1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 京都でやってしまった事…
2020-10-13 13:47


UNAJUUUUU was good! I don't know how that came out but that was the opening.
Alright, that was a great opening. We just had UNAJUU. Yeah we just had UNAJUU.
As we talked before. Even though I said UNAJUU was good, we gave it a big fat no for repeats, right?
Right. But it was 8 points. You had 8 points. I gave him a 6 points.
6 right? Yeah. 8 is quite high. That's pretty high. I think 8 is pretty high.
Yes, it's a pass line. I was expecting 8 but I gave it a 6.
6 yeah. Alright. So I went on a business trip to Kyoto the other day.
Yeah. Like last week or so.
You heard. Yeah I heard that. I had heard that you were going to Kyoto.
Yeah and the business part wasn't you know wasn't that so so but like I had a free time.
Oh that's nice. And I went to some places. Alright. I went to uh. Where did you visit?
Kiyomizudera. Yeah. I went to Kyoto Station. Kyoto Station? For what? For uh. For Sida site?
Yeah for like seeing how the cities are built. Okay. So you went to the top of the Kyoto Station?
I did actually. Top of the uh. I did go there but what I meant was like around this Kyoto Station.
Like the buildings around it. Like the shopping malls around it. Yeah. All the stuff. The Chika.
Yeah Chika. Right right right right. I ate some uh uh matcha parfaits. Matcha parfaits. Yeah.
You ate some matcha parfaits. I ate matcha parfaits. Yep. And uh and uh Obanzai. Obanzai already.
I ate Obanzai. And uh. What else? What else? The temples maybe? No. No. No. I didn't go to temples.
Well actually you talked about the Kyoto Station right? Yeah. I've been living in Kyoto for
about three years. Yes. And my office was just near from the Kyoto Station. Oh very close then.
Yeah very close. Five minutes walk from the Kyoto Station. So that was where I spent my days.
I went to the top of the Kyoto Station. The um the the chill area. Yeah. That very nice view.
Oh really? Like I hesitated if I. I hesitated to go to the on top of the Kyoto Tower or not. But like
I was. I was. I thought I made the right decision that I didn't go. Not go to Kyoto Station because
the view from the top of the Kyoto Station was so good. That place is free. Free yeah. And like open
till like night right? Yeah. Very late at night. Until like 11 30 or something right? Midnight. Yeah.
That is a pretty nice place. Yeah it was good. Is there any decoration of lighting? No. No it wasn't
any. Okay. No. Like uh you know there are so many stairs. Yeah. And sometimes it it lights up. Lights
up and draw something. Oh. Pictures. It's cute. Like like sometimes says welcome to Kyoto. Oh it's
cute. Like that. Oh Merry Christmas or something like that. Wow. Yeah that that no none of that was
there. But that's a that's pretty cute. Yeah. Kyoto um the place where I had my uh matcha parfait.
Um one of the employees was I was a fan of mine. Oh. Yeah and she was very surprised that I was
there. Of course. We took pictures. That was a fun moment. Yeah. The yeah and uh
have you ever been there before? I've been there before. I've been to uh
I've been there like I think twice. Twice already? Yeah. So not like surprisingly fresh.
No. Experience. No. No. I've been there once with uh with my uh
Sotsugyo ryokou. Oh. I think. What was that? High school sotsugyo. Yeah.
I know. Sotsugyo. And my family. Okay. Yeah. That's the two times I've been there. And um
Kiyomizudera was under construction a little bit. Oh still. Yeah. Yeah.
So yeah it wasn't as uh crowded too. And um
Yeah. You went to uh some bad place huh? Bad place? I mean uh
the Kiyomizudera. At the Kiyomizudera temple you went to. Yeah. Yeah. It's a very scary story. Yeah.
So there's a the other on the back of Kiyomizudera. So there's this little watery place.
There's a well. Yeah. With water pouring down from up above. Okay. It's uh no one really goes there.
I just had the curiosity of going on the back. Not the main main Taki area right? Right. Not the main
Taki area. It's a little small whatever it's called. I don't know what they're calling it in Japanese
either. But like this like water area behind it. And they have this little fuda. Ofuda. Ofuda with
names on it. Oh right. Yeah. Yeah. I at that time I didn't know what that was. But um I took the water
from the well which had the ofuda on it. And I splashed it on my arm because it was hot outside.
And the water was really cool. And I felt good. So I did that several times. And I said thank you.
I did say thank you to whatever it was. Okay. And um I yeah I I splashed some water from the well.
I went back to the main street and then the day finished. Okay. Later on I went uh uh came back to
yeah here. And uh did some recording for youtube. And the the camera guy cameraman
was like hey Kevin uh I'm getting some weird autofocus on your shoulder. Like I'm getting some
autofocus points that really doesn't happen all the time. And I'm getting them on the shoulder.
Like I was like that's when it really connected. Like oh I think it's the wow the time when I splashed
some water from the ofuda. The people who died. Um that's for keep something that within that place.
Like you know if if if there is some some place that so many weird things is happening.
We put like oinori, juman, go pray and put ofuda on it. So that no like evil or you know things will
cannot come. Okay that is thanks to that ofuda protection. So the water that I splashed was
probably could be like the whatever it was holding down. You really could have been released onto me.
Right. But uh I on the day that you know the autofocus happened I freaked out. And uh
like you guys told me to splash some salt. Yeah salt. Yeah and I did that and um that night. And uh
on the next filming yeah uh the autofocus was gone. So I'm hoping that that really solved
whatever the issue was. Yeah that was pretty scary. That was really scary. Yeah it was. Like
and so far nothing's happened to me. So far so okay good. But uh yeah I hope it's uh I hope it
stays normal. Yeah right. I just I really do. Okay. Yeah uh you said you went to uh uh fushiminari
right? No. Yes I went there too. Well actually fushiminari is what like you know there are
kitsune jinja. That was kitsune. Yes. The god is kitsune. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. And I have heard that
at fushiminari they they you know they steal something. They steal something? Yeah kitsune.
They steal something. Kitsune is a stealer in traditional Japanese stories right? Right right.
Yeah right. They pick something. They steal something. Okay. So maybe you
maybe you've been stole something. From like my wallet? Yeah maybe. Well like something.
Oh shit. But like I went to the inari first. Okay. Then went to the kiyomizudera. Oh right.
Does that make a difference? Uh so you've been stolen something from kitsune? Mm-hmm. And you've
got something wrong with you? I got both of that. Yeah. Shit. Oh god. So it's said it's said that.
It's it's yeah it's it's traditional saying right? Yeah. Oh god. Yeah but you're now safe huh? I
hopefully. Nothing wrong happening to you? No not not that I know of. No I don't think so. Okay.
You sleep well? No just like always. Okay then fine. They're fine. They're just like always not
sitting well. Okay. Well all right. I just hope nothing happens you know. All right. What else about
any special things happened to you in Kyoto? In Kyoto? Um. Something some place or you met someone
here you visited some new teppekka place? So I went to uh. Hmm. Not that.
I bought uh.
Oh I ate uh tsujiro matcha sweets too. Oh. I actually ate three matcha sweets on one day.
What? Yeah. The tsujiro ice cream bar matcha ice cream bar and the buffet and at night I ate uh I think
uh um tiramisu matcha tiramisu. Yeah. That's uh. Yeah that's special. Yeah and you're happy. Very happy.
Yeah. That's good to hear. Hope you joined like I hope you were there like I wish you were there.
Why? Sweets? Sweets? Oh come on. Do you ever do like a coffee trip or something? Yeah. Kyoto?
Like coffee trip like to go. Kyoto's good for like matches right? Good for coffees. Oh really good for
coffees too? Coffee's in the bread. Ah so dude going like a coffee trip or something? You mean uh go
in a different town like different place? Well like you're right go especially to get to consume coffee.
Yeah. To get consume good coffee. Like when I was living in Kyoto I would go to the city and
go to one cafe and had coffee. Yeah. And read books. Yeah. And go to the next cafe.
Like coffee trip right? Right? Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay okay. So you don't do you feel like do you actually feel the difference like
not just like the beans are different but like in the way they are being poured in
like the extraction process is different? Yeah. Do you feel the difference? Yeah like especially
if it's hands dripped by the paper or machines ripped. You can feel the difference. Yeah. What about like
hand drip versus like french press or like different aero press? That's different too.
Can you feel the difference? Yeah I can see the difference literally I can see that. Oh the oil
coming. Yeah. Wow floating or not. Wow. God. A little powderness. Professional. Yeah maybe.
And I'm the one who's worked at Starbucks right? Yeah and you're professional huh? Yeah I should be the one
knowing this stuff. All right. All right next episode we're going to talk about Yamachan going
to Guma. Yes. Yep. See you again guys. Bye bye.

