1. Daily Easy English Expression Podcast
  2. 0825 Daily Easy English Less..
2017-11-01 11:06

0825 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—WYSIWYG

Happy November!! Do you have any special plans for this month? Tell us! Me? Thanksgiving! Check-ups... CHRISTMAS TREE shopping!! That's about it. AND...more English lessons for you all^^ Enjoy today's lesson--COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS will know this expression, but some business people should, too. Everyone else, learn the expression in the second half of the podcast! Have a great day! Coach Shane   Today’s English expression and dialog: WYSIWYG What’s the best type of politician? Ha! Well…a “what you see is what you get” politician would be best. What does that mean?                          WYSIWYG. One with no surprises. If he says something, he does it. No secrets. No lies.     Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:

