Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's Angus Room PACKAGE!
Oh guys, do you hear this little sound?
Hear that guys?
You know it's Kevin... what is that? Making...
Sausage hot.
Yeah, I'm just cooking the sausages.
Do you like cooking by the way?
I like cooking!
I do, I do. I dream in living in a house with an island kitchen and pretend I'm Gordon Ramsay.
I love Gordon Ramsay.
I do!
You're always making fun of him.
No, I'm respecting him.
What the fuck are you doing?
Okay, thank you.
Where's the lamb sauce?
I love him.
So do you usually cook?
I don't.
I'm sorry, I don't.
I don't usually cook.
But sometimes I like to.
I have energy for it.
But usually I don't.
I knew that didn't make sense at all.
But you like cooking.
I like cooking, I do. I generally enjoy cooking, but I don't do it as often as an average guy.
That's funny.
It takes a lot of energy.
You know what I'm saying?
It takes a lot of...
That means you don't like it.
No, no, no. I love cooking.
I love looking at recipes and being able to control the ingredients.
And making delicious food.
They're good for your wallet too.
Yeah, of course.
So I like cooking.
But I don't do them a lot.
I just don't do them.
I enjoy them, but I don't do them a lot.
But hey, do you like going to the movies?
Yeah, I like.
Do you go there every day?
Not every day.
Exactly, right? That's what I'm talking about.
No, but you eat every day, right?
You like going to the movie theaters, but you don't do them every day.
You don't do them every week.
You just do it occasionally.
Once every two or three.
I'm not talking about that kind of thing.
You eat every day, right?
That's exactly the same thing.
No, you eat every day.
Three times a day, right?
Okay, you got me.
Look at how he cooks his sausages.
So what's the point of cooking sausages?
Do you have any tip?
They're better because they're warmer.
That's the only reason.
No, I was asking, do you have any tips when you...
Oh, tips?
Well, you just gotta get the heat in the very middle of the sausage.
Because it's thick.
This thing's thick, so you don't want a cold center in a burnt outer layer.
So you want to do them with very low heat.
You want to steadily give them a very weak heat over time.
Make it overall hot.
Oh, okay.
So that's why you're shaking your pans.
No, I'm just doing this because it's fun.
It looks fun.
And I think you're firing.
Yeah, I think my fire's out.
I was shaking my pan while the fire was out.
I did not notice that.
You were just shaking your pan.
Just for fun.
This happens a lot.
This automatically cuts off heat.
For safety reasons.
Oh, that's the reason?
I think so.
Yeah, I was wondering.
The sound was off.
It was quiet.
Another question from the...
Thank you as always.
So, do you have a preference for clothing?
Yeah, I do.
I do, I do, I do.
You're famous for...
It's out again.
You shouldn't shake your pan, maybe.
You're famous for...
As in fashion leader, right?
100%, man.
Yeah, you're fucking legit.
Legit fashion leader.
So, as a point of...
Fashion leader.
What's the most important thing to you?
About fashion.
Okay, the most important thing about fashion is that...
When you're into fashion, I think one of the...
Biggest factors is that...
Are you...
You're good at yourself or not?
That is the biggest factor of fashion.
Fashion is a way to fucking express yourself.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Okay, one day you get up.
You wear a shirt.
You wear a white shirt.
That's saying something, man.
That is saying...
That's expressing yourself.
You're already expressing yourself to the outer world.
What do you express?
That you want to wear a white shirt.
That's not you.
You wake up one day.
And then you wear short pants.
Short pants.
Do you wear short pants?
I do. I have short pants.
Like right here.
Just below the dick.
I think that shouldn't be...
Okay, go ahead.
Put a beef in there.
That's saying something too.
Oh really? What did it say?
You're saying that the temperature is hot.
That's saying something, man.
That's you expressing yourself.
Yeah, but it's not expressing...
To the outer world.
I'm sorry.
With all due respect,
I thought that's a little bit different.
The way you're using the word.
Express yourself.
No, no, no.
You know...
You're wearing your white shirt.
That express that you want to wear the white shirt.
You're saying that it looks good on me.
Yeah, but...
Okay, okay, okay.
I think I misunderstood something.
This is fashion.
This is like...
The highest level of fashion.
I'm sorry.
You gotta make sure...
That you're respecting the game.
You're not respecting the game.
I can see you respecting any of the games.
Are you here with me right now?
Are you here with me?
I think we're in a different level.
I can't feel you with me.
I didn't reach the level.
I want you to be here with me.
You're not in the game.
You're looking outside from the stadium.
You gotta get in the field, man.
Are you in the field with me?
Yes, I wanna...
Let's eat these sausages then.
Alright, so...
So here's nothing special.
This is fashion, basically.
He was talking about.
I buy my...
...clothes at Uniqlo.
So that's saying something, huh?
That is saying something.
That's saying that I like Uniqlo.
That's the message I wanna put out to the world.
Do you want ketchup with your sausages?
What? No, no, no.
No, thank you. I want mustard, by the way.
Super mustard?
Black pepper?
I don't think I have mustard.
Do you have pepper?
Black pepper? Yeah, I got pepper.
We got these right here.
Black pepper? Nice.
Do they go good? I've never had sausages with black pepper.
Oh, really?
Do you put it in like a... Do you dip your sausage in pepper?
No, no.
Do you spray them on the top?
Actually, I do.
On the pan, usually.
This. Yeah.
Thank you.
What's your...
...special dish, Chef?
Um, rice.
Um, rice?
Dude, is that...
...omurice? Is Japanese cuisine or...
I think it's Japanese cuisine.
Yeah, because it's rice, right?
Rice to roll up in eggs.
Oh, right, right.
So I think it's Japanese, Asian kinda.
Okay. Oh, it's ready.
Let's eat some sausages, man. Thank you.
I'm gonna need some ketchup, so I'm gonna...
Yeah, you should... Yo, go ahead.
I make perfect omurice.
The sausages, right?
Oh, I got this.
You want this? Yellow mustard?
Yeah, you can put it here.
Put it on the side for me.
I'm gonna get the ketchup here.
Why do you eat this with...
...without bread?
I mean, you... you ate bread...
...without anything, just only with bread, right?
Yeah, I just, uh... yeah, I just ate...
...a loaf of bread. White loaf of bread.
Is that strange to you?
Well, with sausages...
...would be much...
At that time, I didn't...
...I didn't feel like eating sausages. That was the only reason.
Mm, nice.
Not bad?
What's that special sauce called?
I went to a barbecue...
...with my...
...colleagues last week.
And they were...
Yeah, I brought it home.
So it's not, like, special.
I've never had one of those, um...
...Johnsonville sausages.
You know what those are?
Those thick... thick ones.
Have you had them?
Let's just...
Is it...
Does it go good with alcohol?
Oh, it's hot, by the way.
Yeah, it's hot.
We made a soup...
...sausage soup.
My house... I mean, my parents' house...
We used the, um...
...Johnsonville kind of sausage.
That was so good.
It's a bit expensive.
Yeah, I think so.
It is.
But it's worth it.
It's worth it?
Try them.
Do you like, um...
Do you like hot dogs?
Hot dogs, huh?
Hot dogs give me headaches.
It does.
The amount of oil...
...gives me headaches.
Yeah. It does.
I thought American people eat hot dogs, like, every day.
They do.
But I can't.
I don't like the sausages.
The sausages that hot dogs use...
...gives me headaches.
I don't know why.
I don't know why.
You can eat this sausage.
Yeah, I'm okay with that.
I just can't do it.
Is that different?
I think so.
Can I finish that?
Yeah, you can.
Eat it away.
I feel like we're recording.
We are, man.
Oh, and it's been like 10 minutes.
It's been a quite...
...daily situation.
Wow, that was like no topic at all.
It's me ranting my fashion.
So you're wearing a red...
Yeah, I'm wearing a red T-shirt with blue stripe on it.
So what does it say?
It's saying that I feel...
I feel like I want to be in the ocean.
But like...
But it's way too hot.
80% of my body is just...
...the sun.
That's what it's saying.
Oh, that's true.
That's saying something, man.
What I'm saying?
It's saying that you want to wear a black T-shirt.
You feel like today...
...you're wearing a black T-shirt.
That's what it's saying.
You are right.
I know I'm right.
When it comes to fashion, just ask me anything.
Call me fashionista.
Thank you.
Thanks guys.
I'll be sure to...
...post my daily fashion on Instagram.
Please check that out.
My one point tip...
...on fashion.
Really, really funny.
It's going to be a hit show.
Kevin's one point fashion.
Alright. Thanks for listening again, guys.