1. Daily Easy English Expression Podcast
  2. 0824 Daily Easy English Less..
2017-10-31 06:56

0824 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—jumped me

Happy Halloween! Do you believe in ghosts and goblins and headless horsemen and the Great Pumpkin? If you do, then you are probably LOVING today!! Our newsletter goes out tonight--some GREAT Halloween pictures! And it's also the final day of our OCTOBER Pre-2018 Sale. All that information in the newsletter tonight! Have a super week! Coach Shane     Today’s English expression and dialog: jumped me   How was your hike? Not too good? I was so scared.       What happened? I saw some punks. I thought they were gonna jump me.   Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:

