1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカのファーストフードで..
2020-06-28 09:24


Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of the podcast. I'm I'm your host Kevin. I'm here with Yamachan
Yamachan and he is eating his dinner again. And uh, I wanted to tell me what happened here
So you've microwaved your lunchbox? Okay. Yeah, and I see that you overheated like at all the time like every time
I don't like this thing through in half. So what do you mean two and half like two minutes and 30 minutes?
Two minutes and a half 30 seconds, but look the bottom of your lunchbox is still cold. Oh, really? Look touch the bottom
Oh my god, but the top of it. So the thing is we have to put this into microwave
Do you have three minutes? Obviously? No, because look look at the lid because look at the lid but you know touch the bottom
It's still cool. Yeah, I know it's so cold. So maybe you have to like mix it a little bit just
With your chopsticks mix it up. Well, I actually did two and half because you said three minutes is too long
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but the fact
Is two and a half is not enough. I
Think so. I think you should do one minute mix it and then do a one minute. Oh, that's like the perfect formula
for lunchbox heating
Like okay, so I think the top of your lunchbox is still very hot
So maybe you should like mix it up and then like blend together the cold ones and the hot ones
Yeah, but it's make it milder still delicious
Okay, that's good. Even if it's cold. Okay, okay
What'd you get for the what's good for this one? This is pretty much like on do you know this this little food?
I don't know what the name is kitty push back. I've heard of it
I know what it looks like, but I know this was called the kitty push daikon. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, I've had that before many time many times. Yeah many times
Yeah, they're good. Yeah, really? They're they're great
I mean, I don't like crave for them, but they're good
Like if it was in the side of my lunchbox, I would gladly eat it. You know
You know contains so many fibers. It does it does so it's really good for you. Mm-hmm
Stomach and soul. Yeah, no American food is very unhealthy for your body. Japanese foods are very healthy, you know
You've got lots of ingredients and do you think so? Yeah, I do I do
Americans say Japanese people are really healthy because of the the food culture, right?
They use a lots of like me so good for your body. Oh, yeah
It's a dashi good for your body like everything's based on so many vegetables, right vegetables rice - that's good for your body
Right rice rice. I don't know right right. I don't think probably better than bread, right? I don't know
Yeah, it's true. I have heard that now the Japanese food is you know kind of trend it is
Oh, yeah, like matcha, right? Exactly. Yeah, not for example, like healthy food, but like matcha really isn't
it's marketed in a way that's like
Just super food, you know how how superfood is marketed in Japan, right?
It's got all the things that you need for your body to be healthy and all that shit. Yeah, like
Yeah, right. So yes. Yeah, I just eat whatever that shit is
Um, that's what's that's that's how it's being marketed in United States like matcha. It's it's healthy food
Right. We we as Japanese love it because it tastes good, right? The taste of much is fantastic, right?
Right, but that's not how it's marketed in the United States. It's more
more lean towards the healthy side more leans towards the
The the the the nutrient side that's that's that's the that's the upside that the US people are marketing really?
Yeah, but I don't think matter contains so many
Great things exactly exactly. That's that's the thing
That is the thing man, it's messed up hmm, right
How do you like have you ever tried matcha before you came to Japan, yes
My father loves matcha ice cream. Hmm. My father my father's an ice cream maniac
Yeah, he loves ice cream do you
Exactly. I guess that's DNA things like that. So like
When you go to Walmart, I don't know if you've been Walmart or been to any store in United States, yeah
Well, yeah, yeah you you can buy these huge carton of ice cream
like I know in Japan like when you try to buy ice cream the biggest like package you can buy is like like
Stick ice creams that are packaged into sixth of them, right? Right, right
That's like right. It's like the biggest pack of ice cream goodbye
But like in the United States you can buy like a whole gallon of ice cream like two or three liters of ice cream
That's too much. That is yeah, it seems too much in here, but that's how they sell their ice creams in the United States
Like when you go to Walmart or any other supermarkets, that's how they sell their ice cream huge pack and um
We've always had like two or three of those in our refrigerators. Really? Right two or three gallons of
your family's
Crazy. Yes. Yes. Yes, especially my father and
The his favorite flavor was matcha. So we always go to like they don't sell matcha in like Walmart or you know
Like the local supermarket, so we have to drive two hours into Atlanta. Oh my god, right to buy
Not only because you know, we wanted the match ice cream
We went to like a Japanese school right Sundays and Saturdays only Saturday only Saturday Japanese school. I went to Atlanta. Oh
Right for once a week
But don't that only lasts like two years
Right the ROI was not very high
So during the stay right during the stay in Atlanta
It's my father during me attending school. My father has nothing to do
So he like drive around Atlanta buy some Japanese stuff because there's a whole Japanese town, right?
You know, just like Chinatown in Los Angeles and other stuff. There's the Japanese town
So we go there and then we buy whatever ingredients like the Japanese ingredients
We couldn't also rent Japanese DVDs from there right like the newest DVDs
Yeah, or like drama like TVS drama which is that every drama right the newest one is
DVD is ripped from Japan and it's
It's imported to United States and we buy them and we've watched them
So that's why we that's why we I knew what the taste of matcha was like. Mm-hmm. Yeah
from when I was little
They loved it. So you talked about the size in America and the United States. Yeah, I know it's way too big
Mm-hmm. Like I remember once I went McDonald's. Yeah store and I saw that there was a small size
yeah medium size yeah and L size and also the
kind of super huge
Like size, right? You guys I yeah, I think there's a mega size like that. I was like the extra large size
Yeah, it's interesting and you know what funny thing is like it's refill free
Well, it's yeah every fast food place in America is usually refill free
What I mean is refill free so you can refill however many times you want just like Taco Bell's in Japan
Have you entered Taco Bell's in Japan? No, okay, so there's this refilling machine
okay, okay, you know like okay, let's say McDonald's right or like
Like if it's not in McDonald's you write like french fries you've got friends
Okay, I like l size and you once you finish you you go to the register again. Yeah, and and tell the
Vendor, uh-huh, please refill. Okay, so french fries aren't refillable
I'm just talking about the drink or drink right just a drink and you know how you know the machine in McDonald's where like it
Has all the labels of the drinks. They're available or inside the right exactly in the United States
That's outside the counter anyone anyone can access that
So if you buy drink say, okay you get coke right you get coca-cola they give you whatever size you order, right?
Let's say medium. They give me a medium cup with
It means nothing if it's a size or else exactly right that's that's strange, right? Yeah
Why would anyone choose l size right if they're all refillable right exactly, right?
They have to pay for the big size because you can refill that they buy it because it's fucking lazy as shit man. That's
Crazy fucking
Culture, right?
They buy they literally buy an L size because they're too lazy to get up in their seat
And they don't want to refill it. They don't want to do that
Movement they don't want to walk over to that refilling section. That's why they get an extra l-size
Coca-cola, I understand. I know it's crazy, right?
So we buy small size every time we feel yeah, that's not yeah
It's crazy
All right, that's about ten minutes hmm, all right see you again in next episode bye-bye guys

