1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 玉葱を大量消費したい
2020-07-29 13:11


Hey guys welcome back to Kebed's English friend podcast
With Yama-chan
So uh did you use my um tamanegi that I gave you?
Oh yes
The shin tamanegi I gave you?
Yes yes
They were really really delicious
They were so sweet
Very glad you liked it
Thank you so much I had a great time
I gave you four?
Like four yeah
Did you use them all?
Oh I... one is left
You got one? Wow you used a lot
What'd you cook?
Uh pepperoncino thing
Like tomato spaghetti thing
And basically the pasta things
Because you love pasta right?
I love pasta
Because you cook pasta
Yeah and it's quite easy right?
I'm kind of being professional pasta cooker right now
Yeah you are
Because I've been cooking this kind of pasta cuisine for you know
For four years or five years
That is some hardcore experience
If somebody were to give you a vegetable would you enjoy the most?
Like let's say your grandma sent you vegetables right?
Or tomato
Is that your most favorite vegetable?
Well actually near my parents house
There is one like garden like farmer Nakamura san
Nakamura san?
It's Nakamura san
Oh the name of the person Nakamura san
Is farmer and selling the vegetables that he or she like try to grow there
Oh is he like a professional?
Professional yeah
Professional farmer
No not one of my friends or anything
There's a professional farmer and they have tomatoes and cucumbers and so many other vegetables
But the tomatoes they are selling is extremely unbelievably tasty
It's really really good
Are they sweet?
Well it's sweet and it's how do you say suppai?
Yeah it's sweet and sour a little bit and it tastes really tomato
It tastes so much I mean it's really tomato
Does a good characteristic of a tomato include sweetness?
Right elicopin things
Okay and they must be very healthy and very fresh
And it's really red it's really tomato it's 100 like 200 percent of tomato
Maximum potential
Right I feel that it's really really great
Do you use your tomatoes on your pastas?
What do you mean how?
How do you smash them like do you smush them?
I cut them
Wait wait wait wait wait wait
What do you mean?
What okay after you cut your tomatoes how do you how do you do that how do you cook your tomatoes?
What are you asking me like
What do you do okay what what
I can't imagine how
To use tomato
I've never I've never had tomatoes in my pastas
Oh really?
Have you ever like have you ever eaten like tomato pasta?
Yes but they're it's it's already made so I've never I've never cooked them from the very beginning
Okay well okay basically you have your tomato on the plate I mean the mana ita
How should I say the mana ita?
Cutting board
Cutting board right and get your hojo knife and cut that
Yeah I think you're going a little bit
Because I don't know what's the point I mean
You cut it like dice size?
Yeah dice size or like the rounded size
Rounded size?
I mean not rounded just you know cut this like this way
Yeah yeah yeah the the the watermelon
Yeah right right right wait wait wait wait wait wait how do you okay let's go with the watermelon
Okay okay
You cut that in the watermelon I think do you put that in your frying can or
Wow does it look at so pastas need some sort of like a liquidy kind of thing right right to go with the pasta
I don't think the tomato would help it doesn't release any liquid it's not like
Well they do
Oh they do?
Yeah but when I cut tomatoes into watermelon shape I mean that's for like eat that tomato
Okay okay so you have a separate
Make that into sauce
You add something separate to make it make it saucy
Right like we have meat we have like oils we have onions maybe
Okay I understand got it got it yeah you got it got it got it
But but as you said we can smash that tomato so that makes it
And then make it a paste
Yeah okay that okay that was just me just not not having the experience of
Oh really?
Cooking a tomato on pastas
Oh well that's easy it's not that complicated just just cut and put that into your frying can
Do you add um the the the spicy ones like what what was it
The red ring
Oh yeah togarashi
Togarashi I do oh wait you don't you don't
Yeah but I do
Oh you do do
Yeah when I make pepecino thing
You can eat that
Yeah it's
You're okay?
I can control the hotness spiciness so it's it's good for me
With the amount of
Right right
So I don't
You put in
Right a little bit amount of that
But I like that taste the spicy taste so I just add a little bit
Got it got it got it
Are you gonna eat pasta today?
After my return
Do you want more?
Of what?
Of my tamanegi
Oh really I would be really happy
Let me check if I have enough daikon
Yeah I have five
Oh really?
Yeah I'll give you like two
Really are you sure?
I'll be more than happy
Yeah same here please take that
But if you're suffering to use that onions
You know they are the easiest way of cooking onions
Yes tell me
Is is like put your onions in like okay cut your onion into half
And put that into your little bit deep bowl
Tall enough to fill the whole
Tamanegi okay
And you put like ham ham ham or bacon
Between the onions
Because we cut into two pieces
Okay so you're sandwiching the ham with the onions
Right and put a little bit of consomme powder
Or block will be fine
And if you have your put your leaf like oregano
But you don't have that you don't have to
And put wrap on and put that into the microwave
In five minutes or ten minutes I don't know but then it will be so delicious
You need to add a little salt on it and pepper of course
Wait wait wait wait so
And also if it's shintamanegi that'll be great
How much ham or bacon do you need?
Oh as you like
Do you put it wait wait wait I don't understand
I so it's like a hamburger
Well it's not like
Except the buns are an onion right?
Is that what I'm right is this am I getting it?
Yeah yeah right
Where do you put where do you put your consomme?
Uh on top
Because actually it will be kind of soup like onion in inside of soup like
It will get so liquidy
We never added water
But don't add water
No no but shintamanegi has so many liquidness inside of it
Got it got it
When heat that
The juice is going to come out
It's going to be like soup kind of
Right right
Oh you should do that
I'm gonna try that
That's that's interesting
All right all right so I guess for like five minutes maybe
Yeah I want like ten minutes
Ten minutes
I don't know but but
I don't know that's depends on you
Right yeah I'll check check with them actually how how it's like when I open up
I got it I got it
I don't do that it's quite simple and tasty
I should
I used to do like um
Back when you were living near me
My grandfather would still keep sending me onions
And I researched my own way of consuming the onions
Because I was the only one who I can consume that
The one I remember was like I cut it into fourth
But like you don't cut it all the way
You still leave the end part
So it's all stuck together
But it's like flour right
You put butter I guess
Butter on top
Just just butter and you put salt
Black pepper and you microwave it
That was good too
That's kind of the same
Yeah the same concept right
Yeah that was so good too
That seems great
So your most favorite vegetable is tomatoes
Do you what's your favorite what's the most enjoyable fruit?
Fruit to me?
Steak and fruit with salad
You know actually I think it's French cuisine
But it's called steak and fruit
You don't have to point that out it's French pronunciation
Okay you have that you have steak
And French fries
French fries here
And we have salad
And that's the plate
That's hamburger plate for you I think
My question was fruit
Fruit yeah sorry I got that
Oh fruit okay fruit
I like almost every fruit actually but
You know fruit is good
Okay they're all good
What is your favorite fruit?
Is that different
From American peaches from Japanese momo is that different?
No that is same
Same okay
Why do you like momo?
They're lovely
Are you talking about the looks?
Okay the color?
The juiciness
The the amount of liquid inside and like the softness
I just love I just love everything about it
Oh I've never seen you eating momo before
Because they're very expensive
Oh yeah
I guess that's what makes it special too the price
For special time only kind of price range
You can't buy that on a daily basis
Oh okay of course
Okay we'll wrap it up with with you telling us what your favorite food is
Oh okay um let me say uh uh mangoes
All right that was the episode guys mangoes bye-bye guys

