italian? Nuevo? Nuovo? Margarita Nuevo? Nuevo? No? Ah. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete. Nueve? Nuevo? Nueve. In Spanish it's Nueve. Margarita Nueve. Margarita Nueve!
Sorry, maybe it's not maybe in Italian, but. Arigato gozaimasu. Arigato gozaimasu. Arigato gozaimasu. Arigato gozaimasu. Senjitsu Yama-san no sumaho kara iPhone ni kishuhen shita mono desu. Kakko wara. There she is! Alright, stop reading this message. There she is. Stop reading this message. No, don't be, don't be. She's my... Why? She's my... She's my... She's my... She's my... Betrayed you. Betrayed me? Yeah, betrayed.
Betray is uragiru, right? Betrayed? Betray. Betray. Ah, betray is... Uragiru. Betrayed you. She betrayed you. Yeah. So I'm gonna... She's the one. She's the one. The one for betrayed. Betrayed you. Betrayed me.
On the... Right, remember last time? The Kevin Zinger Zoom Live Radio? She came. She was like, "Oh, I changed my smartphone, motherfucker." Yeah. Like, "No more 8 gigabytes, bitch!" Kind of... Yeah. Kind of attitude, right? Yeah. She's up here again. Okay. Alright.
So can you read that? Oh, you're not gonna read that? No. Come on, man! Okay. Because, you know, she's not my friend, you know? She betrayed you! Come on, man!
I always enjoy watching YouTube and stuff.
By the way, I have a question for you on the podcast. Have you and Kevin ever done a fortune-telling?
I've been doing a lot of fortune-telling since I was in middle school. But recently I've been really into fortune-telling. I've tried it myself and I think it's... right.
Oh, thank you. There are a lot of things that I think are right, so if you're interested, please try it!
I'll be rooting for you from now on!
Yeah, well thank you, Margarita. Margarita Nine-san. Nine-san. Nua-be-san. Nua-be-san. Thank you very much for your message.
Besides that... besides the fact that she changed her smartphone, right? But anyways, you know?
I wonder how she's dealing with a smartphone. Like, if you're... like, Margarita-san, I want you to give us an answer to this question.
I'm pretty sure that she's thinking that, "Oh, I shouldn't have changed my smartphone." Right.
"Because my Android smartphone was better." Right. That's the question, Margarita Nine-san.
Are you... do you... do you want to go back to the old smartphone or are you more happier with the new iPhone?
We don't have to ask her because it's obvious.
You never know, you know? My guess is like, she's happy with the iPhone, so I'm thinking she's going to say, "The iPhone's better," but I'll be happy if you give us an answer to that.
Please do let me know. Let us know, please, Margarita-san.
So what is... do you know Hokuro-Uranai?
Oh, I never... I know one is the Hokuro... if you have Hokuro on your back neck here, that means you will be blessed in...
clothes. Yofuku. Clothes? Like fashion sense? Yeah. Like Kake-chan? Like you will have so many clothes.
Is that supposed to be... are you happy with that? Are you supposed to be like... That means good. Are people supposed to be happy with that? Yeah.
Like me, I'm not... I don't really care about the... Yeah, about it. So, like, I'm not happy with that, but...
Is that supposed to be a good thing? Yeah. Let's search.
Yeah, Hokuro-Uranai. Oh, sorry.
The face is masculine. Okay. Man-like Hokuro-Uranai. That's a lot. Wow.
Actually, I've got so many Hokuros. You have lots of Hokuros, right? Yeah, like here. Yeah. Like 16. 16. Which is that? This one.
Masakon Bokuro. Masakon Bokuro? Wow. And I've got here too. Okay, 20. Yeah, you got one there. Yeah, you got one there. 20. 20.
Kibunya Bokuro. Oh. Wow. Wait, wait. Is that... Yeah, that's it. That's it. Right? Right. That side.
You have one here. You have one here. Here? No, no, no. The other side. Here? But it's not on the list. Okay. So, I wonder what that is. It's not on the list. Okay, so maybe it's not...
Do you have one on Odeco? Like, number one kind of... Number one, really? Yeah. Do you have them? Can I see it? No, no, no. I don't have no...
Like, basically I have... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. So... So, you're a Masakon and a Kibunya. Okay?
And others? No? There's no Bokuro here? On there?
Um... Hold on. Hold on. Can you stop moving? I need you to stop moving. Can you... So that you can see all my face, you know?
No. Wait, I think you have... Where? 15? Nose. Nose. Like, I can't see. Because you're... I think you have 10. 10. 10. 10.
No, it's right here. Okay, it's right here. What is that? I don't think that's a... It's not 10. 10?
10 or 13, maybe. Or maybe 13? It's on the nose. Yeah, but it's close. Okay, is this... Do you have 10? 10 or... Let's go 10. Okay.
Hiiro Bokuro. Maybe it's not 10. Maybe it's not 10. It's not 10, then. Okay, is it 13? Okay.
Star Bokuro. Okay, maybe it's not 13.
It's either one. So it's a good thing. You're both good. Hiiro or star. That's a really good thing. Yeah. But I also... Mazakon and Kibun. Yeah.
Alright. Okay, let's go with you. What about you? You've got one here. Like, here. Okay. That means, like... 18. That's very close.
18 is on the lip, right? Okay, then 19. 19. Let's go 19. Okay.
Global Bokuro. Oh! That's amazing!
What's that? Global Bokuro. What the fuck is a global Bokuro?
But you are... You work at Global. I am, I am, I am. I'm global. I speak English. Yeah. That's great.
Correct. Then... Okay, what else? What else? Yeah, I've got one here. Must be, like, 16. You've got 16? Okay.
Mazakon Bokuro. I got the Mazakon Bokuro!
So we are Mazakon. Yeah, we're Mazakon. Okay.
Another? A little here. Yes, yes, I've got one here. I do.
It should be 14. Or 9? No? 14? No, this side. Oh, right, this side. Okay, 14. 14.
Hankotsu Seishin Bokuro. What is that? Wow. What is Hankotsu Seishin?
Hankotsu Seishin. That means, like, even if you are in a bad condition, like, the more the condition you are in is terrible, you will be, like, you're gonna try harder.
Ah, okay. That means Hankotsu Seishin. The dirt. Like, I'm, I survive in the dirt. Yeah, right, right.
I rise. Yeah. Like the Phoenix. That's... no? Yeah, yeah.
I kind of get what you mean. The more... Like, you're in, like, all the world is more against you, then you will be, like, much stronger. Right. Like, try your best. Wow.
And I think it's kind of... Kind of true. Like, the entrepreneurial kind of spirit kind of overlays that maybe. Right, right. Wow.
And it's true that you are global. I'm global. And you are Mazakon.
Is there one, like, somewhere right here? I think I have one right here. No?
You are idolized? Yeah. No? Oh, here. Yes, I have one here, right? But there's no... There is no... okay, there's nothing.
Well, five then. Let's say five. Five? Yeah.
Kijin Henshin Bokuro. Kijin Henshin? A weird person? Like a weirdo? Yeah. Weird and strange people. Oh. Well, I don't know if that's... That's correct then. I don't think so.
I'm pretty normal, you know? Yeah, you're saying that you are normal.
Wow. That's kind of correct. I was surprised. The global thing really got me. So funny. Let's see different... Wow.
This is different. If you look at different sites, it differs. Right. I didn't know that. Then, this is yours. Okay. Like here. This one must be like 28? Yeah, 28. 28.
"Life is stable." No, it's not. "This is a place that represents the gun of the nomad. There are many lucky people in the first place, and there are lucky people who can live a higher level than the average. Even if you are born into a poor family, you will have a connection with rich people, and you will have a chance at work."
Well, I'm happy. Yeah. I'm happy for that. I don't know. Okay. After that?
You have here. Yeah, I have here. Under your eye. Yeah. But there's no... But there's nothing. Maybe 39? Where is it? No. Okay. Or 20? Where is 20? Oh, yeah. Maybe. Yeah, 20. Let's go 20.
"I can't save up any money." Wow. The opposite. The opposite. "I can't save up any money. I sincerely hope that I can save up money, but it's easy to miss that opportunity." The polar opposites.
"I'm the type that gets greedy easily, so I can't help but be calm." "As a countermeasure, I try to communicate more naturally, and I give love to others that I don't want to see from time to time." Wow. Okay. I'll try. I'll try harder. I'll try to do that. Yeah. Wow. Okay.
The hokuro. That's fun, right? Yeah. "Tesso uranai hokuro uranai." I really want to go and... "Uranai-shi." To get your hand? Yeah. And red? Do you believe that stuff? Yeah, I do. You do? Okay. Good for you.
That was a harsh comment. Alright. That was fun, though. Yeah. That was fun to check your face and, you know, do that thing. So we finally realized that we both are masakons. The number one news here. Alright. Thank you. Thanks, Mom. Bye-bye.
Bye bye!

